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Ti.Admob Module


Use the Google Admob Module in Titanium

Getting Started

View the Using Titanium Modules document for instructions on getting started with using this module in your application.


The Google AdMob Ads SDK has the following requirements:


Update your Info.plist

Update your app's tiapp.xml file to add two keys inside ios plist section:

  • If using module 2.5.0+

  • If using Xcode 12.0+, set minimum ios version 11.0+ using following key in tiapp.xml, inside ios section to run app on simulators. If app supports iOS < 11.0, be sure to remove it while building for device or app distribution.

  • A GADApplicationIdentifier key with a string value of your AdMob app ID (identified in the AdMob UI).

  • A SKAdNetworkItems key with SKAdNetworkIdentifier values for Google (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) and select additional buyers who have provided these values to Google.

  • Starting in iOS 14, IDFA will be unavailable until an app calls the App Tracking Transparency framework to present the app-tracking authorization request to the end user. To display the App Tracking Transparency authorization request for accessing the IDFA, update your tiapp.xml to add the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with a custom message describing your usage. Below is an example description text:

      <string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>

    To present the authorization request, call Admob.requestTrackingAuthorization(). We recommend waiting for the completion callback prior to loading ads, so that if the user grants the App Tracking Transparency permission, the Google AdMob SDK can use the IDFA in ad requests. For more information about the possible status values, see TRACKING_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_*. If an app does not present this request, the IDFA will automatically be zeroed out which may lead to a significant loss in ad revenue.

    This is a sample of tiapp.xml using iOS test app ID:

                <string>ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~1458002511</string> <!--Test ads-->
                <true />				
                    <!--Add here all other SKAdNetworkIdentifier -->

Obtaining Consent with the User Messaging Platform

The UMP SDK provides tools for publishers to request consent for personalized ads as well as to handle Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) requirements. The SDK is designed to be used in a linear fashion. The steps for using the SDK are:

  • Request the latest consent information.
  • Check if consent is required.
  • Check if a form is available and if so load a form.
  • Present the form.
  • Provide a way for users to change their consent.

It is recommended that you request an update of the consent information at every app launch. This will determine whether or not your user needs to provide consent. The module uses these two methods to be able to use it: Admob.requestConsentInfoUpdateWithParameters(); Admob.loadForm();

In the app.js there is a complete example to better understand how to use them.

User Consent and Ad serving

If consent is denied, or if certain values are not checked in the consent management phase, the ads will not be loaded.

Why does this happen? If you pay attention to the ConsentStatus.OBTAINED field, you will notice that it says that the consent is obtained, but the personalization is not defined. As you see here.

It is up to us developers to check if the user has granted the minimum requirements to be able to view the ads, and if he has chosen to see personalized or non-personalized ones.

In order to assist you with this, Mirko Dimartino created a solution inspired on Tyler V that I have implemented in this module thanks to deckameron.

Mediation adapters

This module includes Meta (Facebook) and InMobi ads mediation adapters.

  • If you use Meta Audience Network (previously Facebook), starting with iOS 14, you will need to implement the Admob.setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled(true) flag. This allows you to inform Facebook whether to use the data to deliver personalized ads. If the flag is set to false, Facebook will not be able to deliver personalized ads. You need to set this flag before initializing the mediation SDK in order to receive it in the bidding request.

  • If you use InMobi mediation, instead, you will have to use the method Admob.setInMobi_updateGDPRConsent(true) to deliver personalized ads.

Mediation Test Suite

In the Ti.Admob iOS version 4.8.0 was added Admob.showMediationTestSuite() method to open Google Mobile Ads Mediation Test Suite. It was removed since 5.0.0. You can use gmamts.showMediationTestSuite() with the module

Ad inspector

This module include Ad inspector, an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of test ad requests directly within a mobile app.

