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47 lines (41 loc) · 2.52 KB
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Every Wiki Should Have a Jargon File, and for this wiki, this is it.

Since this file is not organized in any particular manner, it would be wise to employ Ctrl-f to search this document for the desired term.

The use of jargon files to store a list of words and, their definitions can be traced back to the early days of the internet, when jargon files were created by users of a particular bulletin board to inform new users of terminology they might not be familiar with.

Definition of Terms:

  • Hacking = To use an item in a manner in which it was not intended.
  • Newb = Someone who is just learning. In reality, we are all just newbs.
  • Tard = "Nobody goes full retard, nobody."
  • Tater = A term of endearment used to refer to someone the speaker is fond of.
  • Repo = Short for software repository, or a place where software source is stored.
  • BSD = Short for The "Berkley Software Distribution", the first freely available unix.
  • Dennis Ritchie = An early forefather of modern computing, who earned a nobel prize for his work on c++.
  • VCS = Abbreviation for Version Control System
  • CVS = Abbreviation for "Concurrent Versioning System", one of many version control systems available.
  • SVN = Abbreviation for "Subversion Versioning Control System", a early version control systems available.
  • BBS = Abbreviation for "Bulletin Board System", a predecessor to the modern day forum. Still in use and thriving.
  • TFIDF or TF-IDF = Abbreviation for "term frequency-inverse document frequency", a statistical value intended to reflect the importance of a particular word or phrase in a document.
  • NLP = Abbreviation for "Natural Lanaguage Processing", An approach to giving computers the ability to understand the spoken or written word.
  • SAAS = Abbreviation for "Software as a service". A less than revolutionary approach to providing software to the end user without the need for the user to run an operating system to use that software. Saas is generally considered to be cross-distribution, meaning compatilibility is not reliant on what operating system the user uses.
  • Social Engineering = The use of social media networks to acquire information.
  • OSINT = Abbreviation for "Open Source Informational Technology".
  • Box = This term, in general, refers to a desktop computer or a server that is not already employed in a dedicated use.