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This guide explains how to set up a development environment for SINGA. A cluster environment can be launched over one or multiple physical nodes.

  1. Build SINGA base
  2. Build SINGA with Mesos and Hadoop
  3. Pre-built images
  4. Launch and stop SINGA (stand alone mode)
  5. Launch pseudo-distributed SINGA on one node
  6. Launch fully distributed SINGA on multiple nodes

Build SINGA base image

$ cd tool/docker/singa
$ sudo docker build -t singa/base . 
$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
singa/base             latest              XXXX                XXX                 2.01 GB

The result is the image containing a built version of SINGA.


Figure 1. singa/base Docker image, containing library dependencies and SINGA built from source.


Build SINGA with Mesos and Hadoop

$ cd tool/docker/mesos
$ sudo docker build -t singa/mesos .
$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
singa/mesos             latest              XXXX                XXX                 4.935 GB


Figure 2. singa/mesos Docker image, containing Hadoop and Mesos built on top of SINGA. The default namenode address for Hadoop is node0:9000

Notes A common failure observed during the build process is caused by network failure occuring when downloading dependencies. Simply re-run the build command.


Pre-built images on epiC cluster

For users with access to the epiC cluster, there are pre-built and loaded Docker images at the following nodes:


The available images at those nodes are:

REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
singa/base             latest              XXXX                XXX                 2.01 GB
singa/mesos            latest              XXXX                XXX                 4.935 GB
weaveworks/weaveexec   1.1.1               XXXX                11 days ago         57.8 MB
weaveworks/weave       1.1.1               XXXX                11 days ago         17.56 MB


Launch and stop SINGA in stand-alone mode

To launch a test environment for a single-node SINGA training, simply start a container from singa/base image. The following starts a container called XYZ, then launches a shell in the container:

$ sudo docker run -dt --name XYZ singa/base /usr/bin/supervisord
$ sudo docker exec -it XYZ /bin/bash

Figure 3. Launch SINGA in stand-alone mode: single node training

Inside the launched container, the SINGA source directory can be found at /root/incubator-singa.

Stopping the container

$ sudo docker stop XYZ
$ sudo docker rm ZYZ


Launch SINGA on pseudo-distributed mode (single node)

To simulate a distributed environment on a single node, one can repeat the previous step multiple times, each time giving a different name to the container. Network connections between these containers are already supported, thus SINGA instances/nodes in these container can readily communicate with each other.

The previous approach requires the user to start SINGA instances individually at each container. Although there's a bash script for that, we provide a better way. In particular, multiple containers can be started from singa/mesos image which already bundles Mesos and Hadoop with SINGA. Using Mesos makes it easy to launch, stop and monitor the distributed execution from a single container. Figure 4 shows N+1 containers running concurrently at the local host.

# sudo docker run -dt --name node0 singa/mesos /usr/bin/supervisord
# sudo docker run -dt --name node1 singa/mesos /usr/bin/supervisord

Figure 4. Launch SINGA in pseudo-distributed mode : multiple SINGA nodes over one single machine

Starting SINGA distributed training

Refer to the Mesos guide for details of how to start training with multiple SINGA instances.

Important: the container that assumes the role of Hadoop's namenode (and often Mesos's and Zookeeper's mater node as well) must be named node0. Otherwise, the user must log in to individual containers and change the Hadoop configuration separately.


Launch SINGA on fully distributed mode (multiple nodes)

The previous section has explained how to start a distributed environment on a single node. But running many containers on one node does not scale. When there are multiple physical hosts available, it is better to distribute the containers over them.

The only extra requirement for the fully distributed mode, as compared with the pseudo distributed mode, is that the containers from different hosts are able to transparently communicate with each other. In the pseudo distributed mode, the local docker engine takes care of such communication. Here, we rely on Weave to make the communication transparent. The resulting architecture is shown below.

Figure 5. Launch SINGA in fully distributed mode: multiple SINGA nodes over multiple machines

Install Weave at all hosts

$ curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/weave
$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave

Starting Weave

Suppose node0 will be launched at host with IP

  • At host
$ weave launch
$ eval "$(weave env)"  //if there's error, do `sudo -s` and try again
  • At other hosts:
$ weave launch
$ eval "$(weave env)" //if there's error, do `sudo -s` and try again

Starting containers

The user logs in to each host and starts the container (same as in pseudo-distributed mode). Note that container acting as the head node of the cluster must be named node0 (and be running at the host with IP, for example).

Important: when there are other containers sharing the same host as node0, say node1 and node2 for example, there're additional changes to be made to node1 and node2. Particularly, log in to each container and edit /etc/hosts file:

# modified by weave
X.Y.Z	node0 node0.bridge  //<- REMOVE this line

This is to ensure that name resolutions (of node0's address) from node1 and node2 are correct. By default, containers of the same host resolves each other's addresses via the Docker bridge. Instead, we want they to use addressed given by Weave.

Starting SINGA distributed training

Refer to the Mesos guide for details of how to start training with multiple SINGA instances.