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引用 C++ 语言标准,“存储持续时间是对象的属性,它定义了包含该对象的存储的最小潜在寿命。”基本上,它告诉你一个变量可以使用多长时间。变量可以是基本类型,如int,也可以是复杂类型,如class。不管变量的类型如何,只要编程语言认为它应该存在,它就一定会存在。

C++ 管理内存的方式与 C# 非常不同。首先,不需要垃圾收集器,很少有实现提供垃圾收集器。就 C++ 实现具有自动内存管理而言,它们主要通过智能指针和引用计数来实现。C++ 类不会自动存在于堆中(由 GC 管理或其他方式)。相反,它们的工作方式更像 C# 中的结构。

您可以在需要时将 C++ 类实例推送到堆上,但是如果您在本地声明它,并且不做任何有趣的事情,那么它将有一个自动持续时间,通常使用栈来实现,并且当程序离开类存在的范围时,它将被自动销毁。

C++ 比 C# 更能控制内存管理。这样做的后果是,C++ 语言和运行时环境在防止错误代码方面做得不如 C# 语言和 CLR 多。成为一名优秀的 C++ 程序员的关键之一是理解内存管理是如何工作的,并使用最佳实践来编写高效、正确的代码。


全局变量,包括名称空间内部的变量,以及用 duration 关键字static标记的变量,都有静态存储持续时间。






| | 注意:auto 关键字曾经是显式选择自动存储持续时间的一种方式。在 C++ 11 中,这种用法被删除了。现在它相当于 C# 中的 var 关键字。如果您试图使用 auto 的旧含义编译某个东西,您将会收到一个编译器错误,因为 auto 作为类型说明符必须是唯一的类型说明符。 |


动态持续时间是使用new操作符或new[]操作符的结果。new运算符用于分配单个对象,而new[]运算符用于分配动态数组。您必须跟踪动态分配的数组的大小。虽然 C++ 实现将适当地释放一个动态分配的数组,但是如果您使用delete[]运算符,就没有简单或可移植的方法来确定该分配的大小。这可能是不可能的。通过delete操作释放单个对象。

当使用newnew[]分配内存时,返回值是一个指针。指针是保存内存地址的变量。在 C# 中,如果您将对某个对象的所有引用都设置为 null 或其他值,那么在您的程序中就无法再访问内存,因此 GC 可以释放该内存用于其他用途。

在 C++ 中,如果您将指向某个对象的所有指针都设置为nullptr或其他值,并且无法使用指针算法计算出原始地址,那么您就失去了使用deletedelete[]运算符释放内存的能力。因此,您造成了内存泄漏。如果一个程序泄漏了足够的内存,最终它会崩溃,因为系统会用完它的内存地址。然而,即使在此之前,计算机的速度也会慢得可怕,因为它被迫增加分页来适应程序不断增加的内存占用(假设它有虚拟内存,而这是大多数智能手机所没有的)。

| | 注意:常量指针,如语句const wchar_t* someStr = L"Hello World!";中的someStr不是动态持续时间指针。那段记忆只是程序本身的一部分。如果你试图在上面调用deletedelete[],程序将会崩溃。然而,字符串是一个字符数组,所以如果可以删除它,那么delete[]运算符将是正确的用法。 |



线程持续时间是最不常用的存储持续时间。只是最近才标准化。截至本文撰写之时,很少有(如果有的话)C++ 编译器供应商实现了对来自 C++ 11 标准的新thread_local关键字的支持。

这种情况肯定会改变,但是目前您可以使用特定于供应商的扩展,例如特定于微软的扩展 _declspec(thread)或者特定于海湾合作委员会的扩展 __thread,如果您需要这种功能的话。




  • 如果对象应该在程序执行的整个过程中都存在,请使用静态存储持续时间。
  • 如果对象应该存在于特定线程的整个长度,请使用线程存储持续时间。
  • 如果对象只存在于程序或线程的部分持续时间内,请使用动态存储持续时间。





    #pragma once
    #include <string>
    #include <memory>

    class SomeClass
          explicit SomeClass(int value = 0);

                int value,
                const wchar_t* stringId


          int GetValue(void) { return m_value; }

          void SetValue(int value) { m_value = value; }

          static std::unique_ptr<SomeClass> s_someClass;

          int                     m_value;
          std::wstring      m_stringId;


    #include "SomeClass.h"
    #include <string>
    #include <ostream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <ios>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <thread>
    #include <memory>

    using namespace std;

    SomeClass::SomeClass(int value) :
          m_stringId(L"(No string id provided.)")
          SomeClass* localThis = this;
          auto addr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(localThis);
          wcout << L"Creating SomeClass instance." << endl <<
                L"StringId: " << m_stringId.c_str() << L"." << endl <<
                L"Address is: '0x" << setw(8) << setfill(L'0') <<
                hex << addr << dec << L"'." << endl <<
                L"Value is '" << m_value << L"'." << endl <<
                L"Thread id: '" <<
                this_thread::get_id() << L"'." << endl << endl;

          int value,
          const wchar_t* stringId
          ) : m_value(value),
          SomeClass* localThis = this;
          auto addr = reinterpret_cast<int>(localThis);
          wcout << L"Creating SomeClass instance." << endl <<
                L"StringId: " << m_stringId.c_str() << L"." << endl <<
                L"Address is: '0x" << setw(8) << setfill(L'0') <<
                hex << addr << dec << L"'." << endl <<
                L"Value is '" << m_value << L"'." << endl <<
                L"Thread id: '" <<
                this_thread::get_id() << L"'." << endl << endl;

          // This is just here to clarify that we aren't deleting a
          // new object when we replace an old object with it, despite
          // the order in which the Creating and Destroying output is
          // shown.
          m_value = 0;
          SomeClass* localThis = this;
          auto addr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(localThis);
          wcout << L"Destroying SomeClass instance." << endl <<
                L"StringId: " << m_stringId.c_str() << L"." << endl <<
                L"Address is: '0x" << setw(8) << setfill(L'0') <<
                hex << addr << dec << L"'." << endl <<
                L"Thread id: '" <<
                this_thread::get_id() << L"'." << endl << endl;

    // Note that when creating a static member variable, the definition also
    // needs to have the type specified. Here, we start off with
    // 'unique_ptr<SomeClass>' before proceeding to the
    // 'SomeClass::s_someClass = ...;' value assignment.
    unique_ptr<SomeClass> SomeClass::s_someClass =
          unique_ptr<SomeClass>(new SomeClass(10, L"s_someClass"));

示例:存储比率示例\存储比率示例. cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <ostream>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <thread>
    #include <memory>
    #include <cstddef>
    #include "SomeClass.h"
    #include "../pchar.h"

    using namespace std;

    struct SomeStruct
          int Value;

    namespace Value
          // Visual C++ does not support thread_local as of VS 2012 RC. We can
          // partially mimic thread_local with _declspec(thread), but we cannot
          // have things as classes with functions (including constructors
          // and destructors) with _declspec(thread).
          _declspec(thread) SomeStruct ThreadLocalSomeStruct = {};

          // g_staticSomeClass has static duration. It exists until the program
          // ends or until a different value is assigned to it. Even if you left
          // off the static keyword, in this case it would still be static since
          // it is not a local variable, is not dynamic, and is not a thread-
          // local variable.
          static SomeClass g_staticSomeClass = SomeClass(20, L"g_staticSomeClass");

    // This method creates a SomeClass instance, and then changes the
    // value.
    void ChangeAndPrintValue(int value)
          // Create an identifier string.
          wstringstream wsStr(L"");
          wsStr << L"ChangeAndPrintValue thread id: '" << this_thread::get_id()
                << L"'";
          // Create a SomeClass instance to demonstrate function-level block scope.
          SomeClass sc(value, wsStr.str().c_str());

          // Demonstrate _declspec(thread).
          wcout << L"Old value is " << Value::ThreadLocalSomeStruct.Value <<
                L". Thread id: '" << this_thread::get_id() << L"'." << endl;
          Value::ThreadLocalSomeStruct.Value = value;
          wcout << L"New value is " << Value::ThreadLocalSomeStruct.Value <<
                L". Thread id: '" << this_thread::get_id() << L"'." << endl;

    void LocalStatic(int value)
          static SomeClass sc(value, L"LocalStatic sc");

          //// If you wanted to reinitialize sc every time, you would have to
          //// un-comment the following line. This, however, would defeat the
          //// purpose of having a local static. You could do something
          //// similar if you wanted to reinitialize it in certain circumstances
          //// since that would justify having a local static.
          //sc = SomeClass(value, L"LocalStatic reinitialize");

          wcout << L"Local Static sc value: '" << sc.GetValue() <<
                L"'." << endl << endl;

    int _pmain(int /*argc*/, _pchar* /*argv*/[])
          // Automatic storage; destroyed when this function ends.
          SomeClass sc1(1, L"_pmain sc1");
          wcout << L"sc1 value: '" << sc1.GetValue() <<
                L"'." << endl << endl;
                // The braces here create a new block. This means that
                // sc2 only survives until the matching closing brace, since
                // it also has automatic storage.
                SomeClass sc2(2, L"_pmain sc2");
                wcout << L"sc2 value: '" << sc2.GetValue() <<
                      L"'." << endl << endl;

          // Note: The local static in LocalStatic will not be reinitialized
          // with 5000\. See the function definition for more info.

          // To demonstrate _declspec(thread) we change the value of this
          // thread's Value::ThreadLocalSomeStruct to 20 from its default 0.

          // We now create a new thread that automatically starts and
          // changes the value of Value::ThreadLocalSomeStruct to 40\. If it
          // were shared between threads, then it would be 20 from the
          // previous call to ChangeAndPrintValue. But it's not. Instead, it
          // is the default 0 that we would expect as a result of this being
          // a new thread.
          auto thr = thread(ChangeAndPrintValue, 40);

          // Wait for the thread we just created to finish executing. Note that
          // calling join from a UI thread is a bad idea since it blocks
          // the current thread from running until the thread we are calling
          // join on completes. For WinRT programming, you want to make use
          // of the PPLTasks API instead.

