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How to use go-plugin-runner with APISIX Ingress
Apache APISIX Ingress
Ingress Controller
Go Plugin Runner
multi language
This document walks through how you can use the go plugin runner in the APISIX ingress controller


Based on version 0.3 of the go-plugin-runner plugin and version 1.4.0 of APISIX Ingress, this document walks through how you can use the go plugin runner in the APISIX ingress controller. This article goes through steps as follows:

  1. Prepare the environment.
  2. Create the cluster.
  3. Build a container image that includes the go-plugin-runner.
  4. Customize the Helm chart package.
  5. Install and deploy.
  6. Verify the function.

It is guaranteed that the final result can be derived in full based on this environment example as follows:

go-plugin-runner: 0.3
APISIX Ingress: 1.4.0
kind: v0.12.0
kubectl version(Client/Server): v1.23.5/v1.23.4
golang: 1.18

Build a cluster environment

Select kind to build a local cluster environment. The command is as follows:

cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --config=-
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - containerPort: 80
    hostPort: 80
    protocol: TCP
  - containerPort: 443
    hostPort: 443
    protocol: TCP

Build the go-plugin-runner executable

Choose a folder address /home/chever/api7/cloud_native/tasks/plugin-runner and place our apisix-go-plugin-runner project in this folder. Then you need to go to the apisix-go-plugin-runner/cmd/go-runner/plugins directory and write the plugins you need in that directory.

After writing the plugins, start compiling the executable formally, and note here that you should build static executables, not dynamic ones.

The package compile command is as follows.

CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' .

This successfully packages a statically compiled go-runner executable in the apisix-go-plugin-runner/cmd/go-runner/ directory.

Build Docker Image

The image is built here in preparation for installing APISIX later using helm.

Write Dockerfile

Return to the path /home/chever/api7/cloud_native/tasks/plugin-runner and create a Dockerfile in that directory, a demonstration of which is given here.

# DockerfileForRunner
FROM apache/apisix:2.13.1-alpine

COPY ./apisix-go-plugin-runner /usr/local/apisix-go-plugin-runner

Here I will again emphasize the path address as follows where the executable file is located.


Please make a note of this address. We will use it in the rest of the configuration.

Begin to build Docker Image

Start building a Docker image based on the Dockerfile. The command is executed in the /home/chever/api7/cloud_native/tasks/plugin-runner directory. The command is as follows:

docker build -t apisix/forrunner:0.1 .

Command Explanation: Build an image with the name apisix/forrunner and mark it as version 0.1.

Load the image to the cluster environment

kind load docker-image apisix/forrunner:0.1

Load the image into the kind cluster environment to pull the custom local image for installation during the helm installation.

Install APISIX Ingress

Then install APISIX using helm with the following command in the directory of Apache APISIX Helm Chart:

helm install apisix apisix/apisix --set gateway.type=NodePort --set apisix.image.repository=custom/apisix --set apisix.image.tag=v0.1 --set extPlugin.enabled=true --set extPlugin.cmd='{"/usr/local/apisix-go-plugin-runner/go-runner", "run"}' --set ingress-controller.enabled=true --set ingress-controller.config.apisix.serviceNamespace=apisix --namespace apisix --create-namespace --set ingress-controller.config.apisix.serviceName=apisix-admin

Create httpbin service and ApisixRoute resources

Create an httpbin backend resource to run with the deployed ApisixRoute resource to test that the functionality is working correctly.

Create httpbin service

Create an httpbin service with the following command:

kubectl run httpbin --image kennethreitz/httpbin --port 80

Expose the port with the following command:

kubectl expose pod httpbin --port 80

Create ApisixRoute Resource

Create the go-plugin-runner-route.yaml file to enable the ApisixRoute resource, with the following configuration file:

kind: ApisixRoute
  name: plugin-runner-demo
  - name: rule1
      - /get
    - serviceName: httpbin
      servicePort: 80
    - name: ext-plugin-pre-req
      enable: true
        - name: "say"
          value: "{\"body\": \"hello\"}"

The create resource command is as follows:

kubectl apply -f go-plugin-runner-route.yaml


The command is as follows to test if the plugin written in Golang is working correctly:

kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl -H 'Host:'

And you will see the result as follows:

Defaulted container "apisix" out of: apisix, wait-etcd (init)