Doubleclick for Publishers Developer Docs



Creates and returns a Ti.Admob.View object which displays ads. See the AdView docs for details.


parameters[object]: a dictionary object of properties defined in Ti.Admob.View.


  var Admob = require('ti.admob');

  var ad = Admob.createView({
    bottom: 0,
    width: 320, // Will calculate the width internally to fit its container if not specified
    height: 50,
    debugEnabled: true, // If enabled, a dummy value for `adUnitId` will be used to test
    adUnitId: '<<YOUR ADD UNIT ID HERE>>', // You can get your own at http: //
    adBackgroundColor: 'black',    
    contentURL: '', // URL string for a webpage whose content matches the app content.
    requestAgent: 'Titanium Mobile App', // String that identifies the ad request's origin.
    extras: { 'npa': "1", 'version': 1.0, 'name': 'My App' }, // Object of additional infos. NOTE: npa=1 disables personalized ads (!)
    tagForChildDirectedTreatment: false, // for more infos
    tagForUnderAgeOfConsent: false, // for more infos
    maxAdContentRating: Admob.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_GENERAL, // for more infos
    keywords: ['keyword1', 'keyword2']


Disables automated SDK crash reporting. If not called, the SDK records the original exception handler if available and registers a new exception handler. The new exception handler only reports SDK related exceptions and calls the recorded original exception handler.


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 6.2.0.

Disables automated in app purchase (IAP) reporting. Must be called before any IAP transaction is initiated. IAP reporting is used to track IAP ad conversions. Do not disable reporting if you use IAP ads.

isTaggedForUnderAgeOfConsent() (Boolean)

⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0. You can set tagForUnderAgeOfConsent parameter in Admob.requestConsentInfoUpdateWithParameters()

Indicates whether the user is tagged for under age of consent.


It is a best practice to load a form every time the user launches your app, even if you determine consent is not required, so that the form is ready to display in case the user wishes to change their consent setting. The forms for obtaining consent are created in AdMob UI. Once you have determined that you will ask a user for consent, the next step is to determine if a form is available. There are a variety of reasons why a form may not be available, such as:

  1. The user has limit ad tracking enabled.
  2. You tagged the user as under the age of consent. To check if a form is available, use the callback status parameter
  • callback (Function) Async callback function that return {status: Modules.Admob.CONSENT_STATUS_*}

isGDPR() (Boolean)

Check in the IABTCF string if GDPR applies, so if in EEA.

canShowAds() (Boolean)

If false (and GDPR applies, so if in EEA) you should prompt the user or to accept all, or explain in details (check above) what to check to display at least Non-Personalized Ads, or ask the user to opt for a premium version of the app, otherwise you will earn absolutely nothing.

If true you can check if user granted at least minimum requirements to show Personalized Ads with the following method.

canShowPersonalizedAds (Boolean)

Finally you know if you can request AdMob Personalized or Non-Personalized Ads, if Non-Personalized you have to forward the request using this snippet.

  var Admob = require('ti.admob');

  var ad = Admob.createView({
    // your properties...
    extras: { 'npa': "1"}, // npa=1 disables personalized ads 


  import Admob from 'ti.admob';
  var ad = Admob.createView({
    // your properties...
    extras: { 'npa': "1"}, // npa=1 disables personalized ads 


Request the latest consent information. It is recommended that you request an update of the consent information at every app launch. This will determine whether or not your user needs to provide consent.

  • geography (Number) Admob.DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_* To force the SDK to treat the device as though it is not in the EEA or UK, use UMPDebugGeographyNotEEA. Note that debug settings only work on test devices. Emulators do not need to be added to the device id list as they have testing enabled by default.
  • tagForUnderAgeOfConsent (Boolean) Sets whether the user is tagged for under age of consent
  • testDeviceIdentifiers (Array) Array of "TEST-DEVICE-HASHED-ID" strings.
  • callback (Function) Async callback function to invoke when done


One-time request to authorize or deny access to app-elated data that can be used for tracking the user or the device. The system remembers the user's choice and doesn't prompt again unless a user uninstalls and then reinstalls the app on the device. Note, when calling Admob.requestTrackingAuthorization(), the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key must be in the tiapp.xml.

  • callback (Function) Async callback function that return {status: Modules.Admob.TRACKING_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_*}


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0 in favor of new UMP

Requests consent information update for the provided publisher identifiers. All publisher identifiers used in the application should be specified in this call. Consent status is reset to unknown when the ad provider list changes.

  • publisherIdentifiers (Array)
  • callback (Function)


Resets consent information to default state and clears ad providers.


If you use Facebook Audience Network mediation, starting with iOS 14, you will need to implement the setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled flag. This allows you to inform Facebook whether to use the data to deliver personalized ads. If the flag is set to false, Facebook will not be able to deliver personalized ads. You need to set this flag before initializing the mediation SDK in order to receive it in the bidding request.

