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saypi (say-pee-eye)

Cowsay API to demonstrate several Golang design [patterns] we've used successfully at Stripe.

API Docs

We haven't found a consistent pattern for documenting service APIs. Sharing client code helps but doesn't fulfill all the needs of good documentation. For now we rely on manually maintained markdown files such as the one in this repository.



In our monolithic Ruby codebase, we access data via an ActiveRecord-inspired library. Models are accessible to any part of the application and any part of the code can perform essentially arbitrary actions against the database (e.g. updating a particular field, running custom commands). The ORM provides a lot of power out of the box and abstracts away a ton of thinking about the interface with your persistence layer. I'd argue that this is a mistake -- persistence is one of the most challenging parts of developing a consistent and scalable application and shouldn't be treated as a generic problem.

In saypi, all access to the database is wrapped by repository types. The only way to communicate with the database is through the narrow interface defined on each repository. You'll never see a Save method allowing you to update arbitrary data on a model. This makes data access patterns more predictable, testable and refactorable. For example:

  • You can't accidentally write code in an unrelated module that triggers a full table scan.
  • You can easily stub out the database in unrelated unit tests.
  • You can refactor data access patterns in one place, with a clearly testable interface. For example, I was able to add read replicas with minimal code churn.

Handler interface

We agree with Square's assessment that full-featured web frameworks are unncessary in Go. We found that the specific choice of mux and handler interface doesn't matter nearly as much as agreeing on a consistent pattern. For example, it's important that all of our applications provide the same request IDs in their log lines and can use the same package to record consistent metrics.

We use the context package to pass request-scoped values and our handlers use the signature func(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request). Goji makes it easy to mix-and-match our handlers and middleware with code that assumes an http.Handler.

Error handling

Our first Go applications sufferred from two major error handling problems.

First, unhandled errors would bubble up the stack and panic in the controller. We would report the stacktrace to Sentry but it was difficult to debug exactly where these errors originated (e.g. which query caused that uniqueness violation in the database?). We like the approach from Juju's errors package of wrapping errors to include information such as the original stacktrace. For unhandled errors we can log enough context to make debugging possible and for well-handled errors we can log additional context for operators while returning a sane response to the client.

The second problem was returning these sane and useful responses to the client. Early on, I introduced a (harmless) server-side request forgery vulnerability from an errant err.Error() return. I switched to returning minimal information with error responses, making my services harder to use. We've since settled on a pattern where any error returned to the user must advertise a machine-readable error code and human-readable message by implementing a UserError interface. Human-readable messages can be detailed enough to make debugging easy while machine-readable codes provide a complete itemization of errors that the client should be prepared to handle.

Initialization and the main method

Get out of your main method as quickly as possible! Command-line arguments and environment variables offer an untyped interface that makes testing difficult and error-prone.

The main method should do little more than read configuration from the environment. Saypi pushes the limit of what a main method should do by binding to a port and setting up graceful shutdown. Initialization such as connecting to the database should be handled by a separate App type that takes typed configuration from main and implements http.Handler. The App is easy to instantiate in tests without mucking with the environment and string-based configuration. It makes it easy to write functional tests that exercise initialization paths without deeply coupling packages in your app to each other.

Missing pieces

We've learned a lot working Go into new services over the past year but there are still a few places where we don't quite feel like we've landed on the right patterns.

  • Configuration: We've used a mix of command-line flags, environment variables and JSON files to configure our applications. Across Stripe, we like environment variables as a default but some services have complex configuration that's easier to represent in a file. Passing secrets to the application introduces further wrinkles.
  • Healthchecking: Deep healthchecks risk falsely marking every instance of a service as down rather than entering a degraded state while very shallow healthchecks can mask problems on a single instance. This isn't a Go specific problem, but we'll likely have to solve it in Go as our primary language for new services.
  • Testing: We tried suite-based interfaces like Gocheck and Ginkgo but felt like we were fighting the language. We much prefer the stdlib testing interfaces but haven't figured out how much to cede to an assertion library like testify.assert. For now, our rule is that anything goes as long as the tests are of the form func Test*(t *testing.T).

Want to help us solve these problems and much more?

TODOs and Qs

  • Use API client to write sane tests
  • Tests for invalid params to say controller
  • 404 on missing deletions
  • Generate spans in client or at least take a context for cancellation
  • Client with a much more stubbable interface (e.g. Service thing from verificator)

Boring TODO

  • Package descriptions
  • Dependency management (vendor experiment?)

Maybe TODO

  • frontend interface, Go as a static fileserver, JS tests running against stub
  • Use 201 created with Location header to force generating internal URLs? Return next/prev URLs for pagination in the Location header like Greenhouse?
  • Generate public URLs for a conversation (maybe have auth package support returning a public version of any url?)
  • Object creation limits
  • Write an example of refactoring list queries to use a read-replica
  • Server hosts its own Swagger API docs
  • Support rendering conversations as text instead of JSON?

Maybe include these patterns?

  • API clients across multiple languages
  • DI?
  • Dependency management? It's just being angry about Godep...