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617 lines (502 loc) · 20.9 KB
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Parsimonious is a helper library for encoding/decoding Apache Thrift and Twitter Scrooge (experimental) classes to Spark Dataframes, Jackson JSON and Apache Flink state serializers.

Important features:

  • Supports all Thrift types, including unions and binary types.
  • Supports both Apache Thrift and Twitter Scrooge (experimental) generated classes.
  • Supports nested and recursive structures. Please note, for Spark, recursive structures are being serialized to bytes.
  • For JSON, when a Thrift map does not have string type as a key (e.g., a struct) then Parsimonious will convert it to a sequence of key, value tuples (the opposite during decoding to Thrift is also supported).

Example usage

More detailed examples can be found in unit tests (including nested and recursive structures).

Assume that we have an Apache Thrift struct named BasicDummy

namespace java com.github.anskarl.parsimonious

struct BasicDummy {
    1: required string reqStr
    2: optional string str
    3: optional i16 int16
    4: optional i32 int32
    5: optional i64 int64
    6: optional double dbl
    7: optional byte byt
    8: optional bool bl
    9: optional binary bin

Apache Thrift with Apache Spark

Create a Spark Dataframe:

import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row}
import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious._
import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.spark.ThriftRowConverter

// Assume that we have SparkSession initialized as `spark`
// To extract the schema (i.e., Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType)
val sparkSchema: StructType = ThriftRowConverter.extractSchema(classOf[BasicDummy])

// Example collection of BasicDummy instances
val exampleData = 
    for (index <- 1 to 100) 
        yield new BasicDummy().setReqStr(s"index: ${index}").setInt32(index).setBl(index % 10 == 0)

// Convert BasicDummy to org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val rowSeq: Seq[Row] =

// Create RDD[Row]
val rowRDD: RDD[Row] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(rowSeq)

// Create the corresponding dataframe
val df: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(rowRDD, sparkSchema)

See the schema and preview the first 5 rows:

// Print dataframe schema

// Will print:
// root
// |-- reqStr: string (nullable = false)
// |-- str: string (nullable = true)
// |-- int16: short (nullable = true)
// |-- int32: integer (nullable = true)
// |-- int64: long (nullable = true)
// |-- dbl: double (nullable = true)
// |-- byt: byte (nullable = true)
// |-- bl: boolean (nullable = true)
// |-- bin: binary (nullable = true) = 5, truncate = false)
// +---------+----+-----+-----+-----+----+----+-----+----+
// |reqStr   |str |int16|int32|int64|dbl |byt |bl   |bin |
// +---------+----+-----+-----+-----+----+----+-----+----+
// |index: 1 |null|null |1    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 2 |null|null |2    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 3 |null|null |3    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 4 |null|null |4    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 5 |null|null |5    |null |null|null|false|null|
// +---------+----+-----+-----+-----+----+----+-----+----+

Collect the rows and convert back to BasicDummy:

// Collect rows
val dfRows: Array[Row] = df.collect()

// Convert the collected rows back to BasicDummy instances
val decodedInputSeq: Seq[BasicDummy] = dfRows
    .map(row =>[BasicDummy])

// Print the first 5 `BasicDummy`

// BasicDummy(reqStr:index: 1, int32:1, bl:false)
// BasicDummy(reqStr:index: 2, int32:2, bl:false)
// BasicDummy(reqStr:index: 3, int32:3, bl:false)
// BasicDummy(reqStr:index: 4, int32:4, bl:false)
// BasicDummy(reqStr:index: 5, int32:5, bl:false)

Apache Thrift with Jackson for JSON support

Encode/Decode Apache Thrift POJO class to/from Jackson node:

import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious._
import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.json._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

// create POJO
val basicDummy = new BasicDummy()
  basicDummy.setReqStr("required 101")
  basicDummy.setStr("optional 101")
  basicDummy.setListStruct(List(new PropertyValue("prop1", "val1"), new PropertyValue("prop2", "val2")).asJava)
      java.lang.Integer.valueOf(1) -> java.lang.Double.valueOf(1.1),
      java.lang.Integer.valueOf(2) -> java.lang.Double.valueOf(2.2)
    new PropertyValue("prop1", "val1") -> java.lang.Double.valueOf(1.1),
    new PropertyValue("prop2", "val2") -> java.lang.Double.valueOf(2.2)
basicDummy.setMapPrimitivesStr(Map("one" -> java.lang.Double.valueOf(1.0), "two" -> java.lang.Double.valueOf(2.0)).asJava)

