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25 lines (16 loc) · 2.6 KB

File metadata and controls

25 lines (16 loc) · 2.6 KB


  1. is the installer/code launcher. If the root directory (MetreiOS) already exists on your device, it will look for metre_ios_install_config.json and launch the most current version of the app (from a subdirectory in MetreiOS) OR it will download the most current version of the app from GitHub, installed as a subdirectory in MetreiOS. If an older version of the app exists, the log files (for remembering the device, timezone, storage of previous data) will get copied over to the new app subdirectory. If the MetreiOS subdirectory does not exist it will download that root directory and make metre_ios_install_config.json (version # is hard-coded into a dictionary written in The script that "does stuff" and makes the UI is the script

  2. makes the UI. Currently, as written, this version of the code expects to receive a json file (similar to the format in temp_resources). It looks for files that are located in the folder temp_resources. It processes the test by calling the script, which does the mV rolling mean and various metadata calculations, adds the keys to the dictionary. The dietionary gets returned to (the main script) and pushes it to the cloud function ''.

  3. The cloud function writes the metadata to a common log, saves the incoming (single) json file, runs the prediction, and returns the prediction to

  4. receives the response from the cloud function, displays the result and writes it to the log.

  5. If multiple files are present in temp_resources, multiple files will be uploaded.

Updates from v0.16:

  1. Implemented customizable timeout counter and increased wait times to get file (file transfer slows down with bluetooth)
  2. Added dat_files folder to data_files so logs don't get written to the main script folder
  3. Added unpaired_files folder to move unpaired files; implmeneted match_unpaired function in to match unpaired files (i.e. in case of interrupted BLE file upload)
  4. File removal is now initiated when results.bin file shows up (as opposed to counting the responses). This makes the system more robust to late json messages
  5. Added set_ble_state command before and after bluetooth connection to prevent "Eject" from interrupting commands; app returns the instrument to its previous state to deliver the Eject message and tone once it's finished

To add

  1. Simplify UI (see notes)
  2. Prevent mulitple launches from shortcut
  3. More specific messages regarding why a file can't be processed