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157 lines (138 loc) · 7.75 KB

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157 lines (138 loc) · 7.75 KB

Embedded Media

The embedded media annotation specifies an image, video, or other rich content that should be displayed with this post. It uses the JSON oEmbed specification. We support the standard photo, video, and rich oEmbed types, and an additional html5video type specified below.

We highly recommend providing the embeddable_url attribute so other clients can request different oEmbed details for this object from the original oEmbed provider (if there is one).



    "type": "",
    "value": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "type": "photo",
        "width": 240,
        "height": 160,
        "title": "ZB8T0193",
        "url": "",
        "author_name": "Bees",
        "author_url": "",
        "provider_name": "Flickr",
        "provider_url": "",
        "embeddable_url": ""


    "type": "",
    "value": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "type": "video",
        "provider_name": "YouTube",
        "provider_url": "",
        "width": 425,
        "height": 344,
        "title": "Amazing Nintendo Facts",
        "author_name": "ZackScott",
        "author_url": "",
            "<object width=\"425\" height=\"344\">
                <param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param>
                <param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>
                <param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>
                <embed src=\"\"
                    type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"344\"
                    allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed>
        "embeddable_url": ""

HTML5 Video

    "type": "",
    "value": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "type": "html5video",
        "provider_name": "Video.js",
        "provider_url": "",
        "width": 970,
        "height": 404,
        "title": "Disney Nature's Oceans",
        "author_name": "Disney",
        "author_url": "",
        "sources": [
            {"type": "video/mp4", "url": ""},
            {"type": "video/webm", "url": ""}
        "poster_url": "",


    "type": "",
    "value": {
        "provider_url": "",
        "description": "Listen to Merenti - La Karambaa by M\u00e9renti | Create, record and share the sounds you create anywhere to friends, family and the world with SoundCloud, the world's largest community of sound creators.",
        "title": "Merenti - La Karambaa by M\u00e9renti",
        "html": "<iframe width=\"500\" height=\"166\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"no\" src=\"\"></iframe>",
        "author_name": "M\u00e9renti",
        "height": 166,
        "width": 500,
        "thumbnail_url": "",
        "thumbnail_width": 500,
        "version": "1.0",
        "provider_name": "SoundCloud",
        "type": "rich",
        "thumbnail_height": 500,
        "author_url": ""
        "embeddable_url": ""


To correspond with the oEmbed spec, this annotation accepts keys that are not specified below.

Field Required? Type Description
type Required string photo, video, html5video, or rich corresponding to the oEmbed type.
version Required string Must be 1.0.
width Required integer The width in pixels needed to display the embeddable content.
height Required integer The height in pixels needed to display the embeddable content.
url Required if type="photo" string The source URL for the image.
html Required if type="video" or type="rich" string The HTML to display the rich or video content. It should have no margins or padding. does no validation of this field. Please program defensively. You may wish to load this in an off-domain iframe to avoid XSS vulnerabilities.
sources Required if type="html5video" list A list of up to 5 {type, url} entries to use in the source tags. type should be a string that can be dropped into the type attribute of a source tag (e.g. video/mp4 or video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis").
embeddable_url Optional (but recommended) string A URL that can be given to an oEmbed provider to recreate the oEmbed data contained in this annotation. This is useful so other clients can get updated information or retrieve a different sized embedding through an oEmbed endpoint.
title Optional string A title for this embedded content.
author_name Optional string The author of this embedded content.
author_url Optional string The URL for the author of this embedded content.
provider_name Optional string The service that provides this embedded content.
provider_url Optional string The URL for the service that provides this embedded content.
cache_age Optional integer How long (in seconds) should clients cache the embedded content.
poster_url Optional string A URL to a poster image for an html5video.
thumbnail_url Optional string A URL to an image that represents this resource. If this parameter is specified, thumbnail_height and thumbnail_width must also be present.
thumbnail_height Optional string The height of the thumbnail image. If this parameter is specified, thumbnail_url and thumbnail_width must also be present.
thumbnail_width Optional string The height of the thumbnail image. If this parameter is specified, thumbnail_height and thumbnail_url must also be present.

url, poster_url, thumbnail_url, embeddable_url, and all url fields in sources are processed for URI templates by default. You can turn this behavior off by passing "process_template": false as an extra attribute.


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