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Qubely Blocks – Full-fledged Gutenberg Toolkit


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Advanced Gutenberg Blocks – Qubely

Contributors: themeum

Donate link:
Tags: Qubely, website builder, gutenberg block, gutenberg, page builder, drag and drop editor, responsive, site editor, editor, drag-and-drop, visual editor, landing page, frontend editor, wordpress page builder, free page builder, layout builder
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 1.3.3
Requires PHP: 5.4.0
License: GPL-2.0+
License URI:

The one and only Gutenberg block plugin you will ever need


Qubely is a full-fledged Gutenberg toolkit with plenty of predefined sections and modern layout packs to create beautiful pages and posts on the Gutenberg editor. It offers a whole new experience that minimizes all limitations of the Gutenberg editor and opens unlimited possibilities to create any simple to complex content on a WordPress website. This user-friendly tool has been developed with all necessary customization features to achieve any possible layout.

Qubely extends Gutenberg with many custom blocks that are missing in the editor. Take full control of the WordPress block editor with the ability to apply out of the box styling options. Create web pages and posts using Qubely’s custom Gutenberg blocks that are stunning as well as mobile optimized.


Qubely core features at a glance

  • Predefined sections
  • Modern layout packs
  • Highly customizable row columns
  • Row video background & blend mode
  • Drag column resizing
  • Shape divider/builder
  • Device specific responsive controls
  • Unlimited Google web fonts & system fonts
  • Classic & gradient color and background
  • Built-in animation
  • Box-shadow
  • Font Awesome 5 Icons and line icons
  • Custom CSS

Advanced Gutenberg blocks inside Qubely

Qubely adds numerous custom Gutenberg blocks to the WordPress block editor and takes site building to the next level. The available custom advanced Gutenberg blocks inside Qubely are:

  • Row
  • Button
  • Testimonial
  • Heading
  • Counter
  • Tabs
  • Accordion/Toggle
  • Advanced Text
  • Video Popup
  • Google Map
  • Progress Bar
  • Icon
  • Divider
  • Social Icons
  • Button Group
  • Info Box
  • Advanced List
  • Contact Form
  • Icon List
  • Pricing
  • Block Wrapper
  • Team
  • Image
  • Timeline
  • Post Grid
  • More advanced Gutenberg blocks coming

Qubely Gutenberg blocks features and functionalities in details

  • Row: Create an amazingly functional row from a variety of column variations. Resize columns using mouse drag to achieve the desired layout. Control spacing, add video, image, color, gradient or blend to the row background. Adjust the height and place the content at top, center or the bottom position. Add additional custom CSS code in case necessary.

  • Button: Button block has been designed to meet all the necessary requirements. There’s an option to design any possible combination of layout, shape or interface. You can design a flat, gradient or a line button. Set button icon with the possibility to change icon position and size along with its spacing. Options are available to change border, typography (font, size, line height, letter spacing) and shadow.

  • Testimonial: Showcase the kind words of your customer on a post or a page with Qubely’s Testimonial block. Choose a layout from given the ones. Decide whether to show Quote Icon, Message, Name, Designation, Avatar, Ratings etcetera and set them up in their respective settings.

  • Icon: Use icons as blocks and place them anywhere on the pages and posts. Choose icons from our rich collection of Font Awesome and Qubely Line Icons. Display an icon with or without background and border. Apply a world of style options including icon size, alignment, link, background color, shadow and way more to look better.

  • Google Map: Embed Google Maps to your site and share your location to engage the visitors more effectively. The Google Map block in Qubely advanced Gutenberg block plugin has the controls to add map address, customize map height, and zoom the map on a scale of 1 to 20.

  • Divider: Separate your blocks with the stunning 28 pre-designed dividers of Qubely’s Divider block. Specify the divider's height & width regardless of the device type and align them flexibly (Left/Center/Right). Color the dividers and apply animation effect the way you seem fit.

  • Advanced Text: No more restriction when it comes to styling your text content. With the Advance Text block of Qubely, you can apply advanced styling options. Change the typography (font, size, line height, letter spacing), tweak the design and add border & box-shadow.

  • Counter: Have an animated number/counter on your post or page with the Counter block to show your milestones in an attractive manner. Setup the block with a counter limit, determine its duration, add prefix & postfix, change the typography, and apply creative design to the content.

  • Tabs: Display texts in beautiful predesigned tabs with three tabs design variations. Add animations, icons, background colours with the highly customizable Qubely Tabs addon. Design tabs with preferred width and spacing when creating responsive tabs to showcase features and trends.

