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GH-41787: Update fmpp-maven-plugin output directory (#41788)

conbench-apache-arrow / Conbench performance report skipped May 23, 2024 in 0s

Could not do the lookback z-score analysis

After merging your PR, Conbench analyzed the 7 benchmarking runs that have been run so far on merge-commit 420c01a.

Benchmarks with performance regressions

There weren't enough matching historic runs in Conbench to make a call on whether there were regressions or not.

To use the lookback z-score method of determining regressions, there need to be at least two historic runs on the default branch which, when compared to one of the runs on the contender commit, are on the same hardware, and have at least one of the same benchmark case and context pairs.

All benchmark runs analyzed: