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File metadata and controls

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CarbonData DataMap Management


DataMap can be created using following DDL

[ON TABLE main_table]
USING "datamap_provider"
DMPROPERTIES ('key'='value', ...)
  SELECT statement

Currently, there are 5 DataMap implementations in CarbonData.

DataMap Provider Description DMPROPERTIES Management
preaggregate single table pre-aggregate table No DMPROPERTY is required Automatic
timeseries time dimension rollup table event_time, xx_granularity, please refer to Timeseries DataMap Automatic
mv multi-table pre-aggregate table No DMPROPERTY is required Manual
lucene lucene indexing for text column index_columns to specifying the index columns Automatic
bloomfilter bloom filter for high cardinality column, geospatial column index_columns to specifying the index columns Automatic

DataMap Management

There are two kinds of management semantic for DataMap.

  1. Automatic Refresh: Create datamap without WITH DEFERRED REBUILD in the statement, which is by default.
  2. Manual Refresh: Create datamap with WITH DEFERRED REBUILD in the statement

CAUTION: If user create MV datamap without specifying WITH DEFERRED REBUILD, carbondata will give a warning and treat the datamap as deferred rebuild.

Automatic Refresh

When user creates a datamap on the main table without using WITH DEFERRED REBUILD syntax, the datamap will be managed by system automatically. For every data load to the main table, system will immediately trigger a load to the datamap automatically. These two data loading (to main table and datamap) is executed in a transactional manner, meaning that it will be either both success or neither success.

The data loading to datamap is incremental based on Segment concept, avoiding a expensive total rebuild.

If user perform following command on the main table, system will return failure. (reject the operation)

  1. Data management command: UPDATE/DELETE/DELETE SEGMENT.
  2. Schema management command: ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN, ALTER TABLE CHANGE DATATYPE, ALTER TABLE RENAME. Note that adding a new column is supported, and for dropping columns and change datatype command, CarbonData will check whether it will impact the pre-aggregate table, if not, the operation is allowed, otherwise operation will be rejected by throwing exception.
  3. Partition management command: `ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP PARTITION

If user do want to perform above operations on the main table, user can first drop the datamap, perform the operation, and re-create the datamap again.

If user drop the main table, the datamap will be dropped immediately too.

We do recommend you to use this management for index datamap.

Manual Refresh

When user creates a datamap specifying manual refresh semantic, the datamap is created with status disabled and query will NOT use this datamap until user can issue REBUILD DATAMAP command to build the datamap. For every REBUILD DATAMAP command, system will trigger a full rebuild of the datamap. After rebuild is done, system will change datamap status to enabled, so that it can be used in query rewrite.

For every new data loading, data update, delete, the related datamap will be made disabled, which means that the following queries will not benefit from the datamap before it becomes enabled again.

If the main table is dropped by user, the related datamap will be dropped immediately.


  • If you are creating a datamap on external table, you need to do manual management of the datamap.
  • For index datamap such as BloomFilter datamap, there is no need to do manual refresh. By default it is automatic refresh, which means its data will get refreshed immediately after the datamap is created or the main table is loaded. Manual refresh on this datamap will has no impact.

DataMap Catalog

Currently, when user creates a datamap, system will store the datamap metadata in a configurable system folder in HDFS or S3.

In this system folder, it contains:

  • DataMapSchema file. It is a json file containing schema for one datamap. Ses DataMapSchema class. If user creates 100 datamaps (on different tables), there will be 100 files in system folder.
  • DataMapStatus file. Only one file, it is in json format, and each entry in the file represents for one datamap. Ses DataMapStatusDetail class

There is a DataMapCatalog interface to retrieve schema of all datamap, it can be used in optimizer to get the metadata of datamap.

DataMap Related Commands


How can user know whether datamap is used in the query?

User can set enable.query.statistics = true and use EXPLAIN command to know, it will print out something like

== CarbonData Profiler ==
Hit mv DataMap: datamap1
Scan Table: default.datamap1_table
+- filter:
+- pruning by CG DataMap
+- all blocklets: 1
   skipped blocklets: 0

Show DataMap

There is a SHOW DATAMAPS command, when this is issued, system will read all datamap from system folder and print all information on screen. The current information includes:

  • DataMapName
  • DataMapProviderName like mv, preaggreagte, timeseries, etc
  • Associated Table
  • DataMap Properties

Compaction on DataMap

This feature applies for preaggregate datamap only

Running Compaction command (ALTER TABLE COMPACT) on main table will not automatically compact the pre-aggregate tables created on the main table. User need to run Compaction command separately on each pre-aggregate table to compact them.

Compaction is an optional operation for pre-aggregate table. If compaction is performed on main table but not performed on pre-aggregate table, all queries still can benefit from pre-aggregate tables. To further improve the query performance, compaction on pre-aggregate tables can be triggered to merge the segments and files in the pre-aggregate tables.