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Repository files navigation



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root URL has a functional Route Controller Action View

root URL has a link with text 'Play Rock' that sends you to the route '/rock'

root URL has a link with text 'Play Paper' that sends you to the route '/paper'

root URL has a link with text 'Play Scissors' that sends you to the route '/scissors'

/rock has a functional RCAV

/rock has a link to the homepage

/rock has a link with text 'Play Rock' that sends you to the route '/rock'

/rock has a link with text 'Play Paper' that sends you to the route '/paper'

/rock has a link with text 'Play Scissors' that sends you to the route '/scissors'

/rock has a random computer move

/rock displays the correct outcome

/paper has a functional RCAV

/paper has a link that sends you to the route '/' with text 'Rules'

/paper has a link with text 'Play Rock' that sends you to the route '/rock'

/paper has a link with text 'Play Paper' that sends you to the route '/paper'

/paper has a link with text 'Play Scissors' that sends you to the route '/scissors'

/paper has a random computer move

/paper displays the correct outcome

/scissors has a functional RCAV

/scissors has a link to the homepage

/scissors has a link with text 'Play Rock' that sends you to the route '/rock'

/scissors has a link with text 'Play Paper' that sends you to the route '/paper'

/scissors has a link with text 'Play Scissors' that sends you to the route '/scissors'

/scissors has a random computer move

/scissors displays the correct outcome