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Build Status CocoaPod version   Carthage compatible Packagist DTModelStorage

This is a child-project for DTTableViewManager and DTCollectionViewManager - great tools for UITableView and UICollectionView management.

  • Written in Swift 3
  • Support for any data structure - class, struct, enum, tuple
  • Protocol-oriented implementation with generic and associated types
  • Powerful events system for storage consumers.
  • High test coverage

What this is all about?

The goal of the project is to provide storage classes for datasource based controls. Let's take UITableView, for example. It's datasource methods mostly relates on following:

  • sections
  • items in sections
  • section headers and footers

Now, if we look on UICollectionView, that stuff does not change. And probably any kind of datasource based control can be adapted to use the same terminology. So, instead of reinventing the wheel every time, let's try to implement universal storage classes, that would fit any control.

DTModelStorage supports 3 storage classes:

  • Memory storage
  • CoreData storage
  • Realm storage

Internal structure of these will be different, but we need a common interface and pattern to interact with them. This pattern is actually very simple, and contains two simple steps.

  1. Update storage
  2. Notify delegate about changes in storage

Memory storage classes will provide convenience methods to update storage, CoreData storage classes will rely on updates from NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate protocol. So the first step will be different, but the second step stays the same. And delegate for storage classes will receive the same message, and it will not actually care, which storage is used. They will look the same from its point of view.

DTModelStorage does not force any specific use, and does not imply, which UI components are compatible with it. However, storage classes are designed to work with "sections" and "items", which generally means some kind of table or collection of items.


CoreDataStorage is meant to be used with NSFetchedResultsController. It automatically monitors all NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate methods and and calls delegate with appropriate updates.

let storage = CoreDataStorage(fetchedResultsController: controller)

Any section in CoreDataStorage conform to NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo protocol, however DTModelStorage extends them to be Section protocol compatible. This way CoreData sections and memory sections have the same interface.

For perfomance reasons, you should not retrieve items via items property, if you don't need to. Items may not be fetched from CoreData database, and if you need to retrieve only one specific item, it's better to call -item(at:) method instead. This way only one item will be actually fetched from database.


MemoryStorage encapsulates storage of data models in memory. It's basically Array of SectionModel items, which contain array of items for current section, and supplementary models of any kind, that add additional information for section. Good example would be UITableView headers and footers, or UICollectionView with UICollectionViewFlowLayout.

let storage = MemoryStorage()

Adding items

storage.addItem(model, toSection: 0)

storage.addItems([model1,model2], toSection:0)

try? storage.insertItem(model, to: indexPath)

Remove / replace / Reload

try? storage.removeItem(model)

try? storage.replaceItem(model1, with: model2)


Managing sections

storage.deleteSections(NSIndexSet(index: 1))

Retrieving items

let item = storage.item(at:NSIndexPath(forItem:1, inSection:0)

let indexPath = storage.indexPath(forItem:model)

let itemsInSection = storage.items(inSection:0)

let section = storage.section(atIndex:0)

Updating manually

Sometimes you may need to update batch of sections, remove all items, and add new ones. For those massive updates you don't actually need to update interface until update is finished. Wrap your updates in single block and pass it to updateWithoutAnimations method:

storage.updateWithoutAnimations {
	// Add multiple rows, or another batch of edits
// Calling reloadData is mandatory after calling this method. or you will get crash runtime

Supplementary models

let section = storage.section(atIndex:0)
section.setSupplementaryModel("foo", forKind: UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader)
let model = section.supplementaryModelOfKind(UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader)

Transferring model

DTModelStorage defines ModelTransfer protocol, that allows transferring your data model to interested parties. This can be used for example for updating UITableViewCell. Thanks to associated ModelType of the protocol it is possible to transfer your model without any type casts.


RealmStorage class is made to work with databases. It works with sections, that contain Realm.Results object.

Creating storage and filling it with results is very easy:

let results = try! Realm().objects(Dog)

let storage = RealmStorage()

That's it! Results are automatically monitored, and refreshed, if Realm objects change.



pod 'DTModelStorage', '~> 4.1.0'


github "DenHeadless/DTModelStorage" ~> 4.1.0


  • Xcode 8
  • Swift 3
  • iOS 8 and higher / tvOS 9.0 and higher


Due to generic implementation of DTModelStorage currently there are no plans to support Objective-C. If you want to use DTModelStorage in Objective-C project, you can use latest compatible release of the framework, that was previously written in Objective-C.


Storage classes for datasource based controls







No packages published


  • Swift 94.6%
  • Ruby 5.4%