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1.您的第一个 C++ 应用

活动 1:编写自己的 C++ 应用


  1. 使用#defines定义你的年龄段阈值。

  2. Define a name for each group using #defines.

    以下是步骤 1 和 2 所需的代码:

    // Activity 1\. 
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #define GROUP_1_THRESHOLD 12
    #define GROUP_2_THRESHOLD 28
    #define GROUP_1_NAME "Group A"
    #define GROUP_2_NAME "Group B"
    #define GROUP_3_NAME "Group C"
  3. 输出一个文本字符串,询问用户的姓名,并在变量中捕获响应。

  4. 输出询问用户年龄的文本,并在变量中捕获响应。

  5. 编写一个函数,接受年龄作为参数,并返回适当的组名。

  6. Output the user's name, and the group that they have been assigned to.

    以下是执行步骤 3-6 所需的代码:

    std::string GetGroup(int age);
    int main()
        std::string name = "";
        int age = 0;
        std::string group = "";
        std::cout << "Please enter your name: ";
        getline(std::cin, name);
        std::cout << "And please enter your age: ";
        std::cin >> age;
        group = GetGroup(age);
        std::cout << "Welcome "<< name << ". You are in "               << group << ".\n";
    std::string GetGroup(int age)
        if (age <= GROUP_1_THRESHOLD)
            return GROUP_1_NAME;
        else if (age <= GROUP_2_THRESHOLD)
            return GROUP_2_NAME;
            return GROUP_3_NAME;
  7. Run the complete code. You will obtain the following output:

    Figure 1.20: Our program asked for the user's name and age, and assigned them to the appropriate group

图 1.20:我们的程序询问用户的姓名和年龄,并将他们分配到适当的组


活动 2:使用循环和条件语句创建猜数字游戏


  1. 声明我们需要的所有变量。这包括guessCountminNumbermaxNumberrandomNumber :

    // Activity 2: Number guessing game.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    int main()
        // Declare variables.
        int guessCount = 0;
        int minNumber = 0;
        int maxNumber = 0;
        int randomNumber = 0;
        std::string input = "";
        bool bIsRunning = true;
  2. 创建一个运行应用的主外部循环:

        while (bIsRunning)
  3. Present the user with some introductory text ("Enter the number of guesses") and get from them the following: a number of guesses, a minimum number, and a maximum number:

        while (bIsRunning)
            // Output instructions and get user inputs.
            std::cout << "***Number guessing game***\n";
            std::cout << "\nEnter the number of guesses: ";
            getline(std::cin, input);
            guessCount = std::stoi(input);
            std::cout << "Enter the minimum number: ";
            getline(std::cin, input);
            minNumber = std::stoi(input);
            std::cout <<"Enter the maximum number: ";
            getline(std::cin, input);
            maxNumber = std::stoi(input);



  4. Generate a random number within the range specified by the user:

        while (bIsRunning)
            // Output instructions and get user inputs.
            // Generate random number within range.
            randomNumber = rand() % (maxNumber - minNumber + 1)         + minNumber;


    我们在本章前面使用了同样的方法来生成随机数,因此返回到练习 2.3将 if/else 链重构为开关/案例,以便在必要时进行提醒。

  5. 创建一个循环,重复用户指定的猜测次数。

  6. count循环中,获取用户的猜测。

  7. count循环内,检查用户的猜测是否正确,或者过高/过低。我们可以在这里使用break在猜对数值后退出。

  8. When the number has been found, or the user has run out of guesses, present them with the option to either continue or exit the application.

    执行步骤 5-8 的代码如下:

        while  (bIsRunning)
            // Output instructions and get user inputs.
            // Generate random number within range.
            // Process user guesses.
            for (int i = 0; i < guessCount; ++ i)
                int guess = 0;
                std::cout << "\nEnter your guess: ";
                getline(std::cin, input);
                guess = std::stoi(input);
                if (guess == randomNumber)
                    std::cout << "Well done, you guessed the number!\n";
                int guessesRemaining = guessCount - (i + 1);
                std::cout << "Your guess was too "                       << (guess < randomNumber ? "low. " : "high. ");
                std::cout << "You have " << guessesRemaining                       << (guessesRemaining > 1 ? " guesses" : "                       guess") << " remaining";
            std::cout << "\nEnter 0 to exit, or any number                   to play again: ";
            getline(std::cin, input);
            if (std::stoi(input) == 0)
                bIsRunning = false;
  9. Run the complete code. You will obtain the following output:

    Figure 2.18: Number-guessing game output

图 2.18:猜数字游戏输出


活动 3:报名申请


  1. 首先包含应用需要的各种标题:

    // Activity 3: SignUp Application.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <stdexcept>
  2. 接下来,定义将在系统中表示记录的类。这将是一个人,包含姓名和年龄。另外,声明一个这种类型的向量来存储这些记录。使用向量是因为它提供了不必预先声明数组大小的灵活性:

    struct Person
        int age = 0;
        std::string name = "";
    std::vector<Person> records;
  3. 现在,您可以开始添加一些函数来添加和获取记录;首先,补充。记录由名字和年龄组成,所以编写一个函数,接受这两个作为参数,创建一个记录对象,并将其添加到我们的记录向量中。命名该功能AddRecord :

    void AddRecord(std::string newName, int newAge)
        Person newRecord; = newName;
        newRecord.age = newAge;
        std::cout << "\nUser record added successfully.\n\n";
  4. 添加一个函数来获取记录。这个函数应该接受一个参数,一个用户标识,并返回该用户的记录。命名该功能FetchRecord :

    Person FetchRecord(int userID)
  5. 进入main功能,启动应用主体。从一个外部main循环开始,就像你在上一章中使用的那样,并向用户输出一些选项。你会给他们三个选择:Add RecordFetch RecordQuit :

    int main()
        std::cout << "User SignUp Application\n" << std::endl;
        bool bIsRunning = true;
        while (bIsRunning)
            std::cout << "Please select an option:\n";
            std::cout << "1: Add Record\n";
            std::cout << "2: Fetch Record\n";
            std::cout << "3: Quit\n\n";
  6. 向用户展示这些选项,然后捕捉他们的输入:

            std::cout << "Enter option: ";
            std::string inputString;
            std::getline(std::cin, inputString);
  7. 现在有三种可能的分支,这取决于用户输入,我们将用switch语句来处理。案例 1 是添加一条记录,为此,您将获得用户的姓名和年龄,然后调用我们的AddRecord功能:

            // Determine user selection.
            switch (std::stoi(inputString))
                case 1:
                    std::string name = "";
                    int age = 0;
                    std::cout << "\nAdd User. Please enter                           user name and age:\n";
                    std::cout << "Name: ";
                    std::getline(std::cin, name);
                    std::cout << "Age: ";
                    std::getline(std::cin, inputString);
                    age = std::stoi(inputString);
                    AddRecord(name, age);
  8. 下一种情况是用户想要获取记录。为此,你需要从用户那里得到一个userID,然后打电话给FetchRecord,输出其结果:

                case 2:
                    int userID = 0;
                    std::cout << "\nPlease enter user ID:\n";
                    std::cout << "User ID: ";
                    std::getline(std::cin, inputString);
                    userID = std::stoi(inputString);
                    Person person;
                        person = FetchRecord(userID);
                    catch (const std::out_of_range& oor) 
                        std::cout << "\nError: Invalid UserID.\n\n";
                    std::cout << "User Name: " << << "\n";
                    std::cout << "User Age: " << person.age << "\n\n";
  9. 下一种情况是用户想要退出应用。这个相当简单;你只需要退出我们的main循环:

                case 3:
                    bIsRunning = false;
  10. Finally, add a default case. This will handle invalid options entered by the user. All you'll do here is output an error message and send them back to the start of the application:

                std::cout << "\n\nError: Invalid option                           selection.\n\n";

  1. 运行完整的代码。您将获得以下输出:

Figure 3.27: Our application allows the user to add records and then recall them via an ID

图 3.27:我们的应用允许用户添加记录,然后通过一个 ID 调用它们

这个应用是迄今为止我们最复杂的,它汇集了我们到目前为止学到的所有东西;从函数,到控制流、类、范围、IO 等等。我们现在可以看到所有这些不同的元素如何结合在一起,让我们能够构建复杂的系统。这只是开始。我们只介绍了绝对的基础知识,我们已经可以看到如何将这些部分组合在一起来解决现实世界的问题。


活动 4:嘶嘶嗡嗡


  1. 像往常一样,我们将从包含应用所需的头开始,并开始我们的主循环:

    // Activity 4: Fizz Buzz.
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
  2. 接下来,我们将定义我们的循环。我们要打印 100 个数字,所以需要迭代 100 次,从 1:

        for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++ i)


  3. Fizz Buzz应用告诉我们,对于 3 的倍数,我们将打印Fizz,对于 5 的倍数,我们将打印Buzz。但是,一个数可以同时是 3 和 5 的倍数;例如,15 是两者的倍数,因此我们接下来将定义一个布尔值multiple,这将有助于我们跟踪这一点,给它一个初始值false :

        bool multiple = false;
  4. 接下来,我们可以检查我们当前的循环值i是否是 3 的倍数。如果是这样,我们将打印单词Fizz并将我们的多个布尔值设置为true :

        if (i % 3 == 0)
                std::cout << "Fizz";
                multiple = true;
  5. 然后我们可以对Buzz进行同样的操作,检查i是否是 5 的倍数。同样,我们将把multiple的布尔值设置为true,如果是这样的话:

        if (i % 5 == 0)
                std::cout << "Buzz";
                multiple = true;
  6. 现在我们已经检查了我们的数字是 3 的倍数还是 5 的倍数,并且有一个布尔值,如果是true,我们可以用它来确定我们是否打印正常的数字。如果我们的multiple bool仍然是false的话,那么我们知道我们需要打印正常的号码,i :

        if (!multiple)
                std::cout << i;
  7. 最后,我们将做一点格式化。如果我们不在循环的最后一次迭代中,我们将打印一个逗号后跟一个空格。这将使我们的应用在打印时更加整洁:

        if (i < 100)
                std::cout << ", ";
  8. Let's run the application now and see it in action. We should see numbers leading up to 100. Multiples of 3 will be replaced by Fizz, multiples of 5 by Buzz, and multiples of both by FizzBuzz.

    Figure 4.16: The Fizz Buzz application – a common coding test exercise

图 4.16:Fizz Buzz 应用——一个常见的编码测试练习


活动 5:使用指针和引用来操作字符串数组


  1. 进入骨架main()功能:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        return 0;
  2. Above main(), create an array of strings:

    char const* array[26]
    {    "alpha", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo"   };

    数组长度必须为 26 个元素,否则程序可能会因某些有效参数而崩溃。

  3. 进入printarray()功能的骨架。定义参数。因为我们打印的是一个字符串数组,所以指针的类型是char const**count的论点是int&。定义返回类型,在分配中指定为int:

    int printarray(char const** begin, char const** end, int& count)
        return 1;
  4. 清除count :

        count = 0;
  5. 输入代码以检测参数中的错误:

        if (begin == nullptr || end == nullptr || 
            begin > end || end-begin > 26)
            return 0;
  6. Enter a loop to control printing:

        for (count = 0; begin < end; ++ begin)
            if (*begin != nullptr)
                ++ count;
                cout << *begin << endl;


  7. Inside main(), write some tests:

        int count;
        if (printarray(nullptr, nullptr, count) == 0 || count != 0)
            cout << "error in printarray() call 1" << endl;
            cout << "count = " << count << endl;


        if (printarray(array, &array[4], count) == 0 || count != 4)
            cout << "error in printarray() call 2" << endl;
            cout << "count = " << count << endl;
        if (printarray(&array[4], &array[3], count) == 0 || count != 0)
            cout << "error in printarray() call 3" << endl;
            cout << "count = " << count << endl;
        if (printarray(&array[4], &array[10], count) == 0 || count != 1)
            cout << "error in printarray() call 4" << endl;
            cout << "count = " << count << endl;
        if (printarray(&array[0], &array[100], count) == 0 || count != 0)
            cout << "error in printarray() call 5" << endl;
            cout << "count = " << count << endl;
  8. Run the program. The output looks like this:

    Figure 5.13: Using Pointers and References to Manipulate an Array of Strings

图 5.13:使用指针和引用来操作字符串数组


活动 6:创建类实例的二分搜索法树


  1. Start with the skeleton main() function:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        return 0;

    添加struct numeric_tree的定义。它需要一个int value_成员,以及指向左右子树的指针,左右子树本身就是numeric_tree实例:

    struct numeric_tree
        int value_;
        numeric_tree* left_;
        numeric_tree* right_;
  2. 这棵树的根叫做root。它指向numeric_tree :

    numeric_tree* root = nullptr;
  3. add()函数将待添加的int值和指向tree的指针地址的指针作为参数,即指向指针:

    void add(int v, numeric_tree** pp)


  4. 对于add()函数,请理解添加的项目将始终被添加到等于nullptr :

        *pp = new numeric_tree;
         (*pp)->value_ = v;
         (*pp)->left_ = (*pp)->right_ = nullptr;


  5. 函数delete_tree()最容易实现为递归函数:

    void delete_tree(numeric_tree* item)
        if (item == nullptr)
            cout << "deleting " << item->value_ << endl;
            delete item;
  6. find()函数将一个要添加的int值和一个指向numeric_tree的指针地址的指针作为参数,也就是指向指针的指针。find()返回指针对指针。find()可以递归或迭代实现。递归版本如下:

    numeric_tree** find(int v, numeric_tree** pp)
  7. find()函数使用二分搜索法树的递归描述。如果pp指向的变量是nullptr,那么find()已经定位了插入点,返回:

        if (*pp == nullptr)
            return pp;
  8. 如果v参数小于当前项目的value_成员,则find()在左子树中递归。否则,它沿着右子树向下递归:

        else if (v < (*pp)->value_)
            return find(v, &((*pp)->left_));
            return find(v, &((*pp)->right_));
  9. 完成的find()功能如下:

    numeric_tree** find(int v, numeric_tree** pp)
        if (*pp == nullptr)
            return pp;
        else if (v < (*pp)->value_)
            return find(v, &((*pp)->left_));
            return find(v, &((*pp)->right_));
  10. The print() function was previously described. It is best implemented recursively; print() looks like this:

void print(numeric_tree* item)
    if (item == nullptr)
        cout << item->value_ << " ";

  1. main()中,一次可以添加一个项目,但是我选择使用for循环从一组int值中插入每个项目来自动化这个过程。for循环为每个值调用add():
    int insert_order[] { 4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5 };
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i)
        int v = insert_order[i];
        add(v, find(v, &root));
  1. It's appropriate to print the newly constructed tree. As you might expect, it looks like this:
    cout << endl;

  1. 树是一种动态数据结构。完成后,必须将其删除。delete_tree()功能是这样做的:
  1. The output of the program depends on your implementation choices. However, the output of the model program is as follows:
![Figure 6.18: Output for creating binary search trees of class instances ](img/C14195_06_18.jpg)

图 6.18:创建类实例的二分搜索法树的输出


活动 7:使用动态变量存储一本书的单词


  1. 从骨架main()程序开始。可能是这样的:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <memory>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        return 0;
  2. Define the word class:

    class word
        friend class line;
        unique_ptr<char[]> ptr_;
        int letters_;
        int spaces_;
        word* next_;
        word(char const* srcp, int l, int spaces);
        void to_string(char* dstp);
        int size();
    };// end word


    构造函数复制单词串以及字母和空格的数量。word的析构函数是由编译器构建的。太聪明了。to_string()将单词复制到char缓冲区。在程序的其他地方,有些东西会调整char缓冲区的大小,但是为了测试,你可以只使用char buf[100]size()返回单词中的字符数加上空格数。要确定一行的大小,请遍历该行中单词的链表,并将所有单词的大小相加。


    class line
        friend class page;
        word* head_;
        line* next_;
        line(char const* str);
        void append(word* w);
        void to_string(char* dstp);
        int size();
    };// end line



  3. page包含链表行的头节点。析构函数就像line的析构函数一样。现在,append()就跟lineappend()功能一样。构造函数是空的,因为书是从外部构建的。print()cout上出书:

    class page
        line* head_;
        void append(line* lp);
        void print();
    };// end page
  4. Let's look next at the contents of main(). The range-based for loop fetches the strings that comprise the book one at a time. As the lines are processed, they are each output, to give something to compare the reconstructed output against.



        page pg;
        for (auto* p : book)
            cout << '\'' << p << '\'' << endl;
            auto l = make_unique<line>(p);
        cout << endl;
  5. The implementation of the word class looks like this:

    word::word(char const* srcp, int l, int spaces)
        : ptr_(make_unique<char[]>(l+1)),
        char* dstp;
        for(dstp = ptr_.get(); l > 0; --l)
            *dstp++ = *srcp++ ;
        *dstp = '\0';

    构造函数初始化列表包括将一个unique_ptr<>变成一个char数组,该数组足够大以容纳单词的非空格字符。构造器主体是一个简单的循环,用于将字符从srcp复制到ptr_指向的缓冲区中。请注意,数组中有l + 1字符的空间,其中必须包含空终止符。在for循环中,dstp在循环外声明,因为它需要是活动的,以设置尾部空终止。如果在for语句中声明了dstp,它将超出for循环的右括号范围。

  6. word::to_string()将单词的字符(后跟任何尾随空格)复制到dstp指向的缓冲区中。结尾增加了无效终止:

    void word::to_string(char* dstp)
        char* srcp = ptr_.get();
        for (int letters = letters_; letters > 0; --letters)
            *dstp++ = *srcp++ ;
        for (int spaces = spaces_; spaces > 0; --spaces)
            *dstp++ = ' ';
        *dstp = '\0';
  7. size()返回单词构造时保存的字母数加上空格数:

    int word::size()
        return letters_ + spaces_;
  8. line类的构造函数通过str输入字符串单步执行三个指针。bp是单词开头的指针。ewp ( 字尾指针)从 bp 向前步进,直到第一个非字字符。esp ( 空格结束指针)从ewp步进到第一个非空格字符。然后,创建一个新单词并将其附加到当前行。最后,bp前进到esp,循环重复:

