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Broker Role

Perform installation and configuration of Kafka brokers cluster.

This role requires to have a zookeepers group (identified by the amq_streams_zookeeper_inventory_group variable) in the inventory file to identify each node of he Zookeeper cluster. This group is used to set up the right configuration files in order to establish the communication between Zookeeper cluster members.

The brokers group (identified by the amq_streams_broker_inventory_group variable) is used in the same way identifying the members of the Kafka cluster. The order of this group will be used to set up the right configuration files and establish the right cluster configuration:

Example of inventory:



Role Defaults

Variable Description Default
amq_streams_broker_create_topic_script {{ amq_streams_common_home }}/bin/
amq_streams_broker_enabled true
amq_streams_broker_server_start {{ amq_streams_common_home }}/bin/
amq_streams_broker_config /etc/
amq_streams_broker_service_name amq_streams_broker
amq_streams_broker_user amq_streams_broker
amq_streams_broker_listener_port Port defined for external communications 9092
amq_streams_broker_listener_internal_port Port defined for inter-broker communications 9091
amq_streams_broker_group amq_streams
amq_streams_broker_service_config_template templates/service.conf.j2
amq_streams_broker_service_config_file /etc/broker.conf
amq_streams_broker_data_dir Folders to store the commit logs (Comma-value property) /var/lib/{{ amq_streams_broker_service_name }}/
amq_streams_broker_logs_dir Folder to store the logs of broker service /var/log/{{ amq_streams_broker_service_name }}/
amq_streams_broker_java_opts Default values to apply to KAFKA_OPTS env variable
amq_streams_broker_java_heap_opts Default values to apply to KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS env variable -Xmx1G -Xms1G
amq_streams_broker_java_performance_opts Default values to apply to KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS env variable
amq_streams_broker_java_java_gc_log_opts Default values to apply to KAFKA_GC_LOG_OPTS env variable
amq_streams_broker_java_jmx_opts Default values to apply to KAFKA_JMX_OPTS env variable
amq_streams_broker_num_network_threads 3
amq_streams_broker_num_io_threads 8
amq_streams_broker_buffer_send_bytes 102400
amq_streams_broker_buffer_bytes 102400
amq_streams_broker_socket_request_max_bytes 104857600
amq_streams_broker_num_partitions 1
amq_streams_broker_num_recovery_threads_per_data_dir 1
amq_streams_broker_offsets_topic_replication_factor 1
amq_streams_broker_transaction_state_log_replication_factor 1
amq_streams_broker_transaction_state_log_min_isr 1
amq_streams_broker_log_retention_hours 168
amq_streams_broker_log_retention_check_interval_ms 300000
amq_streams_broker_log_message_format_version Log message format version. Required for Kafka upgrade.
amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_protocol_version Inter broker protocol version. Required for Kafka upgrade.
amq_streams_broker_zookeeper_connection_timeout_ms 18000
amq_streams_broker_group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms 0
amq_streams_broker_properties_template templates/
amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_host localhost
amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_port 9092
amq_streams_firewalld_package_name: firewalld
amq_streams_firewalld_enabled false
amq_streams_broker_instance_count_enabled true
amq_streams_broker_instance_count 0
amq_streams_deployment_balance_check_enabled true
amq_streams_zookeeper_auth_enabled Enable Zookeeper authentication. Zookeeper must be deployed with the authentication enabled. false
amq_streams_broker_zookeeper_auth_config JAAS file for brokers /etc/broker-jaas.conf
amq_streams_broker_zookeeper_auth_config_template JAAS template for brokers templates/broker-jaas.conf.j2
amq_streams_broker_listeners Default list of broker listeners PLAINTEXT://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_port }}
amq_streams_broker_advertised_listeners Default list of advertised listener per broker (hosts variable). Name must match those listed in the amq_streams_broker_listeners property
amq_streams_broker_auth_enabled Enable Broker authentication false
amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_enabled Enable SASL SCRAM authentication false
amq_streams_broker_auth_listeners Default list of authenticated listeners PLAINTEXT:PLAINTEXT
amq_streams_broker_auth_sasl_mechanisms Default list of authenticated SASL mechanism PLAIN
amq_streams_broker_inventory_group Identify the group of broker nodes groups['brokers']
amq_streams_broker_broker_id Identify the broker with specific id in the inventory.
amq_streams_broker_topics List of topics to create. Each topics requires the name property, and optionally the partitions and replication_factor.