// .. etc

// Encode to Json
val encoded: ObjectNode = ThriftJsonConverter.convert(basicDummy)

Will print the following:

    "reqStr" : "required 101",
    "str" : "optional 101",
    "int16" : 101,
    "int32" : 101,
    "int64" : 101,
    "dbl" : 101.101,
    "byt" : 8,
    "bl" : false,
    "bin" : "MTAx",
    "listNumbersI32" : [ 1, 2, 3 ],
    "listNumbersDouble" : [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ],
    "setNumbersI32" : [ 1, 2, 3 ],
    "setNumbersDouble" : [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ],
    "enm" : "MAYBE",
    "listStruct" : [ {
      "property" : "prop1",
      "value" : "val1"
    }, {
      "property" : "prop2",
      "value" : "val2"
    } ],
    "mapStructKey" : [ {
      "key" : {
        "property" : "prop1",
        "value" : "val1"
      "value" : 1.1
    }, {
      "key" : {
        "property" : "prop2",
        "value" : "val2"
      "value" : 2.2
    } ],
    "mapPrimitivesStr": {"one": 1.0, "two": 2.0}

Please note that the type of key in both mapPrimitives and mapStructKey is not string. In such cases Parsimonious converts them to lists of structs with the pair of fields "key" and "value". That convention, is being performed since JSON does not support maps having keys with type different of string.

To decode from JSON back to Thrift POJO:

// Decode from Json
val decoded: BasicDummy = JsonThriftConverter.convert(classOf[BasicDummy], encoded)

Scrooge Thrift with Apache Spark (experimental)

Create a Spark Dataframe:

import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row}
import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.scrooge._
import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.scrooge.spark._

// Assume that we have SparkSession initialized as `spark`
// To extract the schema (i.e., Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType)
val sparkSchema: StructType = ScroogeRowConverter.extractSchema(classOf[BasicDummy])

// Need to create once union builders, helper class to extract the schema and 
// create builder for Scrooge Union (com.twitter.scrooge.ThriftUnion)
implicit val unionBuilders = UnionBuilders.create(classOf[BasicDummy])

// Example collection of BasicDummy instances
val exampleData = for (index <- 1 to 100) 
  yield new BasicDummy(reqStr = s"index: ${index}", int32 = index, bl = index % 10 == 0)

// Convert BasicDummy to org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val rowSeq: Seq[Row] =

// Create RDD[Row]
val rowRDD: RDD[Row] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(rowSeq)

// Create the corresponding dataframe
val df: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(rowRDD, sparkSchema)

See the schema and preview the first 5 rows:

// Print dataframe schema

// Will print:
// root
// |-- reqStr: string (nullable = false)
// |-- str: string (nullable = true)
// |-- int16: short (nullable = true)
// |-- int32: integer (nullable = true)
// |-- int64: long (nullable = true)
// |-- dbl: double (nullable = true)
// |-- byt: byte (nullable = true)
// |-- bl: boolean (nullable = true)
// |-- bin: binary (nullable = true) = 5, truncate = false)
// +---------+----+-----+-----+-----+----+----+-----+----+
// |reqStr   |str |int16|int32|int64|dbl |byt |bl   |bin |
// +---------+----+-----+-----+-----+----+----+-----+----+
// |index: 1 |null|null |1    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 2 |null|null |2    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 3 |null|null |3    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 4 |null|null |4    |null |null|null|false|null|
// |index: 5 |null|null |5    |null |null|null|false|null|
// +---------+----+-----+-----+-----+----+----+-----+----+

Collect the rows and convert back to BasicDummy:

// Collect rows
val dfRows: Array[Row] = df.collect()

// Convert the collected rows back to BasicDummy instances
val decodedInputSeq: Seq[BasicDummy] = dfRows
    .map(row =>[BasicDummy])

Scrooge Thrift with Jackson for JSON support (experimental)

