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Apache Camel 3.x Upgrade Guide

This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 3.x to 3.y. For example if you are upgrading Camel 3.0 to 3.2, then you should follow the guides from both 3.0 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.

Upgrading Camel 3.15 to 3.16


Change the default from Override to Ignore in the TypeConverterExists option, and the TypeConverterExistsLoggingLevel from WARN to DEBUG.

Previously when Camel detected a duplicate type converter during startup, Camel would override the existing converter and log a WARN. A more correct behaviour would be to keep the existing and ignore the duplicate.

Removed the deprecated class org.apache.camel.impl.RouteIdFactory.

Rest DSL

The Rest DSL have some changes.

Removed support for embedded routes

The Rest DSL no longer allows embedding routes directly into each REST service. Instead, you must use to to route to a Camel endpoint. If you have an embedded route you can them make this into an individual route using direct as the input endpoint, and then link to this route from the REST service.

For example

    // embedded route here

Should now be:


    // embedded route here

And in XML:

<rest path="/users">
  <get path="/{id}">

Should now be:

<rest path="/users">
  <get path="/{id}">
    <to uri="direct:users-by-id"/>

  <from uri="direct:users-by-id"/>

Renamed uri to path

Rename uri to path on the verb classes listed above. When using XML or YAML DSL then migration is needed such as:

  <get uri="/hello/{name}">

Should be:

  <get path="/hello/{name}">

And in YAML DSL:

    - uri: "/hello/{name}"
      to: "direct:hello"

Should be:

    - path: "/hello/{name}"
      to: "direct:hello"

Renamed classes

The generic verb-based definition, where the HTTP verb can be specified as a string value is no longer supported for defining a REST service. Only the built-in verbs (get, post, put etc.) must be used.

Renamed the following classes in package

  • DeleteVerbDefinition to DeleteDefinition

  • GetVerbDefinition to GetDefinition

  • HeadVerbDefinition to HeadDefinition

  • PatchVerbDefinition to PatchDefinition

  • PostVerbDefinition to PostDefinition

  • PutVerbDefinition to PutDefinition

  • RestSecurityApiKey to ApiKeyDefinition

  • RestSecurityBasicAuth to BasicAuthDefinition

  • RestSecurityBearerToken to BearerTokenDefinition

  • RestSecurityMultalTLS to MutalTLSDefinition

  • RestSecurityOAuth2 to OAuth2Definition

  • RestSecurityOpenIdConnect to OpenIdConnectDefinition

  • RestOperationParamDefinition to ParamDefinition

  • RestOperationResponseHeaderDefinition to ResponseHeaderDefinition

  • RestOperationResponseMsgDefinition to ResponseMessageDefinition

Removed classes

For the sake of simplicity, the class RestSecuritiesRequirement has been removed because it contains only elements of type SecurityDefinition which have been moved directly into RestDefinition.

Aggregate EIP

Renamed strategyRef to aggregationStrategy, and marked this option as required. Renamed strategyMethodName to aggregationStrategyMethodName. Renamed strategyMethodAllowNull to aggregationStrategyMethodAllowNull. Renamed aggregationRepositoryRef to aggregationRepository. Renamed aggregateControllerRef to aggregateController. Renamed executorServiceRef to executorService. Renamed timeoutCheckerExecutorServiceRef to timeoutCheckerExecutorService. Removed some deprecated methods, and some unnecessary methods in Java DSL.

Circuit Breaker EIP

Renamed circuitBreakerRef to circuitBreaker. Renamed configRef to config. Renamed bulkheadExecutorServiceRef to bulkheadExecutorService. Renamed timeoutScheduledExecutorServiceRef to timeoutScheduledExecutorService.

Claim Check EIP

Renamed strategyRef to aggregationStrategy, and marked this option as required. Renamed strategyMethodName to aggregationStrategyMethodName. Removed some unnecessary methods in Java DSL.

Delay EIP

Renamed executorServiceRef to executorService.

DoSwitch EIP

Replaced by Choice EIP in precondition mode.