  • Accordion: Place collapsible text contents on your site and present them in a neat way with the Accordion block. Setup items to reveal the hidden content in an aesthetic manner. Take control over title design, border, and the typography. Select item behavior & navigation icon from the dropdown and with the content wrapper option style the inner content the way you want to.

  • Video Popup: Create a nice touch to your web page using the video popup block without taking up much space. You can add a popup icon with the ability to change its design completely. Change the typography, design the background with wrapper background, apply overlay, box shadow and animation to bring a nice touch.

  • Heading: Create stunning headlines/titles with the advanced Heading block. The more attractive a heading looks the more attention you get. Style heading text by tweaking the typography, and its color. Set the perfect alignment while adding the perfect animation.

  • Progress Bar: Present your remarkable skills, experiences, or the progress of an ongoing project using the Progress Bar block of Qubely. Change every single element of the block including the typography, color, background, and shape. Apply animation effect to make it even more attractive.

  • Social Icons: Add all your social media profiles in one place with Qubely Social Icons. It includes all the popular social platforms that you can choose to display with a label, icon or both. Use styling options to resize the icons and add animation to make your social icons stand out.

  • Button Group: Include trendy button groups with flexible design options with Qubely Button Group. The button group comes with predefined layouts, size options, selection of button corners and endless other customizable aspects. You can create a gradient background colour effect in your button groups and enable icons from the huge icon collection. Modify hover, shadow and add animation to your buttons to have beautiful buttons throughout your site.

  • Info Box: Place engaging information with Qubely Info Box that’s bound to get user attention. Choose from the 3 predefined layouts and then further personalize it. Enable buttons, add various media, modify background colour and shadow in your info box. The user friendly info box comes with title, pretitle, animation, separators and a bunch of custom options for innovative info boxes in your site.

  • Advanced List: Qubely Advanced List block allows you to create lists that are stylish yet informative. It comes with two predefined layouts- Classic and Fill. Choose your layout design and customize it according to your needs. Select how many columns you want in the list. There are a huge selection of typography options such as choosing the font size and type, letter spacing, line height, alignment and more. Add icons in your prefered size as bullet points from the huge icon library. Design flexibly with spacing, background size, shadow and even add animation to your lists!

  • Contact Form: Display contact forms effectively in your site with Qubely Contact Form List block. This block comes with two layouts- Classic and Material. Enable/Disable placeholders and labels in your contact form lists. You even get to design your label typography with desired font size, height, spacing, area and more. Improve your input styles with prefered size, textarea height, spacing, gutter, colour, background colour and more! Enter your receiver email right from the block settings and enable captcha if you wish to do so. Finally add buttons and even animation to your creative contact form lists!

  • Icon List: Qubely Icon List comes with the Classic and Fill predefined layouts that you can customize to make outstanding lists. Choose from hundreds of icons to find the perfect ones for the icon lists on your site. Define icon list alignment and personalize the icon size, position, spacing and colour. Modify design flexibly with colour, spacing and border options. The typography settings comes with options to change font size, spacing, height and more!

  • Pricing: Craft each plan of the pricing table individually by choosing a design from 5 predefined layouts. Decide whether to show features, badges, and post button text in the plan. Set up the plan’s duration, typography, style badges, and edit any text in real time. You can literally tweak each and every part of your pricing plans with Qubely Pricing block.

  • Block Wrapper: Block Wrapper wraps up the block with background of your favorite color. You can set up gradient background by defining Gradient Angle and Type. Apply border from the predefined styles, give box-shadow, define border radius, have hover effects and animate the entire wrapped item with preset effects.

  • Team: Qubely’s Team block lets you enlist your team members one by one with their details like names, designations, social links, images, and more. You can choose the team member’s profile design from 3 preset layouts. Decide whether to show designation and description with the member profile. Also, apply animation effects on each of the profiles individually.

  • Image: Insert and beautify images with Qubely Image Block. There are 2 different premade layouts (Simple and Blurb) with plenty of customization options. You can define image opacity, alignment, border-radius, and box-shadow. Animate images, set up typography, enable overlay, and many more.

  • Timeline: Display the timelines of various events like product releases, company history & milestones, upcoming updates, achievements, and many more with Qubely’s Timeline block. Showcase detailed timelines/roadmaps and style them with plenty of customization options. Add images, texts, headings, setup connectors with icons, and tweak timeline bar your way.

