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Simple Collatz

A simple python package for plotting the collatz conjecture. Warning: may be pointless


To setup a dev environment:

  • Clone this repo
  • (Optional) setup a Python virtual environment
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Installation and Usage


Simple Collatz can be installed by running pip install simple-collatz, or by installing from a wheel package, included in the latest release.

If you can't wait for the latest hotness and want to install from GitHub, use:

pip install git+git://

Alternative Installation

For a python-free installation, the standalone binaries can be downloaded from the latest release and run in the same way.


To get started:


If this doesn't work, you can try running Simple Collatz as a script instead:

python -m simple_collatz

The program will then begin to iterate over the collatz conjecture. To stop and view your results at any time, raise a keyboard interrupt with Ctrl + C. The 2 graphs will then populate (this may take some time depending on the amount of iterations you have computed!) with the stopping time and the values of the collatz conjecture so far.

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