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File metadata and controls

390 lines (363 loc) · 22 KB

Course and exercise configuration

Configuration files

Configuration is written as JSON or YAML inside subdirectories. Each subdirectory holding an index.json or index.yaml is a valid active course.

Dates will be parsed as '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', '%Y-%m-%d %H' or '%Y-%m-%d'. Durations are given in (int)(unit), where units are y, m, d, h or w.

  1. course_key/index.[json|yaml]

    • The directory name acts as a course key, which is used in
      • URLs: /course_key
    • name: A public complete course name
    • description (optional): A private course description
    • lang (optional/a+): The default language.
    • contact: (optional/a+) A private contact email for course configuration
    • contact_phone: (optional) A private contact phone number for course responsible
    • assistants: (optional/a+) A list of assistant student ids
    • start: (optional/a+) The course instance start date
    • end: (optional/a+) The course instance end date
    • static_dir: (optional) This subdirectory will be linked to URL /static/course_key
    • head_urls: (optional/a+) A list of URLs to JS and CSS files that A+ includes on all course pages. For example, a common JavaScript library could be included this way without adding it separately to each exercise description.
    • enrollment_start: The enrollment start date
    • enrollment_end: The enrollment end date
    • lifesupport_time: The lifesupport date (model answers are hidden from students)
    • archive_time: The archive date (no submissions allowed after it)
    • enrollment_audience: Selects the user group that is allowed to enroll in the course. One of the following:
      • internal: only internal students (they have a student number and should log-in with internal accounts)
      • external: only external students (no student number and login with Google accounts)
      • all: internal and external students
    • view_content_to: Selects the user group that may view course contents. One of the following:
      • enrolled: only enrolled students
      • enrollment_audience: logged-in users in the enrollment audience (the audience is set separately)
      • all_registered: all logged-in users
      • public: all anonymous and authenticated users
    • index_mode: Selects the display mode for the course front page. One of the following:
      • results: exercise results
      • toc: table of contents
      • last: opens the page that the user viewed last time
      • experimental: do not use this
    • content_numbering: numbering mode for the course contents (chapters and exercises). One of the following:
      • none: no numbers shown
      • arabic: arabic numbers (1, 2, 3)
      • roman: roman numbers (I, II, III)
      • hidden: no numbers, but child objects may show the hierarchy in numbering. If there are children (e.g., exercises are children of the module) and the parent has hidden numbering, then the children may have numbers such as "1.2" instead of just "2" (exercise 2 in the round 1). The hidden setting is more sensible in module_numbering than content_numbering.
    • module_numbering: numbering mode for the modules (exercise rounds). The options are the same as for content_numbering.
    • course_description: HTML text for the course front page
    • course_footer: HTML text for the footer of the front page
    • exercises: (deprecated, see modules) A list of active exercise keys
    • modules: a list of
      • key: part of the url
      • name,title: (optional/a+) The name of the course module
      • status: (optional/a+) ready/hidden/maintenance
      • points_to_pass: (optional/a+) limit to get passed marks
      • introduction: (optional/a+) introduction
      • open: (optional/a+) first access date
      • close: (optional/a+) deadline date
      • duration: (optional/a+) deadline in duration from open
      • late_close: (optional/a+) late deadline date
      • late_duration: (optional/a+) late deadline in duration from first deadline
      • late_penalty: (optional/a+) factor of points worth for late submission
      • type: (optional/a+) a key name in 'module_types'
      • children: a list of
        • key: part of the url
        • config: a path to exercise configuration OR
        • static_content: a path inside static directory
        • category: a key name in 'categories'
        • name,title: (optional/a+) The name of the learning object
        • status: (optional/a+) ready/unlisted/hidden/maintenance
        • max_submissions: (optional/a+)
        • max_points: (optional/a+)
        • points_to_pass: (optional/a+) limit to get passed marks
        • min_group_size: (optional/a+)
        • max_group_size: (optional/a+)
        • allow_assistant_viewing: (optional/a+) true or false
        • allow_assistant_grading: (optional/a+) true or false
        • use_wide_column: (optional/a+) true to loose third column
        • generate_table_of_contents: (optional/a+) show index of children
        • type: (optional/a+) a key name in 'exercise_types'
        • children: list recursion
    • categories: a list of
      • name: (optional/a+)
      • status: (optional/a+) ready/hidden
      • points_to_pass: (optional/a+) limit to get passed marks
    • module_types,exercise_types: keyed maps of default values
    • numerate_ignoring_modules: (optional/a+) true to numerate I:1...n, II:n+1...m
  2. course_key/exercise_key.[json|yaml]