  • Post Grid: The Post Grid block lets you take the blog posts of the website and display them in different grid and list layouts. It takes care of every detail of the grid/list layout. You can define the number of blog post, style the feature image, tweak typography, control spacing, determine post excerpts, apply animation effect, and do many more with Qubely’s Post Grid block.

Some exciting Qubely features in details

Let’s dig deep into the exciting features of this advanced Gutenberg block plugin.

Predefined sections

To help you build websites fast, Qubely has a rich library of predefined sections those can be imported and used as blocks on the Gutenberg editor. You no longer need to style them from scratch. Also, you can modify their look if you ever want to. The predefined sections inside Qubely come in different categories so that you can navigate through them easily and find the one you need.

Row-column structure

With the default Column block of the Gutenberg editor, you can’t take more than two columns at a time. On the other hand, the Row block of Qubely lets you take 1 to as many as 6 columns in a single row at a time. There are multiple combinations of columns of different numbers and sizes. You just have to pick what you need. Most importantly, you can adjust the column size by flexibly dragging the columns.

Build a complex web page layout with row-column structure right on the Gutenberg editor. The widely used row-column layout building concept of major page builders is with Gutenberg editor now with the blessing of Qubely.

Advanced row-column Settings

Alongside applying padding and margin to columns you can also set column background and hover background with single color, image, and gradient. Give column border, apply border-radius, and animate each column individually. Also, go beyond these column styling options by adding custom CSS to columns.

Visual inline styling

The rich and functional blocks inside this Gutenberg page builder offers visual inline editing and styling options. You can edit, modify, and style most of the blocks’ content staying on the blocks. Like all other Gutenberg blocks, the options to edit and modify block content are on left top of each block. So, you don’t have to go away from the block to create, edit, and modify block contents.

Device specific responsive controls

Everything you create on Gutenberg editor with the help of Qubely’s custom Gutenberg blocks becomes responsive and fits well on devices of all sizes. Additionally, you can control the entire responsiveness by defining the breakpoint for small screens. If required, you can also hide blocks on different devices.

Custom typography controls

This Gutenberg page builder gives you full control over the typography of the blocks. You can choose the font, apply font weight, font transform, set font size, line height, letter spacing in px, em, and percentage on the basis of the devices they will be displayed on.

You may find the documentation here Documentation


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP version 5.6.0 or greater (PHP 7.1 or greater is recommended)
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater (MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended)

Automatic installation

The automatic installation is the easiest way to install any plugin in WordPress. You can perform an automatic installation of Qubely by logging in to your WordPress dashboard, navigating to the “Plugins” menu and click on the “Add New” button.

This will open up a page showing all the available plugins in WordPress. In the search field, type Qubely. The search result will show you our Qubely plugin, you can then see the detailed info by clicking on “More Details” and to install just click on the “Install Now” button.

Manual installation

To install Qubely manually, you need to download the plugin and upload it to your webserver via any FTP application.

The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

#Frequently Asked Questions

Is Qubely free?

Yes, Qubely is a free WordPress Gutenberg block plugin. There can be a premium version as well. But there will always be a free version.

Can I use Qubely with any WordPress theme?

Yes, you can use Qubely with any Gutenberg compatible WordPress theme.

Do I need Gutenberg to use Qubely?

Yes, Qubely is built based on the Gutenberg editor. You must need Gutenberg to make this plugin work.

Where can I get support?

You can get support by posting on the support section of this plugin on the WordPress plugin directory, or on the Themeum support forums: 🙂

Where can I report a bug?

Found a bug? Please let us know by posting on the support section of this plugin on the WordPress plugin directory or directly on our support forum.


1.3.0 - 21 January, 2020 New: Animated Headline block Update: Block specific script loading on the frontend Update: Conditional script loading for interactions, animations, and parallax Update: Optimised CSS files on the frontend
Update: Infobox block - External image option Fix: BuddyBoss conflict issue
Fix: Row block - Background overlay issue Fix: Gradient field - Default preview issue

1.2.9 - 13 January, 2020 New: Animated Headline block Fix: Contact form block focus border issue

1.2.8 - 06 January, 2020 Fix: Contact form block - reCAPTCHA issue
Fix: Additional CSS class issue in Back-end
Fix: Button Group block - Button width issue
Fix: Carousel blocks - Active item dot indicator in Back-end
Update: Block specific script loading in Front-end

1.2.7 - 20 December, 2019 New: Pie Progress block
New: Template field
New: Transform function in css generator
Update: Column block default UI
Update: Block control css issue for Blocks inside Column
Fix: Reusable block issue in Row

1.2.6 - 05 December, 2019 New: Full Width, Wide Width alignment option in all blocks
Update: Improvement in Interaction
Fix: Team block - Social icons hover issue

1.2.5 - 28 November, 2019 New: Team block - Image border
New: Team block - Image box shadow
New: Media field - Local video preview option in Panel
Fix: Dropdown field - Search
Fix: Post Grid block - Stack background in style 3
Fix: InfoBox block - Placeholder image width adjustment issue
Fix: Contact Form block - Input field background Material layout
Fix: Broken CSS issue after editing original Reusable blocks
Update: Tabs block - Frontend script
Update: Tabs block - Block preview
Update: Tabs block, Video popup block - Preview image path

1.2.4 - 20 November, 2019 New: Block preview option added
New: Post Grid block - context menu
Fix: CSS issue fixed in Reusable blocks
Fix: Interaction issue fixed
Fix: Typography field - Search option
Fix: Divider block - Divider color issue
Fix: Icon list block - Padding issue
Fix: Team block - Alignment issue
Fix: Icon list block - Animation issue
Fix: Button Group block - Animation issue
Fix: Timeline block - Responsive issue
Fix: Infobox block - Image width issue
Fix: Image block - Animation issue
Update: Team block - Image width
Update: Import layout design

1.2.3 - 12 November, 2019 Update: WordPress 5.3 compatibility added Update: Heading block - Replaced deprecated components: RichText, InspectorControls, BlockControls

1.2.2 - 11 November, 2019 New: add_theme_support added to qubely-color-palette
Fix: CSS loading from file issue
Fix: Qubely CSS loading in non-Qubely pages
Fix: Global settings issue
Update: Few label texts

1.2.1 - 01 November, 2019 Fix: Import Layout - Sections & Starter Packs count & search issue fixed
Update: Import Layout - Recategorized Sections & Starter Packs

1.2.0 - 30 October, 2019 New: Mouse Movement effect Update: Contact Form block - Script
Update: Post Grid block - Style

1.1.6 - 09 October, 2019 Fix: Contact Form block - CSS issue in input fields
Fix: Image block - CSS issue
Fix: Video Popup block - fixed layout naming issue

1.1.5 - 01 October, 2019 Fix: CSS issue in import layout modal
Fix: Image block - Removed empty space
Update: Carousel field - Bug fixed & finalized

1.1.4 - 24 September, 2019 New: Image block - Image URL option
Update: Timeline block - Item removing option
Fix: Row block - Column reverse issue for child rows
Fix: Row block - Column issue in responsive devices

1.1.3 - 19 September, 2019

New: 2 page templates - Qubely Full Width, Qubely Canvas
Update: Performance improvement
Update: Refactored components & fields
Fix: Post Grid block - Category clickable issue in Edit view

1.1.2 - 06 September, 2019

Fix: Font weight issue in frontend
Fix: Conflict with Gutenberg plugin

1.1.1 - 03 September, 2019

Fix: Post Grid block - Front end issue

1.1.0 - 02 September, 2019

New: Post Grid block
New: Custom dropdown field with search option

1.0.9 - 23 August, 2019

Update: Timeline block - Item limit increased to 100 from 20
Fix: Inline CSS issue on frontend

1.0.8 - 09 August, 2019

New: Timeline block
New: Info Box block - Retina image uploading option
New: Team block - Retina image uploading option
New: Testimonial block - Retina image uploading option
Fix: Image block - Top and bottom spacer issue
Fix: CSS duplication issue on frontend

1.0.7 - 06 August, 2019

New: Image Block
Update: Testimonial Block - Ratings settings UI improved
Fix: Qubely Options page error

1.0.6 - 01 August, 2019

New: Block Wrapper - Image background option
Update: Infobox Block - Settings UI improved
Update: Media field improvement
Fix: Row Block - Column reverse setting

1.0.5 - 24 July, 2019

Update: Advanced Text Block - HTML support for RichText
Update: Testimonial Block - HTML support for RichText
Update: Infobox Block - HTML support for RichText and image alt text
Update: Pricing Block - HTML support for RichText
Fix: CSS issue while exporting/importing pages
Fix: Button Block - Outline layout hover fill color

1.0.4 - 15 July, 2019

Update: InfoBox Block - Button enable/disable toggle position
Update: Button Component - Panel settings improvement
Fix: Row - Margin field issue fixed

