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Dark Mode

MacOS and Linux scripts to interact with dark mode.


  • Get current mode
  • Change active mode
  • Listen for theme events and run a shell script on change
  • Listen for theme events and change between chriskempson/base16-shell themes




Either run it directly with

./macos/dark-mode.swift <command>

Or compile it with

swiftc -o dark-mode ./macos/dark-mode.swift

With Zinit

zinit ice lucid from='gh' if='[[ "$(uname -s)" == Darwin* ]]' \
	atclone='swiftc -o dark-mode macos/dark-mode.swift' atpull="%atclone" sbin='dark-mode'
zinit light @AntoinePrv/dark-mode

Linux (Gnome)


The script is a standalone bash wrapper around gsettings.


With Zinit

zinit ice lucid from='gh' if='[[ "$(uname -s)" == Linux* ]]' \
	sbin='linux/gnome/ -> dark-mode'
zinit light @AntoinePrv/dark-mode


dark-mode (help | --help | -h)
Print this message and exit.

dark-mode get
Print the current mode, either "dark" or "light".

dark-mode dark
Set theme to dark.

dark-mode light
Set theme to light

dark-mode toogle
Toogle the theme to the opposite one.

dark-mode listen <script> [<args>...]
Listen for theme changes and run the given script.
The new theme, either "dark" or "light" is passed as the last argument to the script.

dark-mode base16 --root <base16-root> --light <light-theme> --dark <dark-theme>
Listen for theme changes and change to the base16 theme accordingly

Example using listen to change terminal theme

Using chriskempson/base16-shell to change the terminal theme, one can use something like

dark-mode base16 --root "${HOME}/.local/share/base16" --light "ia-light" --dark "ia-dark"

To run the dark-mode listener in the background, for instance starting it in .bashrc/.zshrc, you can use

# Only run if using MacOS.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
    # Don't run withing Tmux or SSH, as it will already be running in the first terminal session.
    if [["${TERM}" != "screen"* &&  ! -n "${TMUX}" ]] && ! [[ -n "${SSH_CLIENT}" || -n "${SSH_TTY}" ]]; then
            # Run dark-mode in the background, removing it from the job list.
            dark-mode base16 --root "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/base16" --light "one-light" --dark "onedark" &
            # Kill dark-mode when the shell exits.
            bash -c "while ps -p $$ 2>&1 1>/dev/null; do sleep 60; done; pkill -P $!" &


Heavily inspired by: