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Istio Mesh

This post gives the guide how to integrate apisix-mesh-agent into Istio mesh.


Prepare the Kubernetes cluster

Just use any Kubernetes cluster that you want, if you don't have an existing one in your hand, we recommend you to use Kind to build a Kubernetes cluster for development quickly, you can run the following commands to set up and clean a Kubernetes cluster with a Docker Registry.

cd /path/to/apisix-mesh-agent
make kind-up
make kind-reset

Install Helm

In this post, we use Helm 3 to install Istio. You should download the desired Istio release version to your local environment. In this document, we use istio/1.9.1.

Create Istio Root Namespace

In this post, we use the typical istio-system as the istio root namespace.

kubectl create namespace istio-system

Build and Push Image

export DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY=localhost:5000
cd /path/to/apisix-mesh-agent
make build-image
docker tag api7/apisix-mesh-agent:$DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG $DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY/api7/apisix-mesh-agent:$DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG
docker push $DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY/api7/apisix-mesh-agent:$DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG

The above commands build the image firstly and push the image to the target image registry (change the DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY to your desired one). You should have docker installed in the running environment.


  1. You should change the value of DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY to the actual image registry address that you're using.

  2. Your image registry should be accessible from the Kubernetes cluster.

Install Istio-base Chart

cd /path/to/istio/manifests
helm install istio-base \
	--namespace istio-system \

istio-base chart contains several resources which are required for running istiod.

Before you execute the above commands, be sure you've cloned istio to your local.

Install istio-control Chart

export ISTIO_RELEASE=1.9.1
cd /path/to/istio/manifests
cp /path/to/apisix-mesh-agent/manifests/istio/injection-template.yaml charts/istio-control/istio-discovery/files/
helm install istio-discovery \
	--namespace istio-system \
	--set pilot.image=istio/pilot:$ISTIO_RELEASE \
	--set global.proxy.privileged=true \
	--set global.proxy_init.hub=$DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY \
	--set global.proxy_init.image=api7/apisix-mesh-agent \
	--set global.proxy_init.tag=dev \
	--set global.proxy.hub=$DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY \
	--set global.proxy.image=api7/apisix-mesh-agent \
	--set global.proxy.tag=dev \

We changed the injection template to injection-template.yaml as we want to change the sidecar from Envoy to apisix-mesh-agent.

Please make sure memory is enough as by default Istios requests 2G memory, if that's expensive in your Kubernetes cluster, changing the resources configuration by specifying: --set pilot.resources.requests.memory=<reasonable memory size>.


kubectl create namespace test
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx -n test --port 80

Wait for a while and check out the pod status, the sidecar container should be injected into the nginx pod.

kubectl get pods -n test
nginx   2/2     Running   0          53s

For further learning, please read tiny-service-mesh-scenario, so you can know how to verify this mesh by sending requests.


helm uninstall istio-discovery --namespace istio-system
helm uninstall istio-base --namespace istio-system
kubectl delete namespace istio-system