Encode/Decode Scrooge generated classes to/from Jackson node:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.{BasicDummy, EnumDummy, NestedDummy, PropertyValue}
import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.scrooge._
import java.nio.ByteBuffer

val mapper = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule)

val sampleBasicDummy = BasicDummy(
    reqStr = "required 101",
    str = Option("optional 101"),
    int16 = Option(16.toShort),
    int32 = Option(32),
    int64 = Option(64L),
    dbl = Option(101.101),
    byt = Option(8.toByte),
    bl = Option(false),
    bin = Option(ByteBuffer.wrap("101".getBytes("UTF-8"))),
    listNumbersI32 = Option(List(1,2,3)),
    listNumbersDouble = Option(List(1.1,2.2,3.3)),
    setNumbersI32 = Option(Set(1,2,3)),
    setNumbersDouble = Option(Set(1.1,2.2,3.3)),
    enm = Option(EnumDummy.Maybe),
    listStruct = Option(List(PropertyValue("prop1", "val1"),PropertyValue("prop2", "val2"))),
    mapPrimitives = Option(Map(1 -> 1.1, 2 -> 2.2)),
    mapStructKey = Option(Map(PropertyValue("prop1", "val1") -> 1.1, PropertyValue("prop2", "val2") -> 2.2)),
    mapPrimitivesStr = Option(Map("one" -> 1.0, "two" -> 2.0))

// Encode to JSON
val encoded = ScroogeJsonConverter.convert(sampleBasicDummy)

Will print the following:

  "reqStr" : "required 101",
  "str" : "optional 101",
  "int16" : 16,
  "int32" : 32,
  "int64" : 64,
  "dbl" : 101.101,
  "byt" : 8,
  "bl" : false,
  "bin" : "MTAx",
  "listNumbersI32" : [ 1, 2, 3 ],
  "listNumbersDouble" : [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ],
  "setNumbersI32" : [ 1, 2, 3 ],
  "setNumbersDouble" : [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ],
  "enm" : "Maybe",
  "listStruct" : [ {
    "property" : "prop1",
    "value" : "val1"
  }, {
    "property" : "prop2",
    "value" : "val2"
  } ],
  "mapPrimitives" : [ {
    "key" : 1,
    "value" : 1.1
  }, {
    "key" : 2,
    "value" : 2.2
  } ],
  "mapStructKey" : [ {
    "key" : {
      "property" : "prop1",
      "value" : "val1"
    "value" : 1.1
  }, {
    "key" : {
      "property" : "prop2",
      "value" : "val2"
    "value" : 2.2
  } ],
  "mapPrimitivesStr" : {
    "one" : 1.0,
    "two" : 2.0

Recall to Apache Thrift to JSON conversion, the type of key in both mapPrimitives and mapStructKey is not string. In such cases Parsimonious converts them to lists of structs with the pair of fields "key" and "value". That convention, is being performed since JSON does not support maps having keys with type different of string.

To decode from JSON back to Scrooge class:

// Need to create once union builders, helper class to extract the schema and 
// create builder for Scrooge Union (com.twitter.scrooge.ThriftUnion)
implicit val unionBuilders = UnionBuilders.create(classOf[BasicDummy])

// Decode to Scrooge class
val decoded: BasicDummy = JsonScroogeConverter.convert(classOf[BasicDummy], encodedJson)

Flink state serializers for Apache Thrift

Parsimonious provides state serializer for Apache Thrift generated classes. To enable Thrift compatible state serializer you need to create TypeInformation for Thrift generated classes.

For example, to specify type information for class BasicDummy:

import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.flink._

val typeInformation = ThriftTypeInformation(classOf[BasicDummy])

Flink state serializers for Twitter Scrooge

Similarly, parsimonious provides state serializer for Twitter Scrooge generated classes. To enable Scrooge compatible state serializer you need to create TypeInformation for Scrooge generated classes.

For example, to specify type information for class BasicDummy:

import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.scrooge.flink._

val typeInformation = ScroogeTypeInformation(classOf[BasicDummy])

Configure Parsimonious

Please note that the type of key in both mapPrimitives and mapStructKey is not string. In such cases Parsimonious converts them to lists of structs with the pair of fields "key" and "value". That convention, is being performed since JSON does not support maps having keys with type different of string.