    line::line(char const* str)
        : head_(nullptr), 
        char const* bp; // pointer to beginning
        char const* ewp;// pointer to end of word
        char const* esp;// pointer to end of spaces
        for (bp = str; *bp != '\0'; bp = esp)
            for (ewp = bp; *ewp != '\0' && *ewp != ' '; ++ ewp)
                // empty
            for (esp = ewp; *esp != '\0' && *esp == ' '; ++ esp)
                // empty
            append(new word(bp, ewp-bp, esp-ewp));
  9. line的析构函数很简单。head_拥有word实例列表。每个word从列表中删除,然后删除:

        while (head_ != nullptr)
            auto wp = head_;
            head_ = head_->next_;
            delete wp;
  10. append()类似于我们之前看到的链表的append()函数。它使用指针对指针的习惯用法来指向需要更新的指针:

void line::append(word* w)
    word** wpp = &head_;
    while((*wpp) != nullptr)
        wpp = &((*wpp)->next_);
    *wpp = w;
  1. line::to_string()使用word::to_string()将每个单词的文本放到dstp指向的缓冲区中:
void line::to_string(char* dstp)
    for (word* wp = head_; wp != nullptr; wp = wp->next_)
        dstp = dstp + wp->size();
    *dstp = '\0';
  1. line::size()遍历单词列表,将每个单词的大小相加。它为无效终止增加 1:
int line::size()
    int size = 1;// for null terminator
    for (word* wp = head_; wp != nullptr; wp = wp->next_)
        size = size + wp->size();
    return size;
  1. page的构造函数为空。这有一个初始化列表,将行列表的头节点设置为nullptr :
    // empty
  1. page的析构器和line的形态完全一样:
    while (head_ != nullptr)
        auto lp = head_;
        head_ = head_->next_;
        delete lp;
  1. page::append()line::append()相同:
void page::append(line* lp)
    line** lpp = &head_;
    while((*lpp) != nullptr)
        lpp = &((*lpp)->next_);
    *lpp = lp;
  1. print()line名单。对于每个lineprint()创建一个动态缓冲区,其大小可容纳该line上单词的所有文本,然后要求line::to_string()填写buffer。最后buffer的内容打印在控制台上:
void page::print()
    for (line* lp = head_; lp != nullptr; lp = lp->next_)
        auto buffer = make_unique<char[]>(lp->size());
        cout << '\'' << buffer.get() << '\'' << endl;
char const* book[] 
    "What a piece of work is man,",
    "  How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty,",
    "In form and moving how express and admirable,",
    "  In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god.",
    "The beauty of the world.    The paragon of animals.",
  1. Compile and run the program if you haven't done so already. Its output looks like this:
![Figure 7.12: Storing the words of a book using dynamic variables ](img/C14195_07_12.jpg)

图 7.12:使用动态变量存储一本书的单词


活动 8:创建视频剪辑类


  1. 创建VideoClip课程大纲:

    1\. Create the VideoClip class outline:
    #include <iostream> 
    #include <string> 
    using namespace std; 
    class VideoClip 
    int main() 
        return 0; 
  2. 为视频长度和视频名称创建成员变量:

    #include <iostream> 
    #include <string> 
    using namespace std; 
    class VideoClip 
    float m_videoLength; 
    string m_videoName; 
    int main() 
    return 0; 
  3. 编写一个默认构造函数,将视频长度和名称初始化为默认值:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    class VideoClip
            m_videoLength = 0;
            m_videoName = "NOT SET";
        float m_videoLength;
        string m_videoName;
    int main()
        return 0;
  4. 编写一个参数化构造函数,将视频长度和名称设置为传入的参数:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    class VideoClip
            m_videoLength = 0;
            m_videoName = "NOT SET";
        VideoClip(float videoLength, string videoName)
            m_videoLength = videoLength;
            m_videoName = videoName;
        float m_videoLength;
        string m_videoName;
    int main()
        return 0;
  5. 创建一个数据char数组和数据大小成员变量,并在两个构造函数中初始化它们:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <cstring> 
    using namespace std;
    class VideoClip
            m_videoLength = 0;
            m_videoName = "NOT SET";
            m_dataLength = 0;
            m_data = 0;
        VideoClip(float videoLength, string videoName, const char* data)
            m_videoLength = videoLength;
            m_videoName = videoName;
            m_dataLength= strlen(data);
            m_data = new char[m_dataLength + 1];
            strcpy(m_data, data); 
        float m_videoLength;
        string m_videoName;
        int m_dataLength;
        char* m_data;
    int main()
        return 0;
  6. 创建正确处理数据数组复制的复制构造函数:

        VideoClip(const VideoClip& vc) 
            m_videoLength = vc.m_videoLength; 
            m_videoName = vc.m_videoName; 
            m_dataLength = vc.m_dataLength;
            m_data = new char[m_dataLength + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_data, vc.m_data); 
        float m_videoLength;
        string m_videoName;
        int m_dataLength;
        char* m_data;
    int main()
        return 0;
  7. 创建一个复制赋值运算符重载,以正确处理数据数组的复制:

        VideoClip& operator=(const VideoClip& rhs) 
            if(this != &rhs) 
                m_videoLength = rhs.m_videoLength; 
                m_videoName = rhs.m_videoName; 
                m_dataLength = rhs.m_dataLength;
                char* newData = new char[m_dataLength]; 
                strcpy(newData, rhs.m_data); 
                delete[] m_data; 
                m_data = newData; 
            return *this; 
        float m_videoLength;
        string m_videoName;
        int m_dataLength;
        char* m_data;
    int main()
        return 0;
  8. 写一个删除分配的数据数组的析构函数:

            delete[] m_data; 
        float m_videoLength;
        string m_videoName;
        int m_dataLength;
        char* m_data;
    int main()
        return 0;
  9. 更新main功能,创建三个不同的videoClip实例,并输出它们的值:

    int main()
        VideoClip vc1(10.0f, "Halloween (2019)",                   "dfhdhfidghirhgkhrfkghfkg");
        VideoClip vc2(20.0f, "Halloween (1978)", "jkghdfjkhgjhgfjdfg");
        VideoClip vc3(50.0f, "The Shining", "kotriothgrngirgr");
        cout << vc1.m_videoLength << " " << vc1.m_videoName << " "          << vc1.m_data << endl;
        cout << vc2.m_videoLength << " " << vc2.m_videoName << " "          << vc2.m_data << endl;
        cout << vc3.m_videoLength << " " << vc3.m_videoName << " "          << vc3.m_data << endl;
        return 0;
  10. Test the copy constructor and copy assignment operators within the main function by initializing a video clip using an existing instance and also initializing an instance of a video clip with its constructor and then later assigning it to another existing instance:

