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File metadata and controls

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Signals everywhere

The signal type Sig is the key aspect of the library! So let's make good friends with it!

We will learn how to transform signals in this chapter and find out some interesting peculiarities of it.

Control-rate vs audio-rate signals

In CE we have a type Sig to represent both audio and control signals. For ease of use some context is hidden from the user. But sometimes we need to distinguish them.

Audio signals work on audio rate (typical values are 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz) while control signals are updated on much lower rate (like 1/64 or 1/128 fraction of audio rate). Using control signals can save a lot of CPU.

For instance we can use them with LFOs or envelope generators or to modify with time any sort of parameter of synthesizer.

If you want to know the gory details of it. Under the hood the audio- and control-rate signals are represented with different data structures. Audio-rate signal is array of doubles and control rate is just a single double value. But for the ease of use they are represented with the same type in CE.

The smart engine makes coversions behind the scenes. But if we want we can give it a hint:

kr :: Sig -> Sig   -- enforces control-rate
ar :: Sig -> Sig   -- enforces audio-rate
ir :: Sig -> D     -- takes a snapshot of the signal (init-time rate or constant)

Mutable values with control signals

By default newRef or newGlobalRef create placeholders for audio-rate signals. But if we want them to hold control-rate signals we have to use special variants:

newCtrlRef          :: Tuple a => a -> SE (Ref a)
newGlobalCtrlRef    :: Tuple a => a -> SE (Ref a)

If signals are created with them they are control-rate signals.

The Signal space (SigSpace)

We often want to transform the signal which is wrapped in the other type. It can be a monophonic signal. If it's just a pure Sig then it's not that difficult. We can apply a function and get the output. But what if the signal is stereo or what if it's wrapped in the SE. But it has a signal(s) that we want to process. We can use different combinations of the function fmap. But there is a better way.

We can use the special type class SigSpace :

class Num a => SigSpace a where
  mapSig :: (Sig -> Sig) -> a -> a

There are lots of instances. For signals, tuples of signals, tuples of signals wrapped in the SE, the signals that come from UI-widgets such as knobs and sliders.

If you are too lazy to write mapSig there is a shortcut at for you. It's the same as mapSig. Thats how we can filter a noise. The linseg creates a straight line between the points 1500 and 250 that lasts for 5 seconds:

> dac $ at (mlp (linseg [1500, 5, 250]) 0.1) $ white

It let us apply signal transformation functions to values of many different types. The one function that we have already seen is mul:

mul :: SigSpace a => Sig -> a -> a

It can scale the signal or many signals.

There is another cool function. It's cfd:

cfd :: SigSpace a => Sig -> a -> a -> a

It's a crossfade between two signals. The first signal varies in range 0 to 1. It interpolates between second and third arguments.

Also we can use bilinear interpolation with four signals

cfd4 :: SigSpace a => Sig -> Sig -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a
cfd4 x y asig1 asig2 asig3 asig4

We can imagine that we place four signals on the corners of the unipolar square. we can move within the square with x and y signals. The closer we get to the corner the more prominent becomes the signal that sits in the corner and other three become quiter. The corner to signal map is:

  • (0, 0) is for asig1

  • (1, 0) is for asig2

  • (1, 1) is for asig3

  • (0, 1) is for asig4

The cfds can operate on many signals. The first list length equals the second one minus one.

cfds :: SigSpace a => [Sig] -> [a] -> a

Another usefull function is weighted sum

wsum :: SigSpace a => [(Sig, a)] -> a

It's a weighted sum of signals. Can be useful for mixing sounds from several sources.

If we take a closer look at the function mapSig:

 mapSig :: (Sig -> Sig) -> a -> a

We can notice that it can only transform value with pure functions. Pure functions have no side-effects and are deterministic in nature. But what if we want to make something random and weird? Like filtering the signal with some random function:

Take for example jitter:

jitter :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig
jitter kamp kcpsMin kcpsMax

It creates random line segments with amplitude between (-kamp, +kamp) with frequency of change in the interval (kcpsMin, kcpsMax). It's very useful to introduce some natural changes. The output is random so it's wrapped in the SE.

Let's filter saw-tooth with it, as a filter we use blp, which is Butterworth low-pass filter:

> env = on 50 1500 $ jitter 1 0.5 2
> filt x = at (\cps -> blp cps x) env

So we apply our random env to the center frequency of the filter and process signal x with it.

To apply a function to signal we can use the method bindSig from the class BindSig. It works hust like SigSpace only it's designed for effectful processing:

class Num a => BindSig a where
  bindSig :: (Sig -> SE Sig) -> a -> SE a

Here is the result:

> dac $ bindSig filt $ (saw 220 + sqr 110)

To apply it to the white noise we need more quirky expression:

> dac $ bindSig filt =<< white

The new thing is operator =<<, which comes from the Monad type class. It's standard way to apply effectful transformations to effectful values in the Haskell. It's simplified type is:

(=<<) :: (a -> SE b) -> SE a -> SE b

We can write the whole book on explanation of the Monad. But right now just remember the signature. It allows us to plug effectful values to effectful computations. It's just like fmap but with effectful input.

Generic At-class

Wow so many conversions going on: SigSpace, BindSig or even combo of Monad with BindSig. The head can go in rounds. This happens because Haskell is mmm.. well.. strongly typed language and sometimes can be restrictive on types.

But it can be very awkward at times. imagine the expression:

mapSig (f . g . h) expr

Here dot is Haskell way to compose functions. (we plug input of rightmost to the input of next and so on). But now we change the f to ef which has side effects. And then we need to change mapSig to bindSig and moreover if expr changes to effectful expr we need to add =<< in proper place.

bindSig (eff . g . h) =<< expr'

This can be quite annoying when we want to quickly test some effects on input signals. To solve this we can use the very generic function at. It calculates by the types of inputs the right conversion for it. So it can be used inplace of mapSig, bindSig and many others. It's kind of swiss army knife to apply any signal processing function to anything.

The type is very generic. We use some clever hackery to make things right.

at :: At a b c => (a -> b) -> c -> AtOut a b c

Just use it! It's convenient. Let's look at examples:

In place of mapSig:

dac $ at (mlp (linseg [1500, 5, 250]) 0.1) $ white

In place of bindSig:

> env = on 50 1500 $ jitter 1 0.5 2
> filt x = at (\cps -> blp cps x) env

> dac $ at filt (saw 220 + sqr 110)
> dac $ at filt white

Notice no need for monadic operator when we switch from pure waves to white noise!

The signal outputs (Sigs)

It's a tuple of signals. It's for mono, stereo and other sound-outputs.

class Tuple a => Sigs a

SigSpace for stereo transformations

There are special variants of SigSpace and BindSpace which are useful for stereo-effects. The process inputs with stereo transformations:

class SigSpace2 a where
  mapSig2 :: (Sig2 -> Sig2) -> a -> a

and also

class SigSpace2 a => BindSig2 a where
  bindSig2 :: (Sig2 -> SE Sig2) -> a -> SE a

And of course at unifies them all!.