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File metadata and controls

385 lines (267 loc) · 9.57 KB

Overview of the library

There are many functions in the library. Let's list the most useful ones:

The converters:

double :: Double -> D
int    :: Int    -> D
text   :: String -> Str
sig    :: D -> Sig

The primitive wave forms

They convert the time varied frequency to the signal:

osc :: Sig -> Sig       -- pure tone
saw :: Sig -> Sig       -- sawtooth
sqr :: Sig -> Sig       -- square wave
tri :: Sig -> Sig       -- triangle wave

oscBy :: Tab -> Sig -> Sig     -- oscillator with a specified wave
blosc :: Tab -> Sig -> Sig     -- a generic band-limited oscillator

There are unipolar variants of the waveforms (a unipolar signal varies from 0 to 1): uosc, usaw, usqr, etc


Release is a time to linger the signal after note is over (useful with midi). Two additional parameters are: time of the release and the final value. Exponential envelopes should be above zero (we can use the small numbers to imitate the zero)

linseg :: [D] -> Sig                -- linear envelope
expseg :: [D] -> Sig                -- exponential envelope

                                    -- with release:
linsegr :: [D] -> D -> D -> Sig     -- linear envelope
expsegr :: [D] -> D -> D -> Sig     -- exponential envelope


Parameters: the last argument is always the signal to filter the first parameter is cut-off frequency for lp and hp and the center frequency for bp and br. The second argument is a band-width (resonance).

lp  :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig     -- low pass
hp  :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig     -- high pass
bp  :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig     -- band pass
br  :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig     -- band reject

There are Butterworth variants of the filters: blp, bhp, bbp, bbr.


nreverb  :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig

It takes a signal to process, the delay time and the speed of decay (0 to 1).

reverbsc :: Tuple a => Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> a
reverbsc aleft aright feedBackLevel cutOffFrequency

It's a stereo processing. It takes a two signals the feedback level (0 to 1) and cut off frequency of the low pass filter (usually it's 10000).

Reading the files

readSnd :: String -> (Sig, Sig)  -- read once
loopSnd :: String -> (Sig, Sig)  -- read in loop
loopSndBy :: D -> String -> (Sig, Sig) -- read in loop with given period (in seconds)

If we have a wav (or aiff) file we can read it with the given speed (the first argument):

readWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
loopWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)

Note that speed is a Signal and can vary with time. Use negative values to read in reverse. When speed equals one it's normal reading.

Low-level functions:

mp3in   :: Tuple a => Str -> a
diskin2 :: Tuple a => Str -> a

The function diskin2 reads only wav-files.

Constructing the arrays

sines :: [Double] -> Tab    -- list of the partials to sine harmonics
lins  :: [Double] -> Tab    -- array of linear segments
                            -- (parameters are like in `linseg`)
exps  :: [Double] -> Tab    -- array of exponential segments
                            -- (parameters are like in `expseg`)


The first parameter is the amplitude, the second one is beta for the low pass filter (-1 to 1) for the function noise, and the frequency of the random values for the function randi.

noise   :: Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig     -- white noise
randi   :: Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig     -- random linear segments
pinkish :: Sig -> SE Sig            -- pink noise

Simplified noises:

white, pink, brown, pinker :: SE Sig


Defined in the module Csound.Control.Evt

The event stream Evt is a Functor and Monoid

metro    :: Sig -> Evt ()
filterE  :: (a -> BoolD) -> Evt a -> Evt a
repeatE  :: a -> Evt b -> Evt a
cycleE   :: (Arg a) => [a] -> Evt b -> Evt a
oneOf    :: (Arg a) => [a] -> Evt b -> Evt a
randSkip :: Sig -> Evt a -> Evt a

Invoking the instruments

-- renderes the midi instrument
midi    :: Sigs a => (Msg -> SE a) -> SE a

-- renderes the midi instrument
-- on the given channel
midin   :: Sigs a => Int -> (Msg -> SE a) -> SE a

-- mix the signals from score
mix     :: (CsdSco f, Sigs a) => f (Mix a) -> a

-- invokes an instrument on the score
sco     :: (CsdSco f, Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> f a -> f (Mix b)

-- applies an effect to the score
eff     :: (CsdSco f, Sigs a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> f (Mix a) -> f (Mix b)

-- invokes an instrument on the event stream

-- event stream contains duration of the note
sched   :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt (D, a) -> b

-- event stream contains delay time and duration of the note
trig    :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt (D, D, a) -> b

-- triggers an instrument with the first event
-- stream and holds the note while the second event stream is silent
schedUntil :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt a -> Evt c -> b

Truncating/repeating the signal

takeSnd   :: Sigs a => Double -> a -> a
repeatSnd :: Sigs a => D      -> a -> a

With takeSnd we can truncate the signals to the given amount of seconds. We use only first n-seconds from the signals. The repeatSnd repeats the signal with the given period.