int main()
    VideoClip vc1(10.0f, "Halloween (2019)",                   "dfhdhfidghirhgkhrfkghfkg");
    VideoClip vc2(20.0f, "Halloween (1978)", "jkghdfjkhgjhgfjdfg");
    VideoClip vc3(50.0f, "The Shining", "kotriothgrngirgr");
    cout << vc1.m_videoLength << " " << vc1.m_videoName << " "          << vc1.m_data << endl;
    cout << vc2.m_videoLength << " " << vc2.m_videoName << " "          << vc2.m_data << endl;
    cout << vc3.m_videoLength << " " << vc3.m_videoName << " "          << vc3.m_data << endl;
    VideoClip vc4 = vc1;
    vc2 = vc4;
    cout << vc1.m_videoLength << " " << vc1.m_videoName << " "          << vc1.m_data << endl;
    cout << vc2.m_videoLength << " " << vc2.m_videoName << " "          << vc2.m_data << endl;
    cout << vc3.m_videoLength << " " << vc3.m_videoName << " "          << vc3.m_data << endl;
    cout << vc4.m_videoLength << " " << vc4.m_videoName << " "          << vc4.m_data << endl;
    return 0;


Figure 8.12: A possible output from the VideoClip class

图 8.12:视频剪辑类的可能输出


活动 9:一个基本的 RPG 战斗系统


  1. 为角色、攻击和项目创建类,每个类中有一个name变量,可以在构造函数中设置:

    #include <iostream> 
    #include <cstring> 
    using namespace std; 
    class Attack 
        Attack(const char* name) 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
            delete[] m_name; 
        char* m_name; 
    class Item 
        Item(const char* name) 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
            delete[] m_name; 
        char* m_name; 
    class Character 
        Character(const char* name) 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
            delete[] m_name; 
        char* m_name; 
    int main() 
        return 0; 
  2. 给攻击一个攻击统计变量(attackStat)和物品一个治疗统计变量(healStat)。添加适当的吸气剂、沉降剂和施工添加剂:

    class Attack 
        Attack(const char* name, int attackStat) 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
            m_attackStat = attackStat; 
            delete[] m_name; 
    int getAttackStat() const { return m_attackStat; } 
        char* getName() const { return m_name; } 
        char* m_name; 
    int m_attackStat; 
    class Item 
        Item(const char* name, int healStat) 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
    m_healStat = healStat; 
            delete[] m_name; 
        int getHealStat() const { return m_healStat; } 
        char* getName() const { return m_name; } 
        char* m_name; 
        int m_healStat; 
    class Character 
        Character(const char* name) 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
            delete[] m_name; 
        char* m_name; 
  3. 让角色接受其构造函数中的一系列攻击和项目,并存储它们以便在需要使用时按名称查找:

    class Character
        Character(const char* name, Attack* attacks, Item* items)
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
            strcpy(m_name, name);
            m_attacksLength = sizeof(attacks)/sizeof(&attacks[0]);
            m_itemsLength = sizeof(items)/sizeof(&items[0]);
            m_attacks = new Attack*[m_attacksLength];
            m_items = new Item*[m_itemsLength];
            int i = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < m_attacksLength; i++)
                Attack* attack = new Attack(attacks[i]);
                m_attacks[0] = attack;
            for(i = 0; i < m_itemsLength; i++)
                Item* item = new Item(items[i]);
                m_items[0] = item;
            delete[] m_name;
        char* m_name;
        Attack** m_attacks;
        Item** m_items;
        int m_attacksLength;
        int m_itemsLength;
  4. Character类中添加一个生命值变量,并创建函数来攻击其他角色,使用物品,并对攻击做出反应:

    class Character 
        Character(const char* name, Attack* attacks, Item* items) 
    m_health = 100; 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
            m_attacksLength = sizeof(attacks)/sizeof(&attacks[0]); 
            m_itemsLength = sizeof(items)/sizeof(&items[0]); 
            m_attacks = new Attack*[m_attacksLength]; 
            m_items = new Item*[m_itemsLength]; 
            int i = 0; 
            for(i = 0; i < m_attacksLength; i++) 
                Attack* attack = new Attack(attacks[i]); 
                m_attacks[0] = attack; 
            for(i = 0; i < m_itemsLength; i++) 
                Item* item = new Item(items[i]); 
                m_items[0] = item; 
            delete[] m_name; 
    void DoAttack(string moveName, Character& other) 
    void UseItem(string itemName) 
    m_health += GetItemValue(itemName); 
    void DoDefend(int attackValue) 
    m_health -= attackValue; 
    int GetAttackAmount(string attackName) 
    for(int i = 0; i < m_attacksLength; i++) 
    if(m_attacks[i]->getName() == attackName) 
    return m_attacks[i]->getAttackStat(); 
    return 0; 
    int GetItemValue(string itemName) 
    for(int i = 0; i < m_itemsLength; i++) 
    if(m_items[i]->getName() == itemName) 
    return m_items[i]->getHealStat(); 
    return 0; 
        char* m_name; 
        Attack** m_attacks; 
        Item** m_items; 
        int m_health; 
        int m_attacksLength; 
        int m_itemsLength; 
  5. 创建名为strengthMultiplierdefenceMultiplier的成员变量。这些应该会影响角色的攻防统计:

    class Character 
        Character(const char* name, int strengthMultiplier, int
        defenceMultiplier, Attack* attacks, Item* items) 
            m_health = 100; 
            m_name = new char[strlen(name) + 1]; 
            strcpy(m_name, name); 
    m_strengthMultiplier = strengthMultiplier; 
    m_defenceMultiplier = defenceMultiplier; 
            m_attacksLength = sizeof(attacks)/sizeof(&attacks[0]); 
            m_itemsLength = sizeof(items)/sizeof(&items[0]); 
            m_attacks = new Attack*[m_attacksLength]; 
            m_items = new Item*[m_itemsLength]; 
            int i = 0; 
            for(i = 0; i < m_attacksLength; i++) 
                Attack* attack = new Attack(attacks[i]); 
                m_attacks[0] = attack; 
            for(i = 0; i < m_itemsLength; i++) 
                Item* item = new Item(items[i]); 
                m_items[0] = item; 
            delete[] m_name; 
            delete[] m_attacks; 
            delete[] m_items; 
        const char* getName() { return m_name; } 
        void DoAttack(string moveName, Character& other) 
            cout << m_name << " attacks " << other.getName()              << " with " << moveName << endl;
    other.DoDefend(GetAttackAmount(moveName) *                        m_strengthMultiplier); 
        void UseItem(string itemName) 
            m_health += GetItemValue(itemName); 
        void DoDefend(int attackValue) 
    int damage = attackValue / m_defenceMultiplier; 
    m_health -= damage; 
            cout << m_name << " takes " << damage << " damage" << endl; 
        int GetAttackAmount(string attackName) 
            for(int i = 0; i < m_attacksLength; i++) 
                if(m_attacks[i]->getName() == attackName) 
                    return m_attacks[i]->getAttackStat(); 
            return 0; 
        int GetItemValue(string itemName) 
            for(int i = 0; i < m_itemsLength; i++) 
                if(m_items[i]->getName() == itemName) 
                    return m_items[i]->getHealStat(); 
            return 0; 
        char* m_name; 
        Attack** m_attacks; 
        Item** m_items; 
        int m_health; 
    int m_strengthMultiplier; 
    int m_defenceMultiplier; 
        int m_attacksLength; 
        int m_itemsLength; 
  6. Character类中创建一个函数,将一个角色的名字和其他统计信息打印到控制台:

    void Display()
            cout << m_name << endl;
            cout << "Health = " << m_health << endl;
            cout << "Strength Multiplier = " << m_strengthMultiplier              << endl;
            cout << "Defence Multiplier = " << m_defenceMultiplier              << endl;
            cout << "Attacks:" << endl;
            for(int i = 0; i < m_attacksLength; i++)
            cout << m_attacks[i]->getName() << " : "              << m_attacks[igetAttackStat() << endl;
            cout << "Items:" << endl;
            for(int i = 0; i < m_itemsLength; i++)
            cout << m_items[i]->getName() << " : "              << m_items[i]->getHealStat() << endl;
  7. 用几个不同的字符测试主函数中的所有内容:

    int main()
        Attack billAttacks[] = { {"Sword To The Face", 20} };
        Item billItems[] = { {"Old Grog", 20} };
        Attack dragonAttacks[] = {{"Flame Breath", 50}};
        Item dragonItems[] = {{"Scale Oil", 20}};
        Character bill("Bill", 10, 5, billAttacks, billItems);
        Character dragon("Dragon", 10, 5, dragonAttacks, dragonItems);
        bill.DoAttack("Sword To The Face", dragon);
        dragon.DoAttack("Flame Breath", bill);
        return 0;
  8. Run the complete code. You should obtain the following output:

    Figure 9.11: RPG combat system

图 9.11: RPG 战斗系统


活动 10:百科全书应用


  1. 首先包含应用所需的所有文件:

    // Activity 10: Encyclopedia Application.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
  2. 创建一个结构,AnimalInfo,它可以存储名称、产地、预期寿命和重量:

    struct AnimalInfo
        std::string name = "";
        std::string origin = "";
        int lifeExpectancy = 0;
        float weight = 0;
  3. 创建一个函数,以简洁的格式打印数据。命名为PrintAnimalInfo :

    void PrintAnimalInfo(AnimalInfo info)
        std::cout << "Name: " << << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Origin: " << info.origin << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Life Expectancy: " << info.lifeExpectancy               << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Weight: " << info.weight << std::endl;
  4. 现在,为我们的动物创建基类。命名为Animal。它应该提供一个类型为AnimalInfo的成员变量,以及一个返回它的函数。请务必使用适当的访问修饰符:

    class Animal
        AnimalInfo GetAnimalInfo() const { return animalInfo; };
        AnimalInfo animalInfo;
  5. 接下来,创建第一个派生类Lion。该类将从Animal继承,为最终类,并在其构造函数中填写AnimalInfo成员:

    class Lion final : public Animal
   = "Lion";
            animalInfo.origin = "Africa";
            animalInfo.lifeExpectancy = 12;
            animalInfo.weight = 190;
  6. 接下来,创建第二个派生类Tiger。填写相同数据:

    class Tiger final : public Animal
   = "Tiger";
            animalInfo.origin = "Africa";
            animalInfo.lifeExpectancy = 17;
            animalInfo.weight = 220;
  7. 创建最终的派生类Bear,同时填写AnimalInfo成员:

    class Bear final : public Animal
   = "Bear";
            animalInfo.origin = "Eurasia";
            animalInfo.lifeExpectancy = 22;
            animalInfo.weight = 270;
  8. 定义main功能。声明一个指向基本Animal类型的指针向量,并添加每个动物衍生类型:

    int main()
        std::vector<Animal*> animals;
        animals.push_back(new Lion());
        animals.push_back(new Tiger());
        animals.push_back(new Bear());
  9. 输出应用标题:

        std::cout << "**Animal Encyclopedia**\n";
  10. 为应用创建main外部循环,并向用户输出一条消息,提示他们选择一个索引:

    bool bIsRunning = true;
    while (bIsRunning)
        std::cout << "\nSelect animal for more information\n\n";
  1. 向用户输出可能的选择。为此使用for循环,每个选项都应该包括一个索引和动物的名称。还包括一个选项,用户可以通过输入-1 :
        for (size_t i = 0; i < animals.size(); ++ i)
            std::cout << i << ") " << animals[i]->GetAnimalInfo().name                       << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\n-1) Quit Application\n";

  1. 获取用户输入并将其转换为整数:
        // Get user input
        std::string input;
        int userChoice;
        getline(std::cin, input);
        userChoice = std::stoi(input);
  1. 检查用户是否输入了-1,从而想要关闭应用。如果他们这样做,请处理:
        // Sanity user input
        if (userChoice == -1)
            bIsRunning = false;
  1. 接下来,检查用户输入的索引是否无效。无效索引是小于-1且大于动物矢量–1大小的索引(因为索引从 0 开始,而不是从 1 开始)。如果他们这样做了,输出一条错误消息,让他们重新选择:
        else if (userChoice < -1 || userChoice >                 ((int)animals.size() - 1))
            std::cout << "\nInvalid Index. Please enter another.\n";
  1. 如果用户输入一个有效的索引,调用前面创建的PrintAnimalInfo,传入你将从向量中得到的动物信息:
            // Print animal info
            std::cout << std::endl;
  1. 在主循环之外,清理指针。这包括删除它们的内存,将它们设置为0,然后清除向量:
    // Cleanup.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < animals.size(); ++ i)
        delete animals[i];
        animals[i] = nullptr;
  1. 运行完整的代码。您将获得以下输出:

Figure 10.19: Users can view information on various animals

图 10.19:用户可以查看各种动物的信息

这个应用利用遗传和多态性来简化我们动物类型的存储。通过存储指向它们的基类的指针,我们可以将它们存储在一个集合中,这意味着我们可以在一个循环中迭代它们,并以多种形式调用它们的共享成员。继承、多态性和强制转换是重要的概念,尤其是在我们构建更大、更灵活的应用时。和他们在一起舒服会让我们充分利用 C++。


活动 11:创建通用堆栈


  1. 使用通用队列示例作为基础编写一个通用堆栈:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <memory>
    using namespace std;
    template<class T>   
    class Stack   
            Stack() { init(); } 
            explicit Stack(size_t numElements,                       const T& initialValue = T()) 
                init(numElements, initialValue); 
            Stack(const Stack& q) { init(q.bottom(),; }
            Stack& operator=(const Stack& rhs)
                if (&rhs != this)
                return *this;
           ~Stack() { destroy(); }
            T* top() { return stackDataEnd - 1; }  
            const T* top() const { return stackDataEnd - 1; }  
            T* bottom() { return stackData; }  
            const T* bottom() const { return stackData; }  
            size_t size() const { return stackDataEnd - stackData; }  
            bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
  2. Alter the pop() function to handle a LIFO data structure:

    void pop()
            if (top() != 0)
                stackDataEnd -= 1;


    正如活动简介中提到的,解决方案包括重用在创建通用队列部分中提供的代码。因此,在步骤 2 中只包括被改变的块。完整代码可以在这里找到:

  3. main功能中测试堆栈,输出数据测试堆栈是否正常工作:

    Activity 11.cpp
    104 int main() 
    105 {
    106     Stack<int> testStack; 
    107     testStack.push(1); 
    108     testStack.push(2); 
    109     cout << "stack contains values: "; 
    111     for (auto it = testStack.bottom(); it != + 1; ++ it) 
    112     { 
    113         cout << *it << " "; 
    114     } 
    116     cout << endl; 
    117     cout << "stack contains " << testStack.size() << " elements" << endl; 
    118     testStack.pop(); 
    119     cout << "stack contains values: "; 
    121     for (auto it = testStack.bottom(); it != + 1; ++ it) 
    122     { 
    123         cout << *it << " "; 
    124     } 
    151     return 0; 
    152 }
    The complete code for this step can be found at:
  4. 当您成功运行完整的代码时,您将获得以下输出:

Figure 11.08: Final output of the activity

图 11.08:活动的最终输出


活动 12:将 RPG 战斗转换为使用标准库容器


  1. 更改AttackItemCharacter类以使用字符串代替字符数组(这里显示的是Attack类):

    class Attack
        Attack(string name, int attackStat)
            m_name = name;
            m_attackStat = attackStat;
        int getAttackStat() const { return m_attackStat; }
        string getName() const { return m_name; }
        string m_name;
        int m_attackStat;
  2. 移除任何现在不需要的复制构造函数、析构函数和赋值实现(这里显示了Item类):

    class Item
        Item(string name, int healStat)
            m_name = name;
            strcpy(m_name, name);
            m_healStat = healStat;
        int getHealStat() const { return m_healStat; }
        string getName() const { return m_name; }
        string m_name;
        int m_healStat;
  3. Character类取AttackItem的向量,而不是原始数组:

    class Character
        Character(string name, int strengthMultiplier,               int defenceMultiplier, 
        vector<Attack> attacks, vector<Item> items)
            m_health = 100;
            m_name = name;
            m_strengthMultiplier = strengthMultiplier;
            m_defenceMultiplier = defenceMultiplier;
            m_attacks.insert(m_attacks.begin(), attacks.begin(),                          attacks.end());
            m_items.insert(m_items.begin(), items.begin(), items.end());
  4. 实现attackdefend功能,使用向量代替数组,更新显示功能,使用向量:

        void DoAttack(string moveName, Character& other) 
            cout << m_name << " attacks " << other.getName() << " with "              << moveName << endl; 
            other.DoDefend(GetAttackAmount(moveName) *                        m_strengthMultiplier); 
        void DoAttack(Character& other) 
            string attackName =         m_attacks[m_indexOfDefaultAttack].getName(); 
            cout << m_name << " attacks " << other.getName() << " with "              << attackName <<endl; 
            other.DoDefend(GetAttackAmount(attackName) *                        m_strengthMultiplier); 
        void UseItem(string itemName) 
            int itemValue = GetItemValue(itemName); 
            cout << m_name << " uses " << itemName << " and gains "              << itemValue << "health" << endl; 
            m_health += itemValue; 
        bool isDead() { return m_health <= 0; } 
        void Display() 
            cout << m_name << endl; 
            cout << "Health = " << m_health << endl; 
            cout << "Strength Multiplier = " << m_strengthMultiplier              << endl; 
            cout << "Defence Multiplier = " << m_defenceMultiplier              << endl; 
            cout << "Attacks:" << endl; 
            for(auto attack : m_attacks) 
                cout << attack.getName() << " : "                  << attack.getAttackStat() << endl; 
            cout << "Items:" << endl; 
            for(auto item : m_items) 
                cout << item.getName() << " : " << item.getHealStat()                  << endl; 
        void DoDefend(int attackValue) 
            int damage = attackValue / m_defenceMultiplier; 
            m_health -= damage; 
            cout << m_name << " takes " << damage << " damage" << endl; 
        int GetAttackAmount(string attackName) 
            auto it = find_if(m_attacks.begin(), m_attacks.end(),                         [attackName](const Attack& attack){ return                          attack.getName() == attackName; }); 
            return (it != m_attacks.end()) ? (*it).getAttackStat() : 0; 
        int GetItemValue(string itemName) 
            auto it = find_if(m_items.begin(), m_items.end(),                         [itemName](const Item& item){ return item.                         getName() == itemName; }); 
            return (it != m_items.end()) ? (*it).getHealStat() : 0; 
        string m_name; 
        vector<Attack> m_attacks; 
        vector<Item> m_items; 
        int m_health; 
        int m_strengthMultiplier; 
        int m_defenceMultiplier; 
        int m_indexOfDefaultAttack; 
  5. main功能中,实现一个队列,里面存放不同的Character类型供玩家对战:

    int main()
        // Bill the player
        vector<Attack> billAttacks = { {"Sword To The Face", 20} };
        vector<Item> billItems = { {"Old Grog", 50} };
        Character bill("Bill", 2, 2, billAttacks, billItems);
        // Dragon
        vector<Attack> dragonAttacks = {{"Flame Breath", 20}};
        vector<Item> dragonItems = {{"Scale Oil", 20}};
        Character dragon("Dragon", 2, 1, dragonAttacks, dragonItems);
        // Zombie
        vector<Attack> zombieAttacks = {{"Bite", 50}};
        vector<Item> zombieItems = {{"Rotten Flesh", 20}};
        Character zombie("Zombie", 1, 3, zombieAttacks, zombieItems);
        // Witch
        vector<Attack> witchAttacks = {{"Super Spell", 50}};
        vector<Item> witchItems = {{"Cure Potion", 20}};
        Character witch("Witch", 1, 5, witchAttacks, witchItems);
        queue<Character> monsters;
  6. 与队列中的每个怪物战斗,直到队列为空,并显示一个win字符串。另外,允许使用物品和默认攻击:

        bool playerTurn = true;    
        bool gameOver = false; 
        cout << "Bill finds himself trapped in a scary dungeon!             There seems to be a series of rooms, he enters             the first room..." << endl; 
        while(!monsters.empty() && !gameOver) 
            Character currentMonster = monsters.front(); 
            cout << "A monster appears, it looks like a " 
                 << currentMonster.getName() << endl; 
                cout << endl; 
                    cout << "bill's turn" << endl; 
                    cout << "Bill can press 1 and enter to use                         an item and 2 and enter to attack the                         monster." << endl; 
                    bool madeChoice = false; 
                        int choice; 
                        cin >> choice; 
                            case 1: 
                                bill.UseItem("Old Grog"); 
                                madeChoice = true; 
                            case 2: 
                                madeChoice = true; 
                    cout << currentMonster.getName() << "'s turn" << endl;
                cout << "Bills health is " << bill.getHealth() << endl;
                cout << currentMonster.getName() << "'s health is "                  << currentMonster.getHealth() << endl; 
                    cout << currentMonster.getName() << " is defeated"                      << endl; 
                    gameOver = true; 
                playerTurn = !playerTurn; 
            cout << "You win"; 
            cout << "You lose"; 
        return 0; 
  7. 运行完整的代码。您应该会收到以下输出:

Figure 12.14: Final output of the activity

图 12.14 :活动最终输出

13.C++ 中的异常处理

活动 13:处理异常


  1. 从活动开始时显示的示例程序开始:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        bool continue_flag;
            continue_flag = do_something();
        while (continue_flag == true);
        return 0;
  2. std::runtime_error,传感器错误的异常信号,在<stdexcept>标题中定义,所以我们需要包括<stdexcept>。根据编译器的不同,我们可能还需要包含<exception>头:

    #include <exception>
    #include <stdexcept>
  3. 在主循环中,用try...catch块替换对do_something()的调用。骨架try...catch块显示在这里:

            catch (exception& e)
  4. try块中,调用reactor_safety_check()并将其值保存在continue_flag变量中:

                continue_flag = reactor_safety_check();
  5. 增加一个捕捉runtime_errorcatch子句。它必须出现在赶上 T3 的 T2 条款之前。这个catch子句可以是空的,但是如果它输出一条描述exception :

            catch (runtime_error& e)
                cout << "caught runtime error " << e.what() << endl;


  6. 添加一个捕获所有其他 C++ 异常的catch子句。这些异常是意料之外的,所以调用SCRAM()关闭反应堆,然后调用break,结束封闭的do循环。代替break,将continue_flag设置为false会有相同的效果:

            catch (...)
                cout << "caught unknown exception type" << endl;
  7. 添加一个捕获所有其他异常的catch子句。这是一个好主意,因为异常可能是任何类型的,我们不希望我们的反应堆安全检查在反应堆仍在运行的情况下退出。在本catch条款中,称呼SCRAM(),然后break :

            catch (exception& e)
                cout << "caught unknown exception type" << endl;
  8. try...catch块之后,输出消息"main() exiting",这样我们知道程序以受控方式停止:

        cout << "main() exiting" << endl;
  9. main()上方,插入一个名为SCRAM()void函数。SCRAM()打印消息。这里有一个它可能看起来像什么的例子:

    void SCRAM()
        cout << "SCRAM! I mean it. Get away from here!" << endl;
  10. Add a bool function, reactor_safety_check(). It looks like this:

bool reactor_safety_check()
    static int count = 0;
    ++ count;
    if (count % 17 == 0)
        throw runtime_error("Sensor glitch");
    else if (count % 69 == 0)
        throw 123;
        //throw exception();
    else if (count % 199 == 0)
        return false;

    return true;

  1. Compile and run the completed program. While different students' programs will produce somewhat different output, this program produces the following:
![Figure 13.11: Final output of the activity ](img/C14195_13_111.jpg)

图 13.11:活动的最终输出

这是怎么回事?do循环调用reactor_safety_check()。大多数情况下,reactor_safety_check()正常返回,但有时会抛出异常,可能是因为传感器故障。报告此异常,允许继续执行,这导致循环重复调用reactor_safety_check()。我们的测试版reactor_safety_check()有时会调用一些其他的异常类型。当另一种异常发生时,该程序不知道该怎么办,所以它采取了唯一的行动,承诺不辐射 800 万伦敦人——它紧急关闭反应堆,打破循环。