You can configure the parameters of Parsimonious modules by specifying an implicit value of ParsimoniousConfig class. The parameters are the following:

  • In JSON, when the type of key in some Thrift map collection is not a string, Parsimonious converts them to lists of structs with the pair of fields. Each struct is composed of a pair fields (key and value). The default field names are "key" and "value", but they can change by specifying keyName and valueName respectively in ParsimoniousConfig class.
  • You can also change the serialization protocol by specifying the TProtocolFactoryType in field protocolFactoryType. Parsimonious supports the following protocols:
    1. TCompactProtocolFactoryType (default), that creates TProtocolFactory that produces TCompactProtocols.
    2. TBinaryProtocolFactoryType, that creates TProtocolFactory that produces TBinaryProtocols.
    3. TJSONProtocolFactoryType, that creates TProtocolFactory that produces TJSONProtocols.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: For Flink state serializers, Parsimonious ignores the protocolFactoryType and uses only TCompactProtocolFactoryType.

For example, the following instance ParsimoniousConfig, specifies k and v for key-value fields when mapping Thrift map collection in which the key is not a type of string. Also, thrift protocol will be the type of TBinaryProtocol:

import com.github.anskarl.parsimonious.common._

implicit val config = ParsimoniousConfig(
  keyName = "k",
  valueName = "v",
  protocolFactoryType = TBinaryProtocolFactoryType


Version variants published in

  • scala_version: 2.12, 2.13
  • thrift_version: thrift_0.10, thrift_0.13
  • spark_profile: spark2 (i.e., 2.4.x), spark3 (i.e., 3.1.x)
  • flink_profile: flink1_13, flink1_14 and flink1_15
  • parsimonious_version: e.g., 0.4.0















See the official docs to configure Sonatype (snapshots) resolver in your SBT project. For example:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("public") //  (or “snapshots”, “releases”) 


"com.github.anskarl" %% "parsimonious-thrift-jackson" % "[thrift_version]-[parsimonious_version]"


"com.github.anskarl" %% "parsimonious-thrift-spark" % "[thrift_version]_[spark_profile]-[parsimonious_version]"


"com.github.anskarl" %% "parsimonious-scrooge-jackson" % "[thrift_version]-[parsimonious_version]"


"com.github.anskarl" %% "parsimonious-scrooge-spark" % "[thrift_version]_[spark_profile]-[parsimonious_version]"


"com.github.anskarl" % "parsimonious-thrift-flink_2.12" % "[thrift_version]_[flink_profile]-[parsimonious_version]"


"com.github.anskarl" % "parsimonious-scrooge-flink_2.12" % "[thrift_version]_[flink_profile]-[parsimonious_version]"

Build from sources

To build parsimonious from sources you will need an SBT version 1.6+. The build can be parameterized for the following environment variables:

  • THRIFT_VERSION: e.g., 0.13.0. Default is 0.10.0. Please note that for Scrooge modules is always version 0.10.0.
  • SPARK_PROFILE: can be either spark2 or spark3 (default is spark3).
    • In spark2 parsimonious is build for Spark v2.4.6, Hadoop v2.10.0 and Parquet v1.10.1.
    • In spark3 parsimonious is build for Spark v3.1.2, Hadoop v3.3.1 and Parquet v1.12.2.
  • FLINK_PROFILE: can be one of flink1_13,flink1_14 and flink1_15

For all variants of THRIFT_VERSION and SPARK_PROFILE, parsimonious can be cross-build for Scala 2.12 and 2.13. Flink modules are only build for Scala 2.12 (2.13 is not currently supported by Flink).

There are several sbt command aliases to build any of the parsimonious modules separately or all together. For a complete list see the .sbtrc file.

All modules using default settings

The following command will build all modules, using default version of Thrift (0.10), Spark (3.2) and Flink (1.13)

sbt build-all
All modules with custom Thrift, Spark and Flink versions

The following command will build all modules for Thrift version 0.13.0, Spark 2 (2.4.x) and Flink 1.15

THRIFT_VERSION=0.13.0 SPARK_PROFILE=spark2 FLINK_PROFILE=flink1_15 sbt build-all
Specific module using default settings

The following command will build build-scrooge-jackson module (translates Scrooge classes to/from JSON), using default version of Thrift (0.10) and Spark (3.2).

sbt build-scrooge-jackson
Specific module custom Thrift and Spark version

The following command will build build-spark module (translates Apache Thrift classes to/from Spark Dataframe), using Thrift version 0.13 and Spark 2 (2.4.x).

THRIFT_VERSION=0.13.0 SPARK_PROFILE=spark2 sbt build-spark