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File metadata and controls

214 lines (150 loc) · 8.56 KB




这个例子是在使用按钮时的 Hello World。基本上它所做的是当一个按钮被按下时,它打开发光二极管,然后一旦按钮被释放,它就关闭。这是零件清单和接线:


  • Arduino 一号
  • 按钮
  • USB 电缆
  • 1 个 100 欧姆的发光二极管电阻器(引脚 13)
  • 1 个 10k 欧姆的按钮电阻器
  • 面包板
  • 1 个 5 毫米发光二极管
  • 5x 面包板跳线

图 27:按钮接线模式

这个例子的代码非常简单。我们不断从引脚 2 读取状态,如果它处于高电平状态,我们会打开发光二极管。请注意,我们将发光二极管连接到引脚 13,以便板载发光二极管也会发光。下面是代码:

    // variable holding button state
    int buttonState = 0;

    // LED pin
    int ledPin = 13;

    // Button pin
    int buttonPin = 2;

    void setup() {
      // initialize pins
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);    

    void loop(){
      // read the state of the button
      buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

      // pressed button is in state high
      if (buttonState == HIGH) {    
        // LED on   
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
      else {
        // LED off
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);



本节的接线和零件与上一节相同(请查看这些示意图)。区别在于编程和使用。例如,在使用按钮时,打开和关闭发光二极管并不是最有用的情况。当涉及微控制器时,通常是某种状态的改变。所以我们按下按钮的时候会改变 LED 的状态。为此,我们将使用以下代码:

    // variable holding button state
    int buttonState;

    // variable holding previous button state
    int previousButtonState = LOW;

    // variable holding the LED state
    int ledState = HIGH;

    // LED pin
    int ledPin = 13;
    // Button pin
    int buttonPin = 2;

    void setup() {
      // initialize pins
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

    void loop(){
      // read the state of the button
      int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);

      // if the button is pressed, change the state
      if (reading != buttonState) {
        buttonState = reading;

          // toggle the LED state only when the button is pushed
          if (buttonState == HIGH) {
            ledState = !ledState;

      // turn the LED on or off depending on the state 
      digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);

      // save current reading so that we can compare in the next loop
      previousButtonState = reading;



我们来看下图。本质上,峰值的每一次变化都会导致发光二极管状态的变化。因此,使用这个按钮而不进行某种噪声过滤,就相当于玩彩票。当你松开或按下按钮时,你不会确定发光二极管是打开还是关闭。这里有一个图,显示了在短时间按下按钮时电流的变化。记住,尖峰的每一次变化都是 LED 状态的变化:

图 28:短按按钮后释放时的电量读数




    // variable holding the button state
    int buttonState;

    // variable holding previous button state
    int previousButtonState = LOW;

    // variable holding the LED state
    int ledState = HIGH;

    int buttonPin = 2;
    const int ledPin = 13;

    // millis always stored in long
    // becomes too big for int after 32,767 millis or around 32 seconds

    // timestamp of a previous bounce
    long previousDebounceTime = 0;

    // debounce time in millis, if the LED is still quirky increase this value
    long debounceDelay = 50;

    void setup() {
      pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

    void loop() {
      // for now it's the same as in previous example
      int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);

      // if the previous reading is different than the previous button state 
      if (reading != previousButtonState) {
        // we'lll reset the debounce timer
        previousDebounceTime = millis();

      // if the reading is the same over a period of debounceDelay
      if ((millis() - previousDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
        // check if the button state is changed
        if (reading != buttonState) {
          buttonState = reading;

          // toggle the LED state only when the button is pushed
          if (buttonState == HIGH) {
            ledState = !ledState;

      // set the LED:
      digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);

      // save current reading so that we can compare in the next loop
      previousButtonState = reading;





  • Arduino 一号
  • 按钮
  • USB 电缆
  • 1 个 100 欧姆的发光二极管电阻器
  • 1 个 10k 欧姆的按钮电阻器
  • 面包板
  • 1 个 5 毫米发光二极管
  • 5x 面包板跳线
  • 10uF 电容器

图 29:带电容过滤噪声的按钮


图 30:基本电容形式


在这一节中,我介绍了按钮组件以及它们如何与 Arduino 结合使用。我还展示了一些鲜为人知的古怪按钮,以及如何在软件和硬件层面处理它。在下一节中,我将向您展示如何使用 Arduino 来产生声音信号。