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62 lines (54 loc) · 1.91 KB

#mac setup install anaconda with python 3.6 install tensorflow install magenta

pip install magenta

#running base line version arbitrary_image_stylization_with_weights

#running web cam version #by default this needs a usb webcam plugged in

python3 ./arbitrary_style/
--image_size=256 --content_square_crop=False
--style_square_crop=False --logtostderr

jetson tx2 configuration notes

  1. use the latest Jetpack (4.2.1 at the time of writing this)
  2. this uses python3 - so use pip3 for all pip installations
  3. install the following using apt-get: python3-llvmlite python3-numba python3-llvmlite python3-cffi python3-sklearn python3-matplotlib python3-scipy libfreetype6-dev emacs
  4. pip3 install sonnet sk-video sox mir-eval joblib IPython intervaltree bokeh backports.tempfile pypng oauth2client kfac gym gunicorn gin-config gevent bz2file librosa --no-deps tensorflow-probability tensorflow-datasets sympy six scipy requests tqdm mesh-tensorflow flask tensor2tensor --no-deps magenta-gpu --no-deps dataclasses pillow django-imagekit django_celery_results celery screeninfo numpy grpcio absl-py py-cpuinfo psutil portpicker six mock requests gast h5py astor termcolor protobuf keras-applications keras-preprocessing wrapt google-pasta
  5. install tensorflow from nvidia distro for jetson (google it)