Before it was:


Now it is:


Enrich & Poll Enrich EIPs

Renamed strategyRef to aggregationStrategy, and marked this option as required. Renamed strategyMethodName to aggregationStrategyMethodName. Renamed strategyMethodAllowNull to aggregationStrategyMethodAllowNull. Removed some deprecated methods, and some unnecessary methods in Java DSL.

Idempotent Consumer EIP

Renamed messageIdRepositoryRef to idempotentRepository. Removed some unnecessary methods in Java DSL.


Renamed loggerRef to logger.

Multicast, Recipient List & Split EIP

Renamed strategyRef to aggregationStrategy. Renamed strategyMethodName to aggregationStrategyMethodName. Renamed strategyMethodAllowNull to aggregationStrategyMethodAllowNull. Renamed onPrepareRef to onPrepare. Renamed executorServiceRef to executorService. Removed some deprecated methods, and some unnecessary methods in Java DSL.

OnCompletion EIP

Renamed executorServiceRef to executorService.

Resequence EIP

Renamed comparatorRef to comparator.

Sort EIP

Renamed comparatorRef to comparator.

Threads EIP

Renamed executorServiceRef to executorService.

Throttle EIP

Renamed executorServiceRef to executorService.

Saga EIP

Renamed sagaServiceRef to sagaService. Removed the deprecated timeoutInMilliseconds option, use timeout instead.

In the <option> the optionName is renamed to key. When using XML DSL then this is affected as follows:

<saga sagaServiceRef="mySagaService">
    <compensation uri="mock:compensation"/>
    <completion uri="mock:completion"/>
    <option optionName="myOptionKey">
    <option optionName="myOptionKey2">


<saga sagaServiceRef="mySagaService">
    <compensation uri="mock:compensation"/>
    <completion uri="mock:completion"/>
    <option key="myOptionKey">
    <option key="myOptionKey2">

WireTap EIP

Renamed onPrepareRef to onPrepare. Renamed executorServiceRef to executorService. Removed the new message mode as this functionality is better done by using onPrepare processor in copy mode.


The HealthCheck API has been simplified and removed the following configurations:

  • interval

  • success threshold

  • failure threshold

These options would complicate health checks as they affect the outcome of health checks. It is better the checks always execute and the responsibility of the monitoring systems how to deal with interval between checks and thresholds.

Removed the option to disable context health check as it should always be enabled.

Disabling health checks

The configuration for disabling individual health-checks has changed

Before each health-check could be configured and set enabled=false. For example to disable health-checks for route with id netty you would do:[netty].check = routes[netty].enabled = false

With Camel 3.16 onwards you instead specify pattern(s) for health checks to be excluded from being invoked, which is done in a single configuration: = netty

You can specify multiple patterns (and use wildcards) such as: = netty,foo,bar*


The option camel.main.packageScanRouteBuilders has been renamed to camel.main.basePackageScan.

Using configuration classes must now implement the interface org.apache.camel.main.CamelConfiguration and the configure method now takes a CamelContext as argument.


The option baseURI is renamed to baseUri.


The camel-aws2-kinesis component will now set only the raw data as body while consuming from a stream. The data will be an input stream. This changes the behavior from the old versions because in the past the component was returning the full record as part of the body.


The camel-aws2-sqs component will now map message headers from their original type such as boolean, integer, etc. This requires using Camel for both sending and receiving as AWS only have string or binary types, so Camel stores custom metadata in the message header to know its original type.


The producer will now by default append new line character to end of output. The option appendNewLine can be used to turn this off.


This component was deprecated and is removed on this version. Users should migrate to camel-test-infra.


This component was deprecated and is removed on this version. Users should migrate to camel-test-infra.


This component was deprecated and is removed on this version. Users should migrate to camel-test-infra.


This component was deprecated and is removed on this version. Users should migrate to camel-test-infra.


The sObjectName query parameter and header now take precedence over the class name of the AbstractSObjectBase DTO for determining the name of the SObject. We suggest testing your existing routes to identify any potential issues. See for more details.