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File metadata and controls

69 lines (45 loc) · 4.21 KB


pneumatic is designed for one thing: uploading documents. It supports all parameters found in the DocumentCloud API upload endpoint.

Create a client

To create an upload client, import the DocumentCloudUploader class in your Python script and create a client object. You must have a valid DocumentCloud account. Supply your email and password as arguments:

from pneumatic import DocumentCloudUploader

uploader = DocumentCloudUploader('', 'your-password')

Start an upload

Use the upload method to upload files, passing in parameters as desired. For example, after you import pneumatic and creat a client as shown above, you can initiate the upload with code such as this:

    data={'type': 'government', 'action': 'lawsuit'})

In this example, pneumatic will upload all files in the /govfiles directory and all subdirectories below it. In addition, it will assign the files to an existing project (which you must have created already), set each file to public access, and tag each file with custom metadata.

If you do not supply a file_directory parameter, pneumatic uploads files in the directory from which you execute your Python script.

Note: These docs show Linux-style file paths, which also apply to macOS. For Windows file paths, you'll need to escape the directory slashes. Example: C:\\Users\\Sammy\\Desktop\\govfiles

Upload parameters

pneumatic handles all of the parameters supported by DocumentCloud's upload endpoint. All are optional:

  • file_directory: string; the path to your files. If no file_directory parameter is supplied, pneumatic uploads files in the directory from which you execute your Python script.
  • title: string; the file title. Normally not used with pneumatic because if you specify this, it applies to all files you upload.
  • source: string; the source for the files.
  • description: string; the description of the files.
  • language: string; the language of the document for OCR. Default is eng.
  • related_article: string; URL of an article related to the files.
  • published_url: string: URL of the page where the documents are published.
  • access: string; use access='public' to make documents publicly viewable upon upload. Default is private.
  • project: string; ID of a project. You can find the project ID in the DocumentCloud interface by clicking the pencil icon next to the project name. The ID is listed in the dialog that pops up.
  • data: dictionary of keys and values to tag documents. Example: data={'type': 'government', 'action': 'lawsuit'}
  • secure: boolean; set to secure=True if you want to prevent DocumentCloud from passing your document's text through the OpenCalais API, which DocumentCloud uses for entity extraction.
  • force_ocr: boolean; set to force_ocr=True to have DocumentCloud OCR your documents even if they contain a text layer.

For more information on these parameters, consult the DocumentCloud API documentation

File exclusions

DocumentCloud accepts a variety of file types for upload. In addition to PDFs, users can submit Word and Excel files, PowerPoint, and a variety of images. However, pneumatic will not upload files that exceed DocumentCloud's 400MB size limit, nor will it submit file types that the platform does not handle, such as audio.

Files that meet exclusion criteria (size or file type) are noted in the upload results database created during each session.

Upload results database

DocumentCloud's API returns data for each file uploaded, and pneumatic catalogs key pieces of this data in a SQLite database. A new, timestamped SQLite database is created for each upload session you initiate.

You'll find the databases in a pneumatic_db directory located in the directory you specified for uploads. See the Database Features documentation for additional information.