          // Dynamic storage. WARNING: This is a 'naked' pointer, which is a very
          // bad practice. It is here to clarify dynamic storage and to serve
          // as an example. Normally, you should use either
          // std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr to wrap any memory allocated with
          // the 'new' keyword or the 'new[]' keyword.
          SomeClass* p_dsc = new SomeClass(1000, L"_pmain p_dsc");

          const std::size_t arrIntSize = 5;

          // Dynamic storage array. THE SAME WARNING APPLIES.
          int* p_arrInt = new int[arrIntSize];

          // Note that there's no way to find how many elements arrInt
          // has other than to manually track it. Also note that the values in
          // arrInt are not initialized (i.e. it's not arrIntSize zeroes, it's
          // arrIntSize arbitrary integer values).

          for (int i = 0; i < arrIntSize; i++)
                wcout << L"i: '" << i << L"'. p_arrInt[i] = '" <<
                      p_arrInt[i] << L"'." << endl;

                // Assign a value of i to this index.
                p_arrInt[i] = i;

          wcout << endl;

          //// If you wanted to zero out your dynamic array, you could do this:
          //uninitialized_fill_n(p_arrInt, arrIntSize, 0);

          for (int i = 0; i < arrIntSize; i++)
                wcout << L"i: '" << i << L"'. p_arrInt[i] = '" <<
                      p_arrInt[i] << L"'." << endl;

          // If you forgot this, you would have a memory leak.
          delete p_dsc;

          //// If you un-commented this, then you would have a double delete, 
          //// which would crash your program.
          //delete p_dsc;

          //// If you did this, you would have a program error, which may or may
          //// not crash your program. Since dsc is not an array, it should not
          //// use the array delete (i.e. delete[]), but should use the non-array
          //// delete shown previously.
          //delete[] p_dsc;

          // You should always set a pointer to nullptr after deleting it to
          // prevent any accidental use of it (since what it points to is unknown
          // at this point).
          p_dsc = nullptr;

          // If you forgot this, you would have a memory leak. If you used
          // 'delete' instead of 'delete[]' unknown bad things might happen. Some
          // implementations will overlook it while others would crash or do who
          // knows what else.
          delete[] p_arrInt;
          p_arrInt = nullptr;

          wcout << L"Ending program." << endl;
          return 0;

对于不方便运行示例的人来说,以下是我从 Windows 8 Release Preview 上的命令提示符运行该示例时获得的输出,该命令提示符是用 Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate RC 在针对 x86 芯片组的 Debug 配置中编译的。如果在您自己的系统上运行,您可能会为地址和线程标识产生不同的值。

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: s_someClass.
    Address is: '0x009fade8'.
    Value is '10'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: g_staticSomeClass.
    Address is: '0x013f8554'.
    Value is '20'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: _pmain sc1.
    Address is: '0x007bfe98'.
    Value is '1'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    sc1 value: '1'.

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: _pmain sc2.
    Address is: '0x007bfe70'.
    Value is '2'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    sc2 value: '2'.

    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: _pmain sc2.
    Address is: '0x007bfe70'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: LocalStatic sc.
    Address is: '0x013f8578'.
    Value is '1000'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Local Static sc value: '1000'.

    Local Static sc value: '1000'.

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: ChangeAndPrintValue thread id: '3660'.
    Address is: '0x007bfbf4'.
    Value is '20'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Old value is 0\. Thread id: '3660'.
    New value is 20\. Thread id: '3660'.
    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: ChangeAndPrintValue thread id: '3660'.
    Address is: '0x007bfbf4'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: ChangeAndPrintValue thread id: '5796'.
    Address is: '0x0045faa8'.
    Value is '40'.
    Thread id: '5796'.

    Old value is 0\. Thread id: '5796'.
    New value is 40\. Thread id: '5796'.
    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: ChangeAndPrintValue thread id: '5796'.
    Address is: '0x0045faa8'.
    Thread id: '5796'.

    Creating SomeClass instance.
    StringId: _pmain p_dsc.
    Address is: '0x009fbcc0'.
    Value is '1000'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    i: '0'. p_arrInt[i] = '-842150451'.
    i: '1'. p_arrInt[i] = '-842150451'.
    i: '2'. p_arrInt[i] = '-842150451'.
    i: '3'. p_arrInt[i] = '-842150451'.
    i: '4'. p_arrInt[i] = '-842150451'.

    i: '0'. p_arrInt[i] = '0'.
    i: '1'. p_arrInt[i] = '1'.
    i: '2'. p_arrInt[i] = '2'.
    i: '3'. p_arrInt[i] = '3'.
    i: '4'. p_arrInt[i] = '4'.
    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: _pmain p_dsc.
    Address is: '0x009fbcc0'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Ending program.
    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: _pmain sc1.
    Address is: '0x007bfe98'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: LocalStatic sc.
    Address is: '0x013f8578'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: g_staticSomeClass.
    Address is: '0x013f8554'.
    Thread id: '3660'.

    Destroying SomeClass instance.
    StringId: s_someClass.
    Address is: '0x009fade8'.
    Thread id: '3660'.