    • The file name acts as an exercise key, which is used in
      • URLs: /course_key/exercise_key
      • Must match the exercise list in index.[json|yaml]
    • title: A title of the exercise
    • description (optional): An exercise description (Dublin Core metadata)
    • include (optional): Include configuration files rendered from templates.
      • file: A path to an exercise configuration file. May contain optional Django template syntax, which allows passing of parameters with the template_context key.
      • force (optional): Defaults to false. If true, all keys and their contents in the file where the include key is located will be overwritten with the corresponding keys and contents from the file which is being included. If false, a ConfigError is thrown if the include file contains keys which already exist in the file where the keys are being included.
      • template_context (optional): Context dictionary containing key value pairs for rendering the included file.
    • instructions (optional): Most default templates will print given instructions HTML before the exercise widgets.
    • instructions_file (optional): Like above but is a path to an HTML file to be included. If the path starts with ./, it will be prepended with the course key. If both instructions and instructions_file are given, instructions will be placed before the content of instructions_file.
    • max_points (optional): The maximum exercise points (positive int). Overrides any maximum points reported by test actions.
    • feedback: If true, the exercise is a feedback exercise/questionnaire.
    • view_type: A dotted name for an exercise implementation
    • submission_file_max_size: (optional/Moodle frontend only) maximum accepted file size for submissions (in bytes). The limit is checked for each file separately if there are multiple files in a submission. Set zero for no limit. Default value is 1048576 (1 MB). Moodle has sitewide configuration for the maximum upper limit which cannot be exceeded.
    • personalized: (optional) if true, personalized exercise instances must be pregenerated and each user is then assigned an instance of the exercise
    • generated_files: (required if personalized) set a list of generated files for a personalized exercise. Each list item defines the following settings:
      • file: filename of the generated file
      • key: key for accessing the file in HTML templates
      • url_in_template: if true, template variable includes a URL to download the generated file
      • content_in_template: if true, template variable includes the content of the generated file
      • allow_download: if true, the generated file can be downloaded from the web
    • generator: (required if personalized) settings for the generator program that creates one new instance of the exercise. At least cmd must be set. The generator cmd will be run from course_key dir (course_key is the cwd).
      • cmd: command line as an ARRAY that is used to run the generator. Eg. [""] will run from course_key dir and ["python3", "script_dir/"] will run from course_key/script_dir but keep course_key as cwd. Mooc-grader appends the instance directory path to the argument list and the generator is expected to write files into the directory. The file names should be listed under generated_files setting so that mooc-grader is aware of them. The Django command used to pregenerate exercises is python pregenerate_exercises course_key <exercise_key> (--help option prints all possible arguments).
      • cwd: if set, this sets the current working directory for the generator program. Since the default cwd is course_key, this applies to directories in course_key. Eg. cwd: "script_dir" will change the cwd to course_key/script_dir and only after that run cmd.
    • max_submissions_before_regeneration: (optional, only usable in personalized exercises) defines how many times the student may submit before the personalized exercise is regenerated (the exercise instance is changed to another one). If unset, the exercise is never regenerated.
    • model_files: It is a list of model answers that are available only after the deadline has passed. The model_files take file paths as input. These paths are relative to the root of the course repository, e.g., exercises/hello_world/
    • template_files: List of template files for the student (e.g., base code or skeleton code that the student starts to modify). A+ shows the templates in the exercise navigation bar. Give a list of file paths as the value. The file paths start from the root of the course repository, e.g., exercises/hello_world/

    Rest of the attributes are exercise type specific.

Exercise view types

Common exercise views are implemented in access.types and they should fit most purposes by configuration and templating. However, it is possible to implement a course specific exercise view in a course specific Python module.

