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@noncopyable structs and enums


This proposal introduces the concept of noncopyable types (also known as "move-only" types). An instance of a noncopyable type always has unique ownership, unlike normal Swift types which can be freely copied.

Swift-evolution thread: Noncopyable (or "move-only") structs and enums


All currently existing types in Swift are copyable, meaning it is possible to create multiple identical, interchangeable representations of any value of the type. However, copyable structs and enums are not a great model for unique resources. Classes on the other hand can represent a unique resource, since an object remains unique once initialized, and only references to the object get copied, but because those references are still copyable, classes always demand shared ownership of the resource. This imposes overhead in the form of heap allocation (since the overall lifetime of the object is indefinite) and reference counting (to keep track of the number of copies of the reference currently existing), and may complicate or introduce unsafety into the object's interface needing to account for multiple references to access it simultaneously. Swift does not yet have a mechanism for defining types that represent unique resources with unique ownership.

Proposed solution

We propose to allow for struct and enum types to be declared with the @noncopyable attribute, which specifies that the declared type is noncopyable. Values of noncopyable type always have unique ownership, and can never be copied (at least, not using Swift's implicit copy mechanism). Since values of noncopyable structs and enums have unique identities, they can also have deinit declarations, like classes, that run automatically at the end of the unique instance's lifetime.

For example, a basic file handle type could be defined as:

struct FileDescriptor {
  private var fd: Int32

  init(fd: Int32) { self.fd = fd }

  func write(buffer: Data) {
    buffer.withUnsafeBytes { 
      write(fd, $0.baseAddress!, $0.count)

  deinit {

Like a class, instances of this type can provide managed access to a file handle, automatically closing the handle once the value's lifetime ends. Unlike a class, no object needs to be allocated; only a simple struct containing the file descriptor ID needs to be stored in the stack frame or aggregate type that uniquely owns the instance.

Detailed design

Declaring noncopyable types

A struct or enum type can be declared as noncopyable using the @noncopyable attribute:

struct FileDescriptor {
  private var fd: Int32

If a struct has a stored property of noncopyable type, or an enum has a case with an associated value of noncopyable type, then the containing type must also be declared @noncopyable:

struct SocketPair {
  var in, out: FileDescriptor

enum FileOrMemory {
  // write to an OS file
  case file(FileDescriptor)
  // write to an array in memory
  case memory([UInt8])

// ERROR: copyable value type cannot contain noncopyable members
struct FileWithPath {
  var file: FileDescriptor
  var path: String

Classes, on the other hand, may contain noncopyable stored properties without themselves becoming noncopyable:

class SharedFile {
  var file: FileDescriptor

Noncopyable types may have generic parameters:

// A type that reads from a file descriptor consisting of binary values of type T
// in sequence.
struct TypedFile<T> {
  var rawFile: FileDescriptor

  func read() -> T { ... }

However, at this time, noncopyable types are not allowed to conform to protocols, and they cannot be used as type arguments when instantiating generic types or calling generic functions. A value of noncopyable type also cannot be stored inside of an Any or other existential. (Lifting these limitations is discussed under Future Directions.)

// ERROR: Cannot use noncopyable type FileDescriptor in generic type Optional
let x = Optional(FileDescriptor(open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY)))

Using values of @noncopyable type

Values of noncopyable type are subject to the same constraints as @noImplicitCopy values, including "eager move" lifetime and the restrictions on overlapping borrows with consuming and/or mutating uses. Noncopyable values, however, cannot use even the explicit copy operator to induce a copy. When noncopyable types are used as function parameters, the ownership convention becomes a much more important part of the API contract:

  • an inout parameter temporarily takes exclusive ownership of the value, and can freely mutate or replace the value for the duration of the call, giving ownership of the possibly-modified value back to the caller on function exit;
  • a borrow parameter temporarily borrows the value, without the ability to mutate or consume it, leaving the value valid on function exit;
  • a consume parameter takes exclusive ownership of the value away from the caller, making the callee responsible for eventually destroying it or forwarding ownership to another owner, and invalidating the argument in the caller.

As such, when a function parameter is declared with an noncopyable type, it must declare whether the parameter uses the borrow, consume, or inout convention:

// Redirect a file descriptor
// Require exclusive access to the FileDescriptor to replace it
func redirect(_ file: inout FileDescriptor, to otherFile: borrow FileDescriptor) {
  dup2(otherFile.fd, file.fd)

// Write to a file descriptor
// Only needs shared access
func write(_ data: [UInt8], to file: borrow FileDescriptor) {
  data.withUnsafeBytes {
    write(file.fd, $0.baseAddress, $0.count)

// Close a file descriptor
// Consumes the file descriptor
func close(file: consume FileDescriptor) {

Methods of the noncopyable type are considered to be borrowing unless declared mutating or consuming:

extension FileDescriptor {
  mutating func replace(with otherFile: borrow FileDescriptor) {
    dup2(otherFile.fd, self.fd)

  // borrowing by default
  func write(_ data: [UInt8]) {
    data.withUnsafeBytes {
      write(file.fd, $0.baseAddress, $0.count)

  consuming func close() {

Using stored properties and enum cases of @noncopyable type

When classes or @noncopyable types contain members that are of @noncopyable type, then the container is the unique owner of the member value. Outside of the type's definition, client code cannot perform consuming operations on the value, since it would need to take away the container's ownership to do so:

struct Inner {}

struct Outer {
  var inner = Inner()

let outer = Outer()
let i = outer.inner // ERROR: can't take `inner` away from `outer`

However, when code has the ability to mutate the member, it may freely modify, reassign, or replace the value in the field:

var outer = Outer()
let newInner = Inner()
// OK, transfers ownership of `newInner` to `outer`, destroying its previous
// value
outer.inner = newInner

Note that, as currently defined, switch to pattern-match an enum is a consuming operation, so it can only be performed inside consuming methods on the type's original definition:

enum OuterEnum {
  case inner(Inner)
  case file(FileDescriptor)

// Error, can't partially consume a value outside of its definition
let enum = OuterEnum.inner(Inner())
switch enum {
case .inner(let inner):

Borrowing pattern matches will address this shortcoming.


A @noncopyable struct or enum may declare a deinit, which will run implicitly when the lifetime of the value ends (unless explicitly suppressed as noted below):

struct FileDescriptor {
  private var fd: Int32

  deinit {

Like a class deinit, a struct or enum deinit may not propagate any uncaught errors. The body of deinit