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Taxi application stack

Getting started

I were interested to created something like Uber or Gett, so I decided create the same application for a college degree.


It contains microservice, which has been written in Go using gRPC, android driver's application, user's application and primitive desktop disptatcher's application were written in Kotlin. Desktop application (dispactcher's app) is using JavaFX12. MySQL was chosen as a database due to its comfortable data presentation.

Quick start


  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose

You can use the prepared image and run it by this command.

docker run -p 48690:48690 --entrypoint "/go/bin/taxiGrpcService" anonlatte/taxi-grpc-service -grpc-port=48690 -db-host=mysql:3306 -db-user=root -db-password=root -db-schema=taxi

Use your own credentials, ports and database name

Service installing

  1. Clone service's repository and check the settings.

Basic service's settings

Dockerfile environment settings

Source file link

Paths to
    * mysql folder          -   DB_PATH_HOST=./databases
    * source files          -   APP_PATH_HOST=./src
    * main Dockerfile       -   APP_PATH_DOCKER=/go/src/taxiGrpcService
gRPC port number            -   GRPC_PORT=48695
    * database host         -   DB_HOST=db:3306
    * database username     -   DB_USER=root
    * user's password       -   DB_PASSWORD=157266
    * schema name           -   DB_SCHEMA=taxi
    * dump file             -   DB_RESTORE_TARGET=./dumps/db_dump.sql

Mobile application

After all we can test the mobile applications.

Built With


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - see the file for more details.


No releases published
