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UartRemote for Arduino

This library is from a protocol point of view compatible with the MicroPython UartRemote library. It can be used in any Arduino project by adding this whole directory to the Arduino library directory. After importing the UartRemote library, an example can be selected form the examples in the Arduino IDE. Because this library is written in pure C++, it is faster by a factor of approximately 100 compared to the MicroPython implementation.

Differences compared to MicroPython implementation

Because C++ lacks the possibility to generate a function call with a variable number of parameters, a conversion function unpack was introduced.

A typical definition of a user defined function that will be called upon receiving a command with its accompanying parameters is shown below:

void led(Arguments args) {
  int r,g,b,n;
  Serial.printf("LED on: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", r, g, b, n);

Here, the user function takes always a single parameters of type Arguments. To obtain the encoded variables, the unpack function is called.

The user defined function must always return an acknowledgement. In this case a dummy variable of type byte is returned.

The following example shows how to return one or more values back.

void add(Arguments args) {
  int a,b;
  Serial.printf("sum on: %d, %d\n", a, b);
  int c=a+b;

In this example the sum of a and b is returned as an integer (i).


.. cpp:member:: Arguments UartRemote::receive_command(char* cmd);

  Waits for an incomming command and return the received command in ``cmd`` and returns the format and buffer in the struct ``Arguments``. The struct member ``.error`` has value 0 when no error occur.

.. cpp:member:: void UartRemote::send_command(const char* cmd, const char* format, ...);

Send a command cmd over the UART where the vaiavle arguments are formatted according to the format string.

.. cpp:member:: Arguments UartRemote::call(const char* cmd, const char* format, ...);

Calls remotely the function specified by cmd and returns the result in a struct of type Argument. The struct member .error equals 1 if an error occured.

.. cpp:member:: int UartRemote::receive_execute()

Receives a command and executes the corresponding local function with the parameters as received from the command. This is a combination of receive_command and command. Returns 0 if no errors occurred.

.. cpp:member:: void UartRemote::add_command(const char * cmd,  void (*func)(Arguments) );

Adds a function to the list of commands. In the example below, the function tst is added:

def tst(Arguments a) {

.. cpp:member:: void UartRemote::command(const char* cmd, Arguments rcvunpack);

Executes the function by looking up the cmd string in the internal cmds array that is filled using the add_command method and maps function names as sring to the actual function pointers.

.. cpp:member:: int UartRemote::available();

Checks whether a character is available in the UART receive buffer. This can be used for a non-blocking implementation of UartRemote in your own loop.

.. cpp:member:: void UartRemote::flush();

Flushes the UART receive buffer. This can be used if an error is suspected.

Private methods:

.. cpp:member:: Arguments UartRemote::pack( unsigned char* buf, const char* format, ...);

Packs the variatic list of arguments according to the format string in the buffer buf.

.. cpp:member:: unsigned char UartRemote::readserial1();

Reads a single byte from the UART receive buffer.

Arguments struct

We use a struct Arguments to store the format string together with the buffer with the unpacked data. The friend unpack function takes care for the proper unpacking of the buffer according to the format string. The .error struct member is used for passing error status back.

struct Arguments {
  void* buf;
  const char* fmt;
  int error;
  template<typename... Args> friend void unpack(const Arguments& a, Args... args) {
      struct_unpack(a.buf,a.fmt, args...);


Below are some code snippets showing to use the Arduino side as a master and as a slave with its counter part written in Python.

char cmd[32]; // global temporary storage for command names

UartRemote uartremote;

void setup() {
  uartremote.add_command("led", &led);
  uartremote.add_command("add", &add);

void loop() {
  int error = uartremote.receive_execute();
  if (error==1) {
    printf("error in receiving command\n");

With on the Python side the following code:

from uartremote import *
from utime import sleep_ms


while True:
  print("sum = ",s)

The other way round it would look like:

char cmd[32]; // global temporary storage for command names

UartRemote uartremote;

void setup() {
int i=0;
int s=0;

void loop() {
  if (args.error==0) {
    printf("received ledack: %s\n",cmd);
  } else { printf("error from call led\n");}
  if (args.error==0) {
    printf("Received sumack: %s, sum=%d\n",cmd,s);
  } else { printf("error from call sum\n");}

On the Pyhton side we have the following code:

from uartremote import *

  def led(n,r,g,b):

def add(a,b):



Struct library

We use the struct library with implemenations of pack and unpack supporting Python compatible format strings. The code can be found on