  1. access.types.stdasync.acceptFiles

    Accepts named files for asynchronous grading queue. Extended attributes:

    • files: list of expected files
      • field: file field name
      • name: actual file name, may include subdirectories
      • required: (optional, default true) if true, the user must submit this file, otherwise it can be left empty
    • required_number_of_files: (optional, integer) if not all files are required, define how many files must be submitted. The number should be less than the length of the files list.
    • template (default access/accept_files_default.html): name of a template to present
    • accepted_message (optional): overrides the default message displayed when asynchronous submission is accepted
    • never_wait (optional): true stops the automatic feedback polling for asynchronous submissions (normally occurs if queue is shorter than 3)
    • feedback_template (default access/task_success.html): name of a template used to format the feedback
    • lti (optional with lti_context_id, lti_resource_link_id, lti_aplus_get_and_post=True): A name for a configured LTI service for the mooc-grader at A-plus, the exercise receives LTI user attributes from A-plus which are written to lti.json for the container.
    • container: A dictionary for configuring attributes of the grading container
      • image: Container image to use
      • mount: Directory to mount to the container
      • cmd: Command to execute inside the grading container - typically along the lines of /exercise/
      • mounts (optional): A mapping of course files/directories to container paths for mounting. E.g. java_library: /library mounts the directory java_library to the path /library inside the container. /exercise, /submission and /personalized_exercise are reserved mounts that cannot be used. Works in addition to mount which mounts to /exercise.

    Additional fields can be defined in the container dictionary, and they're given to the site-specific container creation script. Aalto's installation currently accepts the following fields:

      • resources (optional): A dictionary defining resource limits for the container, with the following keys:
        • cpu (optional, default 2): Number of CPU cores to allocate
        • memory (optional, default 4Gi): Amount of memory to allocate
      • enable_network (optional, default False): Whether the container should have generic network access
      • require_constant_environment (optional, default False): Generally used for timed exercises where the number of points received depends on code execution time. Setting this to True causes the containers to end up in an environment where only one submission is run at a time, and all the grading nodes have identical hardware, so the variance in execution times should be minimal.
      • privileged (optional, default False): Setting this to True essentially grants root access to the grading node where the container is run. This can be needed e.g. in exercises requiring access to /dev/kvm or docker-in-docker exercises. Privileged submissions are run on a separate node entirely dedicated to them. This should generally be used as a last resort, and the exercise creator should make sure that student code cannot escape the container.
  2. access.types.stdasync.acceptPost

    Accepts form text for asynchronous grading queue. Extended attributes:

    • fields: list of text fields
      • name: field name and written file name
      • title (optional): field title or label
      • more (optional): more instructions
      • required (optional): true to require an answer
    • template (default access/accept_post_default.html): name of a template to present
    • accepted_message etc as in type 1.
  3. access.types.stdasync.acceptGitAddress

    Writes the Git address into user/gitsource file for asynchronous grading queue. See grader.actions.git*. Extended attributes:

    • require_gitlab (optional): a host name for a Gitlab installation. Makes sure that the address is an SSH repo path or any HTTP URL in given Gitlab host. Stores the standard SSH path for key access.
    • template (default: access/accept_git_default.html): name of a template to present
    • accepted_message etc as in type 1.
  4. access.types.stdsync.acceptGeneralForm

    Accepts a general form submission (can also include files) asynchronous grading queue. Extended attributes:

    • files: list of expected files as in type 1
    • fields: list of text fields as in type 2
    • template (default access/accept_general_default.html): name of a template to present
    • accepted_message etc as in type 1.
  5. access.types.stdsync.createForm

    Synchronous form checker. Requires max_points in the exercise configuration. If form has no points configured then maximum points are granted on errorless submission. Extended attributes:

    • fieldgroups: list of field groups
      • name (optional): group name (fieldset legend)
      • pick_randomly (optional): number of fields to randomly sample
      • resample_after_attempt (optional): boolean. Should the questions be resampled or preserved after a submission attempt in a pick_randomly questionnaire? true by default, which means that the questions are resampled after attempts.
      • group_errors (optional): true to hide individual failed fields
      • fields: list of fields
        • title (optional): field title or label
        • more (optional): more instructions
        • include (optional): template name to include as content in more instructions
        • type: radio/checkbox/dropdown/text/textarea
        • key (optional): a field key used in the form post
        • initial (optional): an initial value for the field
        • points (optional): number of points to grant
        • required (optional): true to require an answer
        • correct (optional): correct answer for text fields
        • compare_method (optional): int/float/string/regexp/string-(modifier)/subdiff-(modifier) Decides how posted value is compared to correct and feedback. The subdiff method works like string, but it can have multiple correct solutions delimited with | and it shows the difference of the submission compared to the correct solutions as feedback. Modifiers include:
          • ignorews: ignore white space
          • ignorequotes: iqnore "quotes" around
          • requirecase: require identical lower and upper cases
          • ignorerepl: ignore REPL prefixes
        • regex (deprecated): regex to match correct answer for text fields (use compare_method instead)
        • options list of options for choice fields
          • label: option label
          • value (optional): the unique value for the option in the form post
          • selected (optional): true to make this initial selection
          • correct (optional): true for correct option. "neutral" for neutral options that do not affect grading (in checkbox questions). Checkbox requires all and only correct options selected. Radio requires one of the correct options selected.
        • partial_points: if true, a checkbox question awards some points for partially correct answers
        • feedback (optional): list of feedback messages
          • label: the message
          • value: show when this value is posted
          • not: true to show when given value is NOT posted
          • compare_regexp: true to match the posted answer to the value as regexp
        • randomized (optional): int. The number of answer choices that are randomly selected out of all choices in a checkbox question.
        • correct_count (optional): int. Used with randomized. The number of correct answer choices that are randomly selected in a checkbox question.
        • resample_after_attempt (optional): boolean. Should the answer choices be resampled or preserved after a submission attempt in a randomized question? true by default, which means that the choices are resampled after attempts.
        • checkbox_feedback (optional): boolean. If true, feedback (hints) for a selected checkbox is rendered right under the checkbox so that it is obvious which checkbox triggered the feedback/hint. The inverse feedback (when the option is not selected, not: true under the feedback field) is still rendered under the question after all checkboxes. This option may only be used when type: checkbox is set. False by default, which means all feedback is rendered after all checkboxes.
    • template (default access/create_form_default.html): name of a template to present
    • accepted_message (optional): overrides the default message displayed when submission is accepted
    • reveal_model_at_max_submissions (optional): if false, the questionnaire feedback does not reveal model solutions after the user has consumed all submission attempts. By default false.
    • show_model_answer (optional): if false, A+ does not show the model solution to students after the module deadline. (In other words, mooc-grader does not export a link to the model solution in aplus-json.) By default true.
  6. access.types.stdsync.comparePostValues

    Synchronous check against posted values. Requires max_points in the exercise configuration. If values have no points configured then maximum points are granted on errorless submission. Extended attributes:

    • values: map of POST field names to rules:
      • accept: list of accepted values, [ False ] for no value, [ True ] for any value
      • points (optional): number of points to grant or negative to deduct
    • template: name of a template to present. Template should manually include a form that produces the expected POST values.
  7. access.types.stdsync.noGrading

    Presents a template and does not grade anything. Extended attributes:

    • template: name of a template to present


Many type views can use a named template. The templates can be placed in exercise directory and use subdirectories. The available variables are listed below.

  1. All templates

    • course: course configuration dictionary
    • exercise: exercise configuration dictionary
    • If the exercise is personalized and the exercise settings include generated_files:
      • generated_files: dictionary with the keys defined in the settings, for each key there is the value for file, and with the enabled settings also url and content

    Note that you can add any new keys to configuration and utilize them in templates.

  2. Templates for asynchronous submissions

    • result: object holding POST results or None

      • error: True on failed POST
      • missing_url: True if no submission_url provided
      • missing_files: True if files missing
      • invalid_address: True if Gitlab address is rejected
      • accepted: True if accepted for grading A default file submission form can be included with

      {% include 'access/accept_files_form.html' %}

  3. Feedback templates for asynchronous submissions

    • result: object holding test results
      • points: total points granted
      • max_points: total maximum points
      • tests: entry for each test action
        • points: points granted
        • max_points: maximum points
        • out: test output
        • err: test errors
        • stop: True when rest of the actions were cancelled
  4. Templates for createForm

    • result: object holding form and results

      • form: a Django form object
      • accepted: True if valid form POST was graded
      • points: granted points
      • error_groups: list of group_N names having errors
      • error_fields: list of field_N names having errors A default form can be included with

      {% include 'access/graded_form.html' %}

  5. Templates for comparePostValues

    • result: object holding POST results or None
      • accepted: True
      • received: map of received POST fields => values
      • points: granted points
      • failed: list of failed field names