Rendering the Csound files

Defined in the module Csound.IO

The type class RenderCsd contains the sings that can be rendered to file. It's something that produces the sound or triggers the Csound procedures.

-- plays a signal in real time
dac     :: RenderCsd a => a -> IO ()

-- plays a signal in real time with virtual midi-keyboard
vdac     :: RenderCsd a => a -> IO ()

-- saves the csound file with the given name
writeCsd :: RenderCsd a => String -> a -> IO ()

-- saves the csound file to 'tmp.csd' and invokes the csound on it
csd :: RenderCsd a => a -> IO ()


Defined in the module Csound.Options.

With options we can set the global settings of the rendering process. The type Options is a monoid with the meaning that we can concatenate partially defined options and get more specified ones.

To specify the options we use the rendering functions with suffix By:

options = mconcat [setRates 44800 64, setDac, setAdc]

main = csdBy options asignal

The most common options:

-- sets the sample rate and the block size
setRates :: Int -> Int -> Options

-- sets the buffer sizes (the define the granularity of the real-time performance)
setBufs :: Int -> Int -> Options

-- where to direct the output
setOutput :: String -> Options

-- from where to recieve the input
setInput :: String -> Options

-- sets the specific output and input

-- directs the output to dac
setDac :: Options

-- recieves the input from adc.
setAdc :: Options

setThru = mappend setDac setAdc


Defined in the module Temporal.Music.Score from the package temporal-music-notation:

-- Constructs a score with the single note (it lasts for one second)
temp :: a -> Score a

-- Constructs a score that contains nothing and lasts for some time.
rest :: Double -> Score a

-- Stretches the score in the time domain with the given coefficient.
-- It gets faster or slower.
str  :: Double -> Score a -> Score a

-- Delays all events with the given amount of time.
del  :: Double -> Score a -> Score a

-- A sequential composition of scores. It's short for melody.
-- It plays the scores one after the other.
mel  :: [Score a] -> Score a

-- A parallel composition. It's short for harmony.
-- It plays all scores at the same time.
har  :: [Score a] -> Score a

-- Repeats the score several times.
loop :: Int -> Score a -> Score a


Main elements:

--        Label     Diapason   Init      Result
--                  of the     value
--                  value

knob   :: String -> ValSpan -> Double -> Source Sig
slider :: String -> ValSpan -> Double -> Source Sig

button :: String -> Source (Evt Unit)
toggle :: String -> Source (Evt D)

--                      Label     Alternatives     Id of the
--                                                 default
--                                                 value
radioButton :: Arg a => String -> [(String, a)] -> Int -> Source (Evt a)

-- shows a static text
box    :: String -> Display

Creating value spans:

Linear and exponential spans with the give bounds:

linSpan :: Double -> Double -> ValSpan
expSpan :: Double -> Double -> ValSpan

The linear unit span:

uspan :: ValSpan
uspan = linSpan 0 1


-- horizontal placement
hor :: [Gui] -> Gui

-- vertical placement
ver :: [Gui] -> Gui

-- scaling of the element within the group
-- (element is contained in the horizontal
-- or vertical container)
sca :: Double -> Gui -> Gui

Creating a windows with GUIs

Creates a single window

panel :: Gui -> SE ()

Creates a single window that is listening for keyboard events

keyPanel :: Gui -> SE ()

Creates a single windows and we can specify title and size of the window:

panelBy :: String -> Maybe Rect -> Gui -> SE ()

Keyboard events

data KeyEvt = Press Key | Release Key
data Key = CharKey | F1 | F2 | ...

keyIn   :: KeyEvt -> Evt Unit

Press and release a simple key:

charOn  :: Char   -> Evt Unit
charOff :: Char   -> Evt Unit

We should create a window to be able to listen on keyboard events with the function keyPanel or keyPanelBy.