1.0.3 - 11 July, 2019

New: Block style copy/paste option on the context menu
New: Typography field - gets Font family & font-weight reset option
Fix: Button block/Button component - has default text-color & background-color for layouts
Fix: Accordion block - not saving separator value issue
Fix: Import layout modal conflict with Yoast SEO plugin

1.0.2 - 08 July, 2019

New: Button Group block - Responsive setting in Alignment field
Update: Info Box block - Button default tag
Update: Import layout modal modification
Fix: Tabs block - inactive tab content display issue in Backend

1.0.1 - 01 July, 2019

New: Column block - Add column option in BlockControls
Update: Social Icons block - Used Gutenberg’s Popover component
Update: Icon List block - Used Gutenberg’s Popover component
Fix: Styling issue while previewing post
Fix: Column block - CSS selector to fix styles in child row’s columns
Fix: Icon List block - Issue with item removal using Backspace
Fix: Pricing block - Issue with removing any newly added feature
Fix: Social Icons block - Icon label inline changing issue

1.0.0 - 20 June, 2019

New: Premade sections & layouts
New: Info Box block - Content disable option
New: Team block - Padding option for content
New: Contact Form block - Button alignment option
New: Pricing & Features blocks - Custom alignment option
New: Advanced List block - Background size option for number
New: Button Group block - Alignment field
Update: Redesigned import layout modal UI
Update: Dimension field in Row & Column blocks
Update: Testimonial block - Replaced dashicons with Font Awesome
Fix: Accordion block - Heading update issue
Fix: Advanced List block - Bullet icon changing issue
Fix: Advanced List block - Line height issue
Fix: Advanced Text & Title blocks - Separator stroke value update issue
Fix: Advanced settings - Z-index value update issue
Fix: Block manager - Resized qubely icons
Fix: Button block - Button URL open in new window setting issue
Fix: Button Group block - Spacing option issue
Fix: Heading block - Sub heading tag change issue
Fix: Row block - Overlay issue in inner rows
Fix: Testimonial block - Layout change issue
Fix: Tabs block - Nav responsive margin issue
Fix: Video Popup block - Icon ripple effect issue

1.0.0-RC-2 - 31 May, 2019

New: Font family search option in typography
Update: Pricing Badge UI
Update: Tab icon setting
Update: Gradient angle & position UI
Update: Shape divider settings in Row

1.0.0-RC-1 - 24 May, 2019

Update: Block Wraper's description & keyword
Update: Code optimization
Fix: List item auto focus issue in Advanced list & Icon list block
Fix: Border Hover color option in Icon block
Fix: Import layout Reloading Issue

1.0.0-beta-3 - 22 May, 2019

New: Global color palate setting
New: Recent font-family setting in typography
Update: Inline text-color and background-color option
Update: Removed hover option from Pricing block’s background
Fix: Text color issue in Advanced block
Fix: Border Hover color option in Icon block
Fix: Animation delay issue in global option

1.0.0-beta-2 - 16 May, 2019

Update: Gradient field color picker position
Update: Redesigned Testimonial Block's layout
Update: Responsive device setting
Update: Changed icon updating option in Pricing Block's features
Fix: Button Size issue in Pricing Block
Fix: Transition issue in Video Popup block, Button Block

1.0.0-beta-1 - 10 May, 2019

New: Pricing Block
New: Wrapper Block
New: Team Block
New: Redesigned user interface
New: Radically Redesigned user experience
New: Added Responsive settings to the Shape Divider
Update: Improved padding, margin, Radius, Box Shadow, Background, Color and border options
Update: Improved typography settings
Update: Restructured Advanced List block
Fix: Icon size in the icon list
Fix: Autofocus in the icon list
Fix: Video Popup SVG

1.0.0-alpha-4 - 28 March, 2019

New: Contact Form Block
New: Icon List Block
New: Advanced List Block
New: Button Group Block
New: Info Box Block
Update: Row settings
Update: Column settings
Fix: Link open in new tab issue
Fix: Button Alignment issue
Fix: Video Popup youtube short link issue

1.0.0-alpha-3 - 11 March, 2019

Update: Tab Improvement
Fix: Social icon blocks dropdown issue

1.0.0-alpha-2 - 08 March, 2019

New: Tabs block
New: Social Icons block
Update: Row setting
Update: Column setting
Fix: Select field issue
Fix: Responsive device issue
Fix: Map block address issue

1.0.0-alpha - 01 March, 2019

  • Initial Alpha Release :)

Upgrade Notice

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Qubely Blocks – Full-fledged Gutenberg Toolkit







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  • JavaScript 80.8%
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  • PHP 5.3%