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A simple application to scrape the SmileyCoin block chain for use with the Django ORM

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SmileyCoin blockchain scraper and API

This is a simple python / django application that utilises the smileycoin-cli interface to populate a relational database with the block chain information. A simple Twitter client is also built in.

The database can be queried using the django ORM or a web based API.

You probably need to set the directory of smileycoin-cli in the settings file ./smileychain/, as with the database described below, to SMILEYCOIN_CLI_LOCATION. It defaults to /usr/local/bin/.

Smiley Coin API

The project is a final project in the course Crypotcurrencies STÆ532M2019H. Work is done by ves4 and ava7.


  • To create an infrastructure to support quick development on top of the SmileyCoin blockchain, querying a relational database for analytics or information is much more efficient than targeting the blockchain directly.
  • To create a Twitter bot that scans OP_RETURN values on transactions and posts them, maintaining a history of already posted messages and messages that do not nicely convert into ASCII.

Prerequisites and setup

Smileycoin server

You need to have a local smileycoind server running and smileycoin-cli setup, see

If you are starting it up for the first time make sure the configuration has txindex=1 set.

Postgres database and initialization

Setup an empty database that you can write to and configure smileychain/ with the connection information.

Use a virtual environment or the like to install the packages in requirements.txt with pip install -r requirements.txt.

Migrate the database with python migrate, this set's up relevant tables and modifications.

Note: You may be able use a file based sqlite database but it is not recomended for anything but simple testing.


To populate the database with the blockchain information simply run

python scrape FROM_BLOCK TO_BLOCK

Where FROM_BLOCK and TO_BLOCK are block indexes.

You can use smileycoin-cli getblockchaininfo to fetch the highest available block number.

Local webserver and api

Simply run python runserver and open up the website mentioned in your browser (default This exposes a web interface for the REST api which enables navigation of some endpoints corresponding to tables in the database or models accesible through the Django ORM.

    "blocks": "",
    "transactions": "",
    "vouts": "",
    "vins": "",
    "addresses": "",
    "op_returns": ""

Some of these have filter and search options built in that can be easily extended or configured as per the Django REST Framework documentation at (see ./block/api/

Smiley Coin API

Interactive shell

Run python shell or python shell_plus to open up the Django shell with models and modules loaded for direct and efficient interaction with the ORM and db. E.g.

In [1]: OpReturn.objects.filter(message__icontains="hello").count()
Out[1]: 23

In [2]: OpReturn.objects.filter(message__icontains="hello").last().message
Out[2]: 'hello :)'

Production or external use setup

A production ready configuration can be setup with e.g. nginx and gunicorn. You might want to do this with a docker-compose file using a pre built database/image which may be suplied at a later time.

Twitter bot

Some simple functionality to extract OP_RETURN messages and post to Twitter (using tweepy) is included. See the the twitter folder for relevant code.

Use the management command python op_return to scrape interesting op return messages from the chain. These can be viewed at something similar to

To set up a twitter bot, first create a user and a new app with the keys needed. Then in the settings file or your local_settings populate


To post new OP_RETURN messages to your account simply run

python update_twitter

To see how it can look checkout

SmileyCoin Twitter

Smiley Coin API

Scrape, update op_return and push

To update the database, parse incoming blocks and push to twitter, run (see ./twitter/management/command/

python check_and_update

This is a good candidate for something to run in cron. To run every 10 minutes, run crontab -e and add:

*/10 * * * * /home/user/.virtualenvs/smiley/bin/python /home/user/SmileycoinAPIBot/smileychain/ check_and_update >& /tmp/smly.log

Future possibilities

Web based smileycoin-cli

For educational purposes it might be of interest to setup a fully functioning web based command line interface against the database or local SmileyCoin server using the same syntax and appearance as smilecoin-cli, as long as input is sanitized and wallets individualized.

Cleaner implementation

Currently, the implementation shells out to smileycoin-cli, ideally this should be implemented as rpc calls directly to the daemon.


A simple application to scrape the SmileyCoin block chain for use with the Django ORM






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