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Proof-of-stake objects and transactions

Epoched data

Epoched data is data associated with a specific epoch that is set in advance. The data relevant to the PoS system in the ledger's state are epoched. Each data can be uniquely identified. These are:

  • System parameters. Discrete values for each epoch in which the parameters have changed.
  • Validator sets. Discrete values for each epoch.
  • Total voting power. A sum of all validators' voting power, excluding jailed validators. A delta value for each epoch.
  • Validators' consensus key, state and total bonded tokens. Identified by the validator's address.
  • Bonds are created by self-bonding and delegations. They are identified by the pair of source address and the validator's address.

Changes to the epoched data do not take effect immediately. Instead, changes in epoch n are queued to take effect in the epoch n + pipeline_length for most cases and n + pipeline_length + unbonding_length + cubic_slash_window_width for unbonding actions. Should the same validator's data or same bonds (i.e. with the same identity) be updated more than once in the same epoch, the later update overrides the previously queued-up update. For bonds and unbonds, the token amounts are added up. Once the epoch n has ended, the queued-up updates for epoch n + pipeline_length are final and the values become immutable.

Additionally, any account may submit evidence for a slashable misbehavior.


A validator must have a public consensus key.

A validator may be in one of the following states:

  • inactive: A validator is not being considered for block creation and cannot receive any new delegations.
  • candidate: A validator is considered for block creation and can receive delegations.

For each validator (in any state), the system also tracks total bonded tokens as a sum of the tokens in their self-bonds and delegated bonds. The total bonded tokens determine their voting voting power by multiplication by the votes_per_token parameter. The voting power is used for validator selection for block creation and is used in governance related activities.

Validator actions

  • become validator: Any account that is not a validator already and that doesn't have any delegations may request to become a validator. It is required to provide a public consensus key. For the action applied in epoch n, the validator's state will be set to candidate for epoch n + pipeline_length and the consensus key is set for epoch n + pipeline_length.
  • deactivate: Only a validator whose state at or before the pipeline_length offset is candidate account may deactivate. For this action applied in epoch n, the validator's account is set to become inactive in the epoch n + pipeline_length.
  • reactivate: Only an inactive validator may reactivate. Similarly to become validator action, for this action applied in epoch n, the validator's state will be set to candidate for epoch n + pipeline_length.
  • self-bond: A validator may lock-up tokens into a bond only for its own validator's address.
  • unbond: Any self-bonded tokens may be partially or fully unbonded.
  • withdraw unbonds: Unbonded tokens may be withdrawn in or after the unbond's epoch.
  • change consensus key: Set the new consensus key. When applied in epoch n, the key is set for epoch n + pipeline_length.
  • change commission rate: Set the new commission rate. When applied in epoch n, the new value will be set for epoch n + pipeline_length. The commission rate change must be within the max_commission_rate_change limit set by the validator.

Validator sets

A candidate validator that is not jailed (see slashing) can be in one of the three sets:

  • consensus - consensus validator set, capacity limited by the max_validator_slots parameter
  • below_capacity - validators below consensus capacity, but above the threshold set by min_validator_stake parameter
  • below_threshold - validators with stake below min_validator_stake parameter

From all the candidate validators, in each epoch the ones with the most voting power limited up to the max_validator_slots parameter are selected for the consensus validator set. Whenever stake of a validator is changed, the validator sets must be updated at the appropriate offset matching the stake update.

The limit on min_validator_stake parameter is introduced, because the protocol needs to iterate through the validator sets in order to copy the last known state into a new epoch when epoch changes (to avoid offloading this cost to a transaction that is unlucky enough to be the first one to update the validator set(s) in some new epoch) and also to distribute rewards to consensus validators and to record unchanged validator products for validators below_capacity, who do not receive rewards in the current epoch.


A delegator may have any number of delegations to any number of validators. Delegations are stored in bonds.

Delegator actions

  • delegate: An account which is not a validator may delegate tokens to any number of validators. This will lock-up tokens into a bond.
  • undelegate: Any delegated tokens may be partially or fully unbonded.
  • withdraw unbonds: Unbonded tokens may be withdrawn in or after the unbond's epoch.


A bond locks-up tokens from validators' self-bonding and delegators' delegations. For self-bonding, the source address is equal to the validator's address. Only validators can self-bond. For a bond created from a delegation, the bond's source is the delegator's account.

For each epoch, bonds are uniquely identified by the pair of source and validator's addresses. A bond created in epoch n is written into epoch n + pipeline_length. If there already is a bond in the epoch n + pipeline_length for this pair of source and validator's addresses, its tokens are incremented by the newly bonded amount.

Any bonds created in epoch n increment the bond's validator's total bonded tokens by the bond's token amount and update the voting power for epoch n + pipeline_length.