The setter for advertiserTrackingEnabled flag is deprecated since Ti.Admob 7.1.0: The setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled flag is not used for Audience Network SDK 6.15.0+ on iOS 17+ as the Audience Network SDK 6.15.0+ on iOS 17+ now relies on [ATTrackingManager trackingAuthorizationStatus] to accurately represent ATT permission for users of your app.


If you use InMobi mediation, this allows you to inform InMobi whether to use the data to deliver personalized ads. If the flag is set to false, InMobi will not be able to deliver personalized ads. You need to set this flag before initializing the mediation SDK in order to receive it in the bidding request.


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0. You can set tagForUnderAgeOfConsent parameter in Admob.requestConsentInfoUpdateWithParameters()

Sets whether the user is tagged for under age of consent.


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0 in favor of new UMP Now you should use Admob.requestConsentInfoUpdateWithParameters({})

Shows a consent modal form. Arguments:

  • shouldOfferPersonalizedAds (Boolean) Indicates whether the consent form should show a personalized ad option. Defaults to true.
  • shouldOfferNonPersonalizedAds (Boolean) Indicates whether the consent form should show a non-personalized ad option. Defaults to true.
  • shouldOfferAdFree (Boolean) Indicates whether the consent form should show an ad-free app option. Defaults to false.
  • callback (Function) Callback to be triggered once the form completes.


adProviders (Array)

⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0 because deprecated by Google;

Array of ad providers.


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0 because deprecated by Google;


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0 because deprecated by Google; You can set geography parameter in Admob.requestConsentInfoUpdateWithParameters()

Debug geography. Used for debug devices only.

debugIdentifiers (Array)

⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0 because deprecated by Google;

Array of advertising identifier UUID strings. Debug features are enabled for devices with these identifiers. Debug features are always enabled for simulators.


Check the tracking authorization status on iOS > 14



Used when creating a <Modules.Admob.View> to determine ad type of banner


Used when creating a <Modules.Admob.View> to determine ad type of interstitial


Used when creating a <Modules.Admob.View> to determine ad type of rewarded video


Used when creating a <Modules.Admob.View> to determine ad type of app open


Consent form is available.


Consent form is unavailable.


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0

Returned by consentStatus if the consent status is not personalized.


Consent status is not required.


Consent status has already been obtained.


⚠️ Removed since Ti.Admob 5.0.0

Returned by consentStatus if the consent status is personalized.


Consent status is required. You should call Admob.loadForm() to ask for permissions.


Consent status is unknown.


Geography debugging is disabled.


Geography appears as in EEA for debug devices.


Geography appears as not in EEA for debug devices.


A constant to be passed to the gender property to specify a gender if used. Deprecated by the AdMob SDK, deleted from 4.5.0.


A constant to be passed to the gender property to specify a gender if used. Deprecated by the AdMob SDK, deleted from 4.5.0.


A constant to be passed to the gender property to specify a gender if used. Deprecated by the AdMob SDK,deleted from 4.5.0.


A constant to be passed to the maxAdContentRating property to specify a maximum ad content rating for all ad requests if used.


A constant to be passed to the maxAdContentRating property to specify a maximum ad content rating for all ad requests if used.


A constant to be passed to the maxAdContentRating property to specify a maximum ad content rating for all ad requests if used.


A constant to be passed to the maxAdContentRating property to specify a maximum ad content rating for all ad requests if used.


A constant to be passed in an array to the testDevices property to get test ads on the simulator. Deprecated since 7.0.0 (Simulators are already in test mode by default.)


Returned by trackingAuthorizationStatus Before a device receives an authorization request to approve access to app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device.


Returned by trackingAuthorizationStatus if After a device receives an authorization request to approve access, user accpet the request


Returned by trackingAuthorizationStatus if After a device receives an authorization request to approve access, user denied the request


Returned by trackingAuthorizationStatus If authorization to use app tracking data is restricted

Supported Ads


To receive a banner ad, you need to add it to the view hierarchy. It fires the didReceiveAd event if the ad was successfully received, the didFailToReceiveAd event otherwise. When ad is loaded, it will be visible.

