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旋转简单来说就是依靠一个元素来利用另一个元素。在本章中,我们将探讨旋转和网络嗅探的艺术。该场景更适用于终端系统防火墙,或者 web 服务器,它们是进入内部网络的唯一点。我们将利用 web 服务器与内部网络的这种连接,通过前面章节介绍的利用技术连接到内部系统。因此,简单地说,第一个被破坏的系统帮助我们破坏其他系统,这些系统无法从外部网络访问。

What is pivoting?


嗯,这是 Metasploit 中非常有趣的一部分,我们将通过破坏一个系统来侵入 LAN 网络。在这里,我们已经有了一个受损的系统,我们有一个meterpreter系统外壳。

  1. First let us check the IP settings on that system by typing in ipconfig. We can see in the screenshot that the victim has two network adapters. Adapter #2 has the IP of range.

    Pivoting in a network

  2. Now we will check the whole network routing table using the route command by typing in route.

    Pivoting in a network

  3. Now our plan is to attack this additional network. For this attack, Metasploit has a post exploitation script, which is known as autoroute. This script allows us to attack the second network using the first compromised system. Using this script we can attack the second network from this compromised system. Type in run autoroute -h and it will show all usage commands of the script.

    Pivoting in a network

  4. Here we are using run autoroute -s; running this command will add a route to the target machine from our compromised system.

    Pivoting in a network

  5. Now, we can see in the preceding screenshot that a route has been added via, which is our compromised system. Now we will verify whether our route has been added or not by typing in run auroroute -p.

    Pivoting in a network

  6. We can see in the screenshot that our route has been successfully added in the routing table. Next what we have to do is to escalate the privileges of the compromised system. For this, we type in getsystem.

    Pivoting in a network

  7. After escalating the privileges of the compromised system, we can now dump the hashes of all users and get their passwords. To do so, we type in run hashdump.

    Pivoting in a network

  8. After successfully dumping the credentials, we will background our meterpreter process by pressing Ctrl + Z and then pressing Y.

    Pivoting in a network

  9. The next thing we do is to scan the second network address to check whether the other systems are online or not, and also check for open ports. So we perform a TCP port scan by using an auxiliary module. For this, we type in use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp.

    Pivoting in a network

  10. Now type in show options and it will show all the options of this module that are usable for this module.

![Pivoting in a network](img/3589_11_11.jpg)
  1. Now we will set our target address range in the RHOST options. So, type in set rhosts <target IP range>; for example, here we are using set rhosts
![Pivoting in a network](img/3589_11_12.jpg)
  1. Next, set the port numbers that we are looking for. Here we are looking for the most common ports that are found open in a computer system. So type in set ports <port number>; for example, here we are giving set ports 139,445.
![Pivoting in a network](img/3589_11_13.jpg)
  1. Next we will set the concurrent thread's number for scanning the TCP ports. So here we are giving threads 50 by typing in set threads 50.
![Pivoting in a network](img/3589_11_14.jpg)
  1. Now our auxiliary module is fully loaded for scanning. The last and final command we are going to execute is the run command. So, type in run.
![Pivoting in a network](img/3589_11_15.jpg)

我们可以在前面的屏幕截图中看到,我们的辅助 TCP 模块扫描器已经启动,它发现两个系统正在联机,IP 为 和,还发现该系统 139 和 445 上有两个打开的端口。这里的 IP 已经受损,因此我们的目标是 IP。

现在我们要用一个漏洞来攻击另一个系统。我们将要使用的漏洞已经在第 3 章漏洞基础中使用过;因此,我们非常清楚使用此漏洞的过程。现在让我们开始;输入use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi并按进入。然后输入set rhost <target IP>;例如,这里我们使用的是set rhost

Pivoting in a network

设置目标 IP 后,现在设置损害目标系统的有效负载。这次我们使用有效载荷进行攻击。所以输入set payload windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp

Pivoting in a network


Pivoting in a network

触发exploit命令后,我们可以看到meterpreter会话 2 已经在 IP 上打开。我们已经有了来自受损系统的会话 1;通过这个被破坏的系统,我们能够破坏网络中的另一个系统。


Pivoting in a network


Pivoting in a network


在旋转网络之后,我们现在转到另一个主题,在这里我们将学习如何使用meterpreter后利用脚本在网络中进行嗅探。在使用嗅探器之前,我们必须在meterpreter会话中加载嗅探器扩展。所以输入use sniffer

Sniffing in a network


Sniffing in a network

现在,我们可以看到嗅探器脚本的所有命令。首先,我们将枚举启动嗅探器的网络接口。所以输入sniffer interfaces

Sniffing in a network

枚举网络接口之后,是时候选择一个接口并在该网络接口上运行嗅探器了。输入sniffer_start <Interface number>;例如,这里我们选择了接口号 1,所以我们输入了sniffer_start 1

Sniffing in a network

现在我们可以看到我们的嗅探器正在工作,并且已经开始在interface 1上捕获数据包。因此,让我们通过输入sniffer_stats 1来检查interface 1上捕获的数据包状态。

Sniffing in a network

我们可以看到,uptill 现在已经捕获了大小为14511字节的91数据包。现在我们想转储或保存捕获的数据包以供进一步分析,所以我们输入了sniffer_dump <Interface no.> <file name for save in pcap extension>;例如,这里我们使用的是sniffer_dump 1 hacked.pcap

Sniffing in a network

现在,我们将使用著名的数据包分析器和捕获工具 Wireshark 来分析捕获的数据包文件。因此,打开一个新的终端并输入wireshark <captured packet file name>;例如,这里我们使用的是wireshark hacked.pcap

Sniffing in a network

执行wireshark命令后,我们可以看到 Wireshark 工具的图形用户界面。

Sniffing in a network

还有另一种方法可以在不加载meterpreter中的嗅探器扩展的情况下嗅探和捕获数据包。这个也是一个被称为packetrecordermeterpreter后期利用脚本。输入run packetrecorder将显示packetrecorder的所有使用命令。

Sniffing in a network

我们可以看到packetrecorder的所有使用选项。因此,首先我们将列举网络接口,可以通过键入run packetrecorder -li进行嗅探。

Sniffing in a network

现在我们可以看到我们有两个可用的网络接口。选择一个接口来运行我们的嗅探器。所以输入run packetrecorder -i 1 -l /root/Desktop


  • i表示接口号

  • l stands for location for saving the captured packet file

    Sniffing in a network


Sniffing in a network

Espia 扩展

Espia 扩展也是另一个有趣的扩展,在使用它之前,我们必须在meterpreter中加载它。所以输入load espia

Espia Extension

我们的 espia 扩展已经由meterpreter成功加载,正如我们在前面的屏幕截图中所看到的。现在在meterpreter中键入命令help,它将显示此扩展中可用的用法命令。

Espia Extension

我们可以看到,在 espia 扩展中只有一个命令可用,即screengrab。使用此命令,我们可以抓取受损系统的屏幕截图。输入screengrab

Espia Extension


Espia Extension


在本章中,我们介绍了各种技术,通过这些技术,我们可以利用外部网络上的联系点服务器/系统,并利用它利用其他系统。由于接触点系统有另一个网卡用于与内部网络连接,因此我们使用该网卡从外部系统转向内部系统。因此,一旦我们连接到内部网络,我们就可以通过前面章节介绍的利用技术来利用它。下一章将讨论使用 Metasploit 学习写作的艺术。