The tokens put into a bond are immediately deducted from the source account.


An unbonding action (validator unbond or delegator undelegate) requested by the bond's source account in epoch n creates an "unbond" with withdrawable epoch set to n + pipeline_length + unbounding_length + cubic_slash_window_width. We also store the epoch of the bond(s) from which the unbond is created in order to determine if the unbond should be slashed if a fault occurred within the range of bond epoch (inclusive) and withdrawable epoch (exclusive). The "bond" from which the tokens are being unbonded is decremented in-place (in whatever epoch it was created in).

Any unbond that is initiated in epoch n decrements the bond validator's stake (voting power) starting at epoch n + pipeline_length, with slashing applied. The token amount that is decremented is equal to the unbonded token amount, minus the amount of tokens that has already been slashed.

An "unbond" with withdrawable epoch set to n may be withdrawn by the bond's source address in or any time after the epoch n. Once withdrawn, the unbond is deleted and the tokens are credited to the source account. Slashed tokens for the relevant unbond are also recomputed during withdrawing, as it is possible that new slashes that affect the unbond were discovered after the initialization of the unbond. After computing the number of tokens to be slashed from the total unbonded token amount, the slashed token amount is transferred from the PoS address to the slash pool address, while the remaining token amount is transferred from the PoS address to the bond's source address.

Unlike bonding and unbonding where token changes are delayed to some future epochs (pipeline or unbonding offset), the token withdrawal applies immediately, as these withdrawable tokens are no longer contributing to any validator's stake at this point.


An important part of the security model of Namada is based on making attacking the system very expensive. To this end, the validator who has bonded stake will eventually be slashed once an offense has been detected.

These are the types of offenses:

  • Equivocation in consensus
    • voting: a validator has submitted two votes that are conflicting
    • block production: a block producer has created two different blocks for the same height
  • Invalidity:
    • voting: validators have voted on invalid block
    • block production: a block producer has produced invalid block (when supported by Comet)

Unavailability is not considered an offense, but a validator who hasn't voted will not receive rewards.

Once an offense has been reported:

  1. Kicking out
  2. Slashing
  • Individual: Once someone has reported an offense it is reviewed by validators and if confirmed the offender is slashed.
  • cubic slashing: escalated slashing

Instead of absolute values, validators' total bonded token amounts and bonds' and unbonds' token amounts are stored as their deltas (i.e. the change of quantity from a previous epoch) to allow distinguishing changes for different epoch, which is essential for determining whether tokens should be slashed. Slashes for a fault that occurred in epoch n may only be applied before the beginning of epoch n + unbonding_length. For this reason, in epoch m we can sum all the deltas of total bonded token amounts and bonds and unbond with the same source and validator for epoch equal or less than m - unbonding_length into a single total bonded token amount, single bond and single unbond record. This is to keep the total number of total bonded token amounts for a unique validator and bonds and unbonds for a unique pair of source and validator bound to a maximum number (equal to unbonding_length).

To disincentivize validators misbehavior in the PoS system a validator may be slashed for any fault that it has done. An evidence of misbehavior may be submitted by any account for a fault that occurred in epoch n anytime before the beginning of epoch n + unbonding_length.

A valid evidence reduces the validator's total bonded token amount by the slash rate in and before the epoch in which the fault occurred. The validator's voting power must also be adjusted to the slashed total bonded token amount. Additionally, a slash is stored with the misbehaving validator's address and the relevant epoch in which the fault occurred. When an unbond is being withdrawn, we first look-up if any slash occurred within the range of epochs in which these were active and if so, reduce its token amount by the slash rate. Note that bonds and unbonds amounts are not slashed until their tokens are withdrawn.

The invariant is that the sum of amounts that may be withdrawn from a misbehaving validator must always add up to the total bonded token amount.


An initial validator set with self-bonded token amounts must be given on system initialization.

This set is used to initialize the genesis state with epoched data active immediately (from the first epoch).

System parameters

The default values that are relative to epoch duration assume that an epoch last about 24 hours.

  • max_validator_slots: Maximum consensus validators, default 128
  • min_validator_stake: Minimum stake of a validator that allows the validator to enter the consensus or below_capacity sets, in number of native tokens. Because the inflation system targets a bonding ratio of 2/3, the minimum should be somewhere around total_supply * 2/3 / max_validator_slots, but it can and should be much lower to lower the entry cost, as long as it's enough to prevent validation account creation spam that could slow down PoS system update on epoch change
  • pipeline_len: Pipeline length in number of epochs, default 2, see this link
  • unboding_len: Unbonding duration in number of epochs, default 6
  • cubic_slash_window_width: The number of epochs above and below the current one in which to collect misbehaviors for use in computing the cubic slash rate, default 1.
  • votes_per_token: Used in validators' voting power calculation, default 100‱ (1 voting power unit per 1000 tokens)
  • duplicate_vote_slash_rate: Portion of validator's stake that should be slashed on a duplicate vote
  • light_client_attack_slash_rate: Portion of validator's stake that should be slashed on a light client attack


The system parameters are written into the storage to allow for their changes. Additionally, each validator may record a new parameters value under their sub-key that they wish to change to, which would override the systems parameters when more than 2/3 voting power are in agreement on all the parameters values.