var Admob = require('ti.admob');

var bannerAdView = Admob.createView({
  height: 200,
  adType: Admob.AD_TYPE_BANNER,
  adUnitId: '<<YOUR ADD UNIT ID HERE>>', // You can get your own at http: //
  adBackgroundColor: 'black',
  contentURL: '', // URL string for a webpage whose content matches the app content.
  requestAgent: 'Titanium Mobile App', // String that identifies the ad request's origin.
  extras: {
    'version': 1.0,
    'name': 'My App'
  }, // Object of additional infos
  tagForChildDirectedTreatment: false, // for more infos
  tagForUnderAgeOfConsent: false, // for more infos
  maxAdContentRating: Admob.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_GENERAL, // for more infos
  keywords: ['keyword1', 'keyword2']

bannerAdView.addEventListener('didReceiveAd', function (e) {'BannerAdView - Did receive ad: ' + e.adUnitId);

bannerAdView.addEventListener('didFailToReceiveAd', function (e) {
  Ti.API.error('BannerAdView - Failed to receive ad: ' + e.error);

bannerAdView.addEventListener('didRecordImpression', function (e) {'BannerAdView - didRecordImpression: ' + e.adUnitId);

bannerAdView.addEventListener('didRecordClick', function (e) {'BannerAdView - didRecordClick: ' + e.adUnitId);

bannerAdView.addEventListener('willPresentScreen', function (e) {
  Ti.API.error('BannerAdView - willPresentScreen: ' + e.adUnitId);

bannerAdView.addEventListener('willDismissScreen', function (e) {'BannerAdView - willDismissScreen: ' + e.adUnitId);

bannerAdView.addEventListener('didDismissScreen', function () {'BannerAdView - Dismissed screen: ' + e.adUnitId);


To receive an interstitional ad, you need to add it to the view hierarchy. It fires the didReceiveAd event if the ad was successfully received, the didFailToReceiveAd event otherwise. When ad is loaded, then you can use ad.showInterstitial() to show.

var Admob = require('ti.admob');

var interstitialAd = Admob.createView({
  adUnitId: '<<YOUR ADD UNIT ID HERE>>', // You can get your own at http: //
  keywords: ['keyword1', 'keyword2'],
  extras: {
    'version': 1.0,
    'name': 'My App'
  }, // Object of additional infos
  visible: false, // If true, covers the win when added and can't tap nothing
  tagForChildDirectedTreatment: false, // for more infos
  tagForUnderAgeOfConsent: false, // for more infos
  maxAdContentRating: Admob.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_GENERAL, // for more infos

interstitialAd.addEventListener('didReceiveAd', function (e) {'interstitialAd - Did receive ad: ' + e.adUnitId);

interstitialAd.addEventListener('didFailToReceiveAd', function (e) {
  Ti.API.error('interstitialAd - Failed to receive ad: ' + e.error);  

interstitialAd.addEventListener('didDismissScreen', function (e) {'interstitialAd - Dismissed screen: ' + e.adUnitId);  

interstitialAd.addEventListener('willDismissScreen', function (e) {'interstitialAd - willDismissScreen: ' + e.adUnitId);

interstitialAd.addEventListener('didRecordImpression', function (e) {'interstitialAd- didRecordImpression: ' + e.adUnitId);

interstitialAd.addEventListener('didRecordClick', function (e) {'interstitialAd - didRecordClick: ' + e.adUnitId);

Please see the example for a complete implementation.

Rewarded Video

Since version 2.4.2 you can use Admob Rewarded Video ads. This is similar to interstitials with the addition of getting a reward after watching an ad video.

You create a rewarded video ad by specifying Admob.AD_TYPE_REWARDED_VIDEO as the adType. The first video will be automatically pre-loaded after creating the view and calling ad.receive(). To know when a video is completely loaded you can use the didReceiveAd event. To show a rewarded video add call the ad.showRewardedVideo() method. Loading another video can be started with the loadRewardedVideo(adUnitId) method on the same instance.

var Admob = require('ti.admob');

var rewardedVideo = Admob.createView({
  adUnitId: '<<YOUR ADD UNIT ID HERE>>', // You can get your own at http: //
  extras: {
    'version': 1.0,
    'name': 'My App'
  } // Object of additional infos


rewardedVideo.addEventListener('didRewardUser', function (reward) {
  Ti.API.debug(`rewardedVideo - didRewardUser: Received reward! type: ${reward.type}, amount: ${reward.amount}`);

rewardedVideo.addEventListener('didFailToReceiveAd', function (er) {
  Ti.API.debug('rewardedVideo - Rewarded video ad failed to load: ' + e.error);