Role Variables

List of required variables for the role:

Variable Description Required
amq_streams_zookeeper_auth_user Zookeeper user to authenticate. Mandatory if amq_streams_zookeeper_auth_enabled: true. 'true'
amq_streams_zookeeper_auth_pass Zookeeper user password to authenticate. Mandatory if amq_streams_zookeeper_auth_enabled: true. true

Enabling the amq_streams_broker_auth_enabled requires to define the following variables to execute the role successfully:

Variable Description Required Sample
amq_streams_broker_auth_listeners List of authenticated listeners true
  • AUTHENTICATED://:9093 | |amq_streams_broker_auth_sasl_mechanisms| Default list of authenticated SASL mechanism |true|PLAIN | |amq_streams_broker_auth_plain_users | List of users (username, password) to add into the Kafka cluster | true | `` | |amq_streams_broker_admin_username| Default admin user to manage topics |false | | |amq_streams_broker_admin_password| Default password of the admin user to manage topics |false` | |

TLS Encryption

Kafka supports TLS for encrypting communication with Kafka clients. The role allows to enable TLS encryption but it is required to have a keystore containing private and public keys.

The following variables are involved to enable TLS encryption:

Variable Description Required Default
amq_streams_broker_tls_enabled Enable TLS encryption for listeners false false
amq_streams_broker_tls_keystore_dir Local folder with the keystore true /tmp
amq_streams_broker_tls_keystore Filename of the keystore true server.keystore.jks
amq_streams_broker_tls_keystore_location Location on Kafka server for the keystore true /opt
amq_streams_broker_tls_keystore_password Password of the keystore true PLEASE_CHANGEME_IAMNOTGOOD_FOR_PRODUCTION
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_dir Local folder with the truststore true /tmp
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore Filename of the truststore true server.truststore.jks
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_location Location on Kafka server for the truststore true /opt
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_password Password of the truststore true PLEASE_CHANGEME_IAMNOTGOOD_FOR_PRODUCTION
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_client_dir Local folder with the keystore file used by clients false /tmp
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_client Filename of the client truststore false client.truststore.jks
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_client_location Location on Kafka server for the client truststore false /opt
amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_client_password Password of the client truststore false PLEASE_CHANGEME_IAMNOTGOOD_FOR_PRODUCTION

Here a sample to enable SSL listeners at port 9093 for client connections and using plain connections for inter-broker communication:

    # Enabling SSL listeners
    amq_streams_broker_tls_enabled: true
    amq_streams_broker_tls_keystore_dir: ./certs
    amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_dir: ./certs
    amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_client_dir: ./certs
    amq_streams_broker_tls_keystore_password: password
    amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_password: password
    amq_streams_broker_tls_keystore_client_password: password
    amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_client_password: password

    # Broker Listeners
      - PLAINTEXT://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_port }} # Insecure for inter-broker connections
      - SSL://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_tls_port }} # Secure for client connections

    # Using SSL bootstrap server port for management operations
    amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_host: localhost
    amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_port: 9093

The client truststore identified by the amq_streams_broker_tls_truststore_client is only required for topic or user management operations done by the role. The properties amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_host and amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_port are used to establish the admin connections to operate with topics or users.

Broker Authentication

This section includes a set of example to enable the broker authentication for the following scenarios:

  • SASL PLAIN authentication
  • SASL SCRAM authentication

SASL Plain Authentication

This is a sample configuration to enable that configuration using two different listeners, one for the clients (AUTHENTICATED) and other for the inter-broker connections (REPLICATION). Both listeners require a SASL plain authentication.

The amq_streams_broker_auth_plain_users variable defines the list of different users to create to authenticate to the brokers.

The amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_sasl_mechanisms: PLAIN property defines the protocol to authenticate the inter-broker connections. That requires to identify which user will be used to establish these connections, that user is defined by the amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_broker_username and amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_broker_password variables.

    # Broker Listeners
      - AUTHENTICATED://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_port }}
      - REPLICATION://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_internal_port }}

    amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_listener: REPLICATION

    # Broker Authentication
    amq_streams_broker_auth_enabled: 'true'

      - PLAIN

    # Kafka Plain Users
      - username: admin
        password: password
      - username: usr
        password: password

    amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_sasl_mechanisms: PLAIN
    amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_broker_username: interbroker
    amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_broker_password: password

SASL SCRAM Authentication

This is a sample configuration to enable that configuration using two different listeners, one for the clients (AUTHENTICATED) and other for the inter-broker connections (REPLICATION). Both listeners require a SASL plain authentication. SCRAM authentication is enabled by the amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_enabled variable.

Users must be created using the script from Kafka.

The amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_sasl_mechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-512 property defines the protocol to authenticate the inter-broker connections. That requires to identify which user will be used to establish these connections, that user is defined by the amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_listener_auth variable.