The validators' data are keyed by the their addresses, conceptually:

type Validators = HashMap<Address, Validator>;

Epoched data are stored in a structure, conceptually looking like this:

struct Epoched<Data> {
  /// The epoch in which this data was last updated
  last_update: Epoch,
  /// How many epochs of historical data to keep, this is `0` in most cases
  /// except for validator `total_deltas` and `total_unbonded`, in which 
  /// historical data for up to `pipeline_length + unbonding_length - 1` is 
  /// needed to be able to apply any slashes that may occur.
  /// The value is not actually stored with the data, it's either constant 
  /// value or resolved from PoS parameters on which it may depends.
  past_epochs_to_store: u64,
  /// An ordered map in which the head is the data for epoch in which 
  /// the `last_update - past_epochs_to_store` was performed and every
  /// consecutive epoch up to a required length. For system parameters, 
  /// and all the epoched data 
  /// `LENGTH = past_epochs_to_store + pipeline_length + 1`, 
  /// with exception of unbonds, for which 
  /// `LENGTH = past_epochs_to_store + pipeline_length + unbonding_length + 1`.
  data: Map<Epoch, Option<Data>>

Note that not all epochs will have data set, only the ones in which some changes occurred. The only exception to this are the consensus and below_capacity validator sets, which are written on a new epoch from the latest state into the new epoch by the protocol. This is so that a transaction never has to update the whole validator set when it hasn't changed yet in the current epoch, which would require a copy of the last epoch data and that copy would additionally have to be verified by the PoS validity predicate.

To try to look-up a value for Epoched data with discrete values in each epoch (such as the consensus validator set) in the current epoch n:

  1. read the data field at epoch n:
    1. if there's a value at n return it
    2. else if n == last_update - past_epochs_to_store, return None
    3. else decrement n and repeat this sub-step from 1.

To look-up a value for Epoched data with delta values in the current epoch n:

  1. sum all the values that are not None in the last_update - past_epochs_to_store .. n epoch range bounded inclusively below and above

To update a value in Epoched data with discrete values in epoch n with value new for epoch m:

  1. let epochs_to_clear = min(n - last_update, LENGTH)
  2. if epochs_to_clear == 0:
    1. data[m] = new
  3. else:
    1. for i in last_update - past_epochs_to_store .. last_update - past_epochs_to_store + epochs_to_clear range bounded inclusively below and exclusively above, set data[i] = None
    2. set data[m] = new
    3. set last_update to the current epoch

To update a value in Epoched data with delta values in epoch n with value delta for epoch m:

  1. let epochs_to_sum = min(n - last_update, LENGTH)
  2. if epochs_to_sum == 0:
    1. set data[m] = data[m].map_or_else(delta, |last_delta| last_delta + delta) (add the delta to the previous value, if any, otherwise use the delta as the value)
  3. else:
    1. let sum to be equal to the sum of all delta values in the last_update - past_epochs_to_store .. last_update - past_epochs_to_store + epochs_to_sum range bounded inclusively below and exclusively above and set data[i] = None
    2. set data[n - past_epochs_to_store] = data[n - past_epochs_to_store].map_or_else(sum, |last_delta| last_delta + sum) to add the sum to the last epoch that will be stored
    3. set data[m] = data[m].map_or_else(delta, |last_delta| last_delta + delta) to add the new delta
    4. set last_update to the current epoch

The invariants for updates in both cases are that m >= n (epoched data cannot be updated in an epoch lower than the current epoch) and m - n <= LENGTH - past_epochs_to_store (epoched data can only be updated at the future-most epoch set by the LENGTH - past_epochs_to_store of the data).

We store the consensus validators and validators below_capacity in two set, ordered by their voting power. We don't have to store the validators below_threshold in a set, because we don't need to know their order.

Note that we still need to store below_capacity set in order of their voting power, because when e.g. one of the consensus validator's voting power drops below that of a maximum below_capacity validator, we need to know which validator to swap in into the consensus set. The protocol new epoch update just disregards validators who are not in consensus or below_capacity sets as below_threshold validators and so iteration on unbounded size is avoided. Instead the size of the validator set that is regarded for PoS rewards can be adjusted by the min_validator_stake parameter via governance.