rewardedVideo.addEventListener('didReceiveAd', function (e) {'rewardedVideo - Did receive ad: ' + e.adUnitId);

rewardedVideo.addEventListener('didFailToReceiveAd', function (e) {
  Ti.API.error('rewardedVideo - Failed to receive ad: ' + e.error);

rewardedVideo.addEventListener('didDismissScreen', function (e) {'rewardedVideo - Dismissed screen: ' + e.adUnitId);

rewardedVideo.addEventListener('willDismissScreen', function (e) {'rewardedVideo - willDismissScreen: ' + e.adUnitId);

rewardedVideo.addEventListener('didRecordImpression', function (e) {'rewardedVideo - didRecordImpression: ' + e.adUnitId);

rewardedVideo.addEventListener('didRecordClick', function (e) {'rewardedVideo - didRecordClick: ' + e.adUnitId);

Please see the example for a complete implementation.

Open App

Since version 6.2.0 you can use Admob Open App Ads, a special ad format intended for publishers wishing to monetize their app load screens. App open ads can be closed by your users at any time. App open ads can be shown when users bring your app to the foreground.

You create a rewarded video ad by specifying Admob.AD_TYPE_APP_OPEN as the adType. The first ad will be automatically pre-loaded after creating the view and calling appOpenAd.receive(). To know when the ad is completely loaded you can use the didReceiveAd event. To show an Open Ad call the appOpenAd.showAppOpenAd() method. Loading another ad can be started with the appOpenAd.requestAppOpenAd(); method on the same instance. App open ads will time out after four hours. Ads rendered more than four hours after request time will no longer be valid and may not earn revenue, so you should request a new ad. See the example for a complete implementation or read the official documentation:

var Admob = require('ti.admob');

appOpenAd = Admob.createView({
  adType: Admob.AD_TYPE_APP_OPEN,
  adUnitId: 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5662855259', // You can get your own at http: //
  extras: {
    'version': 1.0,
    'name': 'My App'
  } // Object of additional infos
// appOpenAd custom events
appOpenAd.addEventListener('didReceiveAd', function (e) {
  console.debug('appOpenAd - didReceiveAd: Did receive ad!');
appOpenAd.addEventListener('didFailToShowAd', function (e) {
  console.error('appOpenAd - Failed to show: ' + e.error);

// appOpenAd AdMob avents
appOpenAd.addEventListener('didRecordClick', function (e) {
  console.debug('appOpenAd - didRecordClick: ' + e.adUnitId);
appOpenAd.addEventListener('didFailToReceiveAd', function (e) {
  console.error('appOpenAd - Failed to receive ad: ' + e.error);
appOpenAd.addEventListener('didDismissScreen', function (e) {
  console.debug('appOpenAd - Dismissed screen: ' + e.adUnitId);
appOpenAd.addEventListener('willPresentScreen', function (e) {
  console.debug('appOpenAd - willPresentScreen: ' + e.adUnitId);
appOpenAd.addEventListener('willDismissScreen', function (e) {
  console.debug('appOpenAd - willDismissScreen: ' + e.adUnitId);
appOpenAd.addEventListener('didRecordImpression', function (e) {
  console.debug('appOpenAd- didRecordImpression: ' + e.adUnitId);

Please see the example for a complete implementation.


⚠️ Removed by the Admob SDK 7.x and Ti.Admob 2.2.0

Starting in 2.1.0 you can use the included iAd adapter to turn on the iAd mediation in your Admob account.


⚠️ Removed by Ti.Admob 5.0.0 in favor of new UMP


If you are also using Titanium Firebase Core Module you will probably have a duplicate symbols error. Both this module share some common dependencies. In order to solve this conflict, remove this frameworks files from <YOUR_PROJECT_DIR>/modules/iphone/ti.admob/<VERSION>/platform and rebuild your app:

FBLPromises.xcframework GoogleAppMeasurement.xcframework GoogleAppMeasurementIdentitySupport.xcframework GoogleUtilities.xcframework nanopb.xcframework


See example in app.js; Here a demo app ready to use:


Jeff Haynie, Stephen Tramer, Jasper Kennis, Jon Alter, Hans Knoechel, Vittorio Sorbera

Module History

View the change log for this module.

Feedback and Support

Please direct all questions, feedback, and concerns in TiSlack community. Interested in contributing? Fork and submit your PR :)


Copyright(c) 2010-Present by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please see the LICENSE file included in the distribution for further details.