    # Broker Listeners
      - AUTHENTICATED://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_port }}
      - REPLICATION://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_internal_port }}

    amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_listener: REPLICATION

    # Broker Authentication
    amq_streams_broker_auth_enabled: 'true'
    amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_enabled: 'true'

      - PLAIN
      - SCRAM-SHA-512

    amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_auth_sasl_mechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-512
    amq_streams_broker_inter_broker_listener_auth: | required username="<USER>" password="<PASSWORD>";

To manage SCRAM users, the role includes the following tasks:

  • Create
  • Describe
  • Delete

The role uses the amq_streams_broker_topics variable to identify the list of topics to be managed by the role for each stage of the life cycle.

The amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_users variable defines the list of different SCRAM users to manage in the Kafka cluster.

Example of definition of SCRAM users:

    # Kafka SCRAM Users
      - username: kafkauser01
        password: p@ssw0rd
      - username: kafkauser02
        password: p@ssw0rd

Creating SCRAM users can be done with this task:

    - name: "Create SCRAM users"
        name: amq_streams_broker
        tasks_from: user-scram/create.yml
      loop: "{{ amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_users }}"
        loop_var: user
        user_username: "{{ user.username }}"
        user_password: "{{ user.password }}"

Describing SCRAM users can be done with this task:

    - name: "Describe SCRAM users"
        name: amq_streams_broker
        tasks_from: user-scram/describe.yml
      loop: "{{ amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_users }}"
        loop_var: user
        user_username: "{{ user.username }}"

Deleting SCRAM users can be done with this task:

    - name: "Delete SCRAM users"
        name: amq_streams_broker
        tasks_from: user-scram/delete.yml
      loop: "{{ amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_users }}"
        loop_var: user
        user_username: "{{ user.username }}"

SASL Authentication over SSL listeners

SASL authentication mechanism using SSL listeners follows the same configuration described above, however the listener must be declared as SASL_SSL and the authentication for that listener must be declared as SASL_SSL:SASL_SSL.

Here an example of vars to authenticate over a SSL listener at 9093 port:

    # Enabling SSL
    amq_streams_broker_tls_enabled: true

    # Broker Listeners
      - PLAINTEXT://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_port }} # Insecure for inter-broker connections
      - SASL_SSL://:{{ amq_streams_broker_listener_tls_port }} # Secured connections

    # Enabling Kafka Broker Authentication
    amq_streams_broker_auth_enabled: true
    amq_streams_broker_auth_scram_enabled: true

      - PLAIN
      - SCRAM-SHA-512

    # Using SSL bootstrap server port
    amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_host: localhost
    amq_streams_broker_bootstrap_server_port: 9093

Topic Management

The role allows to manage the following stages of the life cycle of topics:

  • Create
  • Describe
  • Delete

The role uses the amq_streams_broker_topics variable to identify the list of topics to be managed by the role for each stage of the life cycle.

Example of definition of topics:

    # Topic management
      - name: sampleTopic
        partitions: 2
        replication_factor: 1
      - name: otherTopic
        partitions: 4
        replication_factor: 1

NOTE: To manage topics in a distributed Kafka broker, the operation should be done in one single broker instance. Create or delete actions are replicated across the Kafka cluster.

Create Topics

This task will create new topics in a Kafka broker:

    - name: "Create topics"
        name: amq_streams_broker
        tasks_from: topic/create.yml
      loop: "{{ amq_streams_broker_topics }}"
        loop_var: topic
        topic_name: "{{ }}"
        topic_partitions: "{{ topic.partitions }}"
        topic_replication_factor: "{{ topic.replication_factor }}"

Describe Topics

This task will describe the information and details of each topic from a Kafka broker:

    - name: "Describe topics"
        name: amq_streams_broker
        tasks_from: topic/describe.yml
      loop: "{{ amq_streams_broker_topics }}"
        loop_var: topic
        topic_name: "{{ }}"

Delete Topics

This task will delete topics from a Kafka broker:

    - name: "Delete topics"
        name: amq_streams_broker
        tasks_from: topic/delete.yml
      loop: "{{ amq_streams_broker_topics }}"
        loop_var: topic
        topic_name: "{{ }}"

Topic Management with Broker Authentication

To operate topics with this role in Broker with authentication enabled, it is required to identify the mechanism of authentication and admin user credentials. The admin user must be identified to connect to the Broker and execute the topic action.

The amq_streams_broker_admin_mechanism variable identifies the authentication mechanism from one of the following options: PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-512.

The amq_streams_admin_username, and amq_streams_broker_admin_password variables identify the admin user.

All these variables are required to execute the actions.

Example of definition:

    # Enabling Kafka Broker Authentication
    amq_streams_broker_auth_enabled: 'true'
    amq_streams_broker_admin_mechanism: PLAIN
    amq_streams_broker_admin_username: admin
    amq_streams_broker_admin_password: password


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