Conceptually, this may look like this:

type VotingPower = u64;

/// Validator's address with its voting power.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct WeightedValidator {
  /// The `voting_power` field must be on top, because lexicographic ordering is
  /// based on the top-to-bottom declaration order and in the `ValidatorSet`
  /// the `WeighedValidator`s these need to be sorted by the `voting_power`.
  voting_power: VotingPower,
  address: Address,

struct ValidatorSet {
  /// Active validator set with maximum size equal to `max_validator_slots`
  consensus: BTreeSet<WeightedValidator>,
  /// Other validators that are not in `consensus`, but have stake above `min_validator_stake`
  below_threshold: BTreeSet<WeightedValidator>,

type ValidatorSets = Epoched<ValidatorSet>;

/// The sum of all validators voting power (including `below_threshold`)
type TotalVotingPower = Epoched<VotingPower>;

When any validator's voting power changes, we attempt to perform the following update on the ValidatorSet:

  1. let validator be the validator's address, power_before and power_after be the voting power before and after the change, respectively
  2. find if the power_before and power_after are above the min_validator_stake threshold
    1. if they're both below the threshold, nothing else needs to be done
  3. let power_delta = power_after - power_before
  4. let min_consensus = consensus.first() (consensus validator with lowest voting power)
  5. let max_below_capacity = below_capacity.last() (below_capacity validator with greatest voting power)
  6. find whether the validator was in consensus set, let was_in_consensus = power_before >= max_below_capacity.voting_power
  7. find whether the validator was in below capacity set, let was_below_capacity = power_before > min_validator_stake
    1. if was_in_consensus:
      1. if power_after >= max_below_capacity.voting_power, update the validator in consensus set with voting_power = power_after
      2. else if power_after < min_validator_stake, remove the validator from consensus, insert the max_below_capacity.address validator into consensus and remove max_below_capacity.address from below_capacity
      3. else, remove the validator from consensus, insert it into below_capacity and remove max_below_capacity.address from below_capacity and insert it into consensus
    2. else if was_below_capacity:
      1. if power_after <= min_consensus.voting_power, update the validator in below_capacity set with voting_power = power_after
      2. else if power_after < min_validator_stake, remove the validator from below_capacity
      3. else, remove the validator from below_capacity, insert it into consensus and remove min_consensus.address from consensus and insert it into below_capacity
    3. else (if validator was below minimum stake):
      1. if power_after > min_consensus.voting_power, remove the min_consensus.address from consensus, insert the min_consensus.address into below_capacity and insert the validator in consensus set with voting_power = power_after
      2. else if power_after >= min_validator_stake, insert the validator into below_capacity set with voting_power = power_after
      3. else, do nothing

Additionally, for rewards distribution:

  • When a validator moves from below_threshold set to either below_capacity or consensus set, the transaction must also fill in the validator's reward products from its last known value, if any, in all epochs starting from their last_known_product_epoch (exclusive) up to the current_epoch + pipeline_len - 1 (inclusive) in order to make their look-up cost constant (assuming that validator's stake can only be increased at pipeline_len offset).
  • And on the opposite side, when a stake of a validator from consensus or below_capacity drops below min_validator_stake, we record their last_known_product_epoch, so that it can be used if and when the validator's stake goes above min_validator_stake.

Within each validator's address space, we store public consensus key, state, total bonded token amount, total unbonded token amount (needed for applying of slashes) and voting power calculated from the total bonded token amount (even though the voting power is stored in the ValidatorSet, we also need to have the voting_power here because we cannot look it up in the ValidatorSet without iterating the whole set):

struct Validator {
  consensus_key: Epoched<PublicKey>,
  state: Epoched<ValidatorState>,
  total_deltas: Epoched<token::Amount>,
  total_unbonded: Epoched<token::Amount>,
  voting_power: Epoched<VotingPower>,

enum ValidatorState {

The bonds and unbonds are keyed by their identifier:

type Bonds = HashMap<BondId, Epoched<Bond>>;
type Unbonds = HashMap<BondId, Epoched<Unbond>>;

struct BondId {
  validator: Address,
  /// The delegator address for delegations, or the same as the `validator`
  /// address for self-bonds.
  source: Address,

struct Bond {
  /// A key is a the epoch set for the bond. This is used in unbonding, where
  // it's needed for slash epoch range check.
  deltas: HashMap<Epoch, token::Amount>,

struct Unbond {
  /// A key is a pair of the epoch of the bond from which a unbond was created
  /// the epoch of unbonding. This is needed for slash epoch range check.
  deltas: HashMap<(Epoch, Epoch), token::Amount>

For slashes, we store the epoch and block height at which the fault occurred, the slash rate as a fixed-precision decimal type, and the slash type (noted in the system parameters):

struct Slash {
  epoch: Epoch,
  block_height: u64,
  rate: Dec,
  r#type: SlashType,