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Ansible Network Collection for Dell EMC SmartFabric Services by Dell Technologies

Collection contents

This collection includes Ansible core modules and plugins needed to provision and manage Dell EMC Smartfabric Services running Enterprise OS10 Distribution by Dell Technologies. Sample playbooks and documentation are also included to show how the collections can be used.


This module facilitates the configuration of SFS networks and its attributes through REST calls. VXLAN, L3, and L3_ROUTED network types are supported. SFS network CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE operations are supported. The sfs-network uses REST APIs to configure Dell EMC SmartFabric Services.


The collections tarball built can be installed locally using the following commands: ansible-galaxy collection build

Once the collections tarball get published locally, install your collection from the tarball using the command ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc-sfs-1.0.0.tar.gz

Version compatibility

Ansible version 2.10 or later. Enterprise sfs Distribution by Dell Technologies version 3.0 or later. Note: Community sfs versions that include the Management Framework container should work as well, however, this collection has not been tested nor validated with community versions, nor is it supported.

module variables

Variables and values are case-sensitive

sfs_network keys

Key Type Description Support
network_id string Configures the SFS network identification as a unique ID Dell Solutions
network_name string Configures the SFS network name Dell Solutions
network_description string Configures the SFS network description Dell Solutions
vlan_min integer Configures the VLAN tag start value; vlan_min and vlan_max shall be same in case of single tag VLAN Dell Solutions
vlan_max integer Configures the VLAN tag end value; vlan_min and vlan_max shall be same in case of single tag VLAN Dell Solutions
network_type string:L3, L3_ROUTED,VXLAN, GeneralPurpose Configures the type of SFS network Dell Solutions
qos_priority string: Platinum,Gold, System,Bronze, Silver,Iron* Configures qos_priority as a string Dell Solutions
address_family string: inet Configures address_family as a string Dell Solutions
prefix_length integer Configures the prefix length Dell Solutions
ip_address_list list Configures a network IP address list Dell Solutions
helper_address list Configures the network helper address Dell Solutions
gateway_ip_address list Configures a network gateway IP address Dell Solutions
virtual_network string Configure a virtual network Dell Solutions
route_map string Configure the route map Dell Solutions
rack_settings list Configures the RackSettings Dell Solutions
originator string Configure a Originator Dell Solutions
State string: absent,present* Removes the SFS network if set to absent Dell Solutions

Connection variables

Ansible Dell EMC SmartFabric Services require connection information to establish communication with the nodes in your inventory. This information can exist in the Ansible directories, or inventory or in the playbook itself.

Key Required Choices Description
ansible_host yes Specifies the hostname or IP address to connect to the remote device over the specified transport
ansible_user yes Specifies the username that authenticates the connection to the remote device
ansible_password yes Specifies the password that authenticates the connection to the remote device
ansible_network_os yes Specifies the network type for the connection to the remote device
ansible_connection yes Specifies the connection plugin

Sample use case


    node1 ansible_host=



- hosts: all
      gather_facts: false
        - dellemc.sfs
        - name: Provision Configs
            - name: sfs_network
                network_name: "sfs_network"
                network_id: "Leaf-test-GeneralPurpose"
                vlan_min: 752
                vlan_max: 752
                qos_priority: "Gold"
                network_type: "GeneralPurpose"
                network_description: "SFS Network Create Test From Ansible-ddddd"
                address_family: "inet"
                virtual_network: "vn752"
                state: "present"
              register: result

            - name: Update Network
                network_id: "My_L3_ROUTED_Network_Id_1"
                network_name: "My_L3_ROUTED_Network_Name_1"
                network_description: "My_L3_ROUTED_Network_Description_1"
                network_type: "L3_ROUTED"
                qos_priority: "Bronze"
                address_family: "inet"
                prefix_length: 24
                ip_address_list: ["",""]
                helper_address: ["",""]
                gateway_ip_address: [""]
                route_map: "routemap1"
                state: "present"
              register: result

            - name: Update VXLAN Network
                network_id: "My_VXLAN_Network_Id"
                vlan_min: 400
                vlan_max: 400
                qos_priority: "Bronze"
                network_type: "VXLAN"
                virtual_network: "vnet1"
                network_name: "My_VXLAN_Network_Id"
                originator: "vCenter_user"
                network_description: "My_VXLAN_Network_Description"
            state: "present"
              register: result

            - name: MULTIRACK L3 VLAN
                network_id: "SREEJITHNETWORK1"
                network_name: "Network1"
                network_description: "My_L3 VLAN_Network_Description_1"
                vlan_max: 401
                vlan_min: 401
                qos_priority: "Iron"
                network_type: "MULTIRACK_L3_VLAN"
                rack_settings: [{ RackID: "6298f46c-b8a8-4548-8bfb-14ee34303147", AddressFamily: "inet", PrefixLen: 24, GateWayIpAddress: [""],
                IpAddressList: ["",""], HelperAddress: ["",""] }]
                state: "present"
              register: result

        - name: Debug the result
          debug: var=result


ansible-playbook -i inventory Playbook.yaml