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23 lines (19 loc) · 1.14 KB

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23 lines (19 loc) · 1.14 KB
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Alternative Web Browsers

Web browsers had a very humble beginning, and in that beginning the available options could be counted with only a few fingers. Everyone has heard of Firefox, Edge, and Chrome, these are the big players on the field. If you run linux, then you have experienced some of the lesser known options available, like Konqueror and Midori. Even a few of you command line warriors have used lynx or links.

Here are a few "alternative" choices. These browsers are lesser known, sometimes striped down to the bare essentials, and often keyboard driven. They represent a different approach to surfing the web, an approach that provides you only with what you really need.

  1. Surf - A part of the suckless tools suite
  2. luakit - A web browser completely in lua.
  3. badwolf - A new take on the minimalist browser.