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Releases: Nokorpo/LibreAim


26 Apr 10:42
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Third release of LibreAim with a lot of news about the project!

Since now, I was developing LibreAim alone, but this new version includes commits from me @antimundo and three other contributors!@Djkcool, @dfgworm, and @iltenahmet

It's not just me anymore, now there are some people helping with the project too, which is great. We have a Discord server to talk about the development of LibreAim.

Load custom data

You could already select from multiple gamemodes, world textures, and enemy hit sounds. But now you can also add your own custom files into LibreAim:

  • Custom hit sounds: user://custom_resources/destroy_sounds/customsound.ogg
  • Custom gamemodes: user://custom_resources/gamemodes/customgamemode.cfg
  • Custom world textures: user://custom_resources/world_textures/customtexture.png

You can add custom files, and they will appear after restarting LibreAim. This is great, since one of the pillars of LibreAim is that it should be customizable, and this is a big upgrade for customization.

If you are wondering where is that user:// folder, check the Godot documentation, if you use Windows, you will find it on %appdata%\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\LibreAim\custom_resources\

This closed issues #24 #20 #19. Also huge thanks to @dfgworm who helped a lot on this.

Tracking gamemode feedback

Tracking gamemode didn't have much feedback. So now there is a health bar that flashes on red when you hit the target, and it also makes a sound when you hit it. This was proposed in #11

Tracking gamemode feedback

Disable FPS overlay

You can disble the FPS counter if you don't want it

Missed shots and acuraccy

Looks like some aim trainer users not only value the speed, but also the accuracy. So now the game also tracks that, and your score is affected by that. You gain 1 point every time you land a shot, but you also loose 1 point every time you miss one.

Precision UI

Sensitivity as slider

Now sensitivity also has a slider. A small changed proposed in #15


Code refactoring and bug fixes

There has been quite a lot of refactoring and bug fixes under the hood, and probably there will be more. Mainly because of #14.

From now on, LibreAim will try to follow the GDScript style guide.


28 Mar 09:50
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Second alpha release, also available on

Added controller support

While mouse and keyboard is the main concern of LibreAim, it was very easy to add controller support, so now it's here, you can play LibreAim with a controller.

Customize the world appareance

Added new settings to now customize how the game world looks.

  • World texture: The texture of the world, there are 5 default textures: checkerboard, flat, grass, squares, stone.
  • World color: The color of the world.
  • Target color: The color of the targets you shoot at.


Gamemode files

Gamemode files are now organized intro different sections, instead of a big chunk of variables now they are nicely organized, for example:

id = "horizontal"
title = "Horizontal targets"
description = "All targets spawn at the same height."

time = 30
player_movement = true

The player_movement variable is also new, you can now set this to false, to avoid the player from moving, in case you want the player to be static.

FPS management

There is now an option to limit the max amount of FPS the game renders, it's set to 120 by default to reduce the GPU load.
New FPS counter on the top left of the screen.

Other adjustments

Some other minor adjustments, bug fixes, and code refactoring done for this version.


02 Mar 09:40
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First alpha release ever, in case someone wants to try the project. The game is also available on LibreAim is free and open source, so feel free to also try the project in the Godot engine, or to add suggestions to the Issues tab on GitHub.


Included in this version

Settings and crosshair customization

The aim of LibreAim is to be as customizable as posible, in this first alpha, users can customize things like camera FOV, mouse sensitivity, and set up a custom crosshair.


Customizable gamemodes

There are multiple gamemodes, and LibreAim should allow users to create their custom gamemodes.

There is a folder called gamemodes, where every gamemode has a file with it's settings. For example, the random gamemode has a file called random.cfg that looks like this:

title="Random targets"
description="Random static targets."
	"x": [-5, 5],
	"y": [1, 9]
	"x": 0,
	"y": 0
	"radius": 1,
	"height": 2

You can create more gamemodes, and customize the existing ones, by modifying these files in the source code.