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Antimundo edited this page Mar 3, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the LibreAim wiki!

This project is free and open source, so you can download it and modify it however you want to make it suit your needs.

Objectives of LibreAim

  • ✏️ Customizable: Everything should be simple, easy to mantain and modify. This tool should allow to be customized so anyone can train the way they want.
  • 📦 Work out of the box: This tool should work out of the box, and be a good training tool in case someone doesn't want to customize anything and just train.
  • 🕊️ Lightweight: This is a training tool, it doesn't need fancy graphics, but it needs to run on low-end machines, give a high ammount of fps, and have minimal input lag. Also it would be good to mantain a low project size, we don't want LibreAim to be a 10Gb download, because it should be just a simple tool.

How to contribute

If you end up randomly reading this, you should notice that LibreAim is just produced by one human at this moment, and almost no one knows about LibreAim, but as an open source project, I'm very open to people wanting to collaborate.

  1. ⭐ Star it on GitHub: The easiest thing you can do is to give it a star on GitHub, and help it gain visibility.
  2. 🌌 Download the project and play with it: You can just use the tool youself, see the code and how things works.
  3. 📋 Check the GitHub isues: Once you have tried LibreAim, you could participate in the issues tab on GitHub, report bugs, suggest new features, etc.

How things work

How to make a custom gamemode

Inside /assets/gamemodes/ you will find some files like moving.cfg or random.cfg. These files are configuration files for new gamemodes, if you open them, you will see something like this:

id = "random"
title = "Random targets"
description = "Random static targets."

time = 30
player_movement = true

spawn_location = {
	"x": [-5, 5],
	"y": [1, 9]
movement = {
	"x": 0,
	"y": 0
size = {
	"radius": 1,
	"height": 2
health = 0
initial_targets = 3

So you can modify these files in order to customize the existing gamemodes, and you can also create new ones, by creating file like my_custom_gamemode.cfg with the settings you want, and when you open the project again you will see your new custom gamemode appearing.