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The compatibility of service governance

min edited this page Jan 11, 2019 · 2 revisions


  • The mainstream version of Dubbo are Dubbo 2.6 and Dubbo 2.7
  • The most different of these two version are configuration center: Dubbo 2.6 puts all data on register center, Dubbo 2.7 divided it into registry center, configuration center and metadata center.
  • Dubbo Admin's manipulation of configuration is the same as Dubbo 2.7, please refer to Dubbo Admin configuration . It also compatible with Dubbo 2.7, here 'compatible' means:
    • Service scope configuration will register to both Dubbo 2.7 and Dubbo 2.6,thus, the client of Dubbo 2.6 can receive and parse it.
    • Application scope configuration(including tag router) will register to Dubbo 2.7 only, because this is the new feature in Dubbo 2.7
    • Dubbo Admin will read configurations in the protocol of Dubbo 2.7 only, so the legacy rules on your registry center will not display on Dubbo Admin,and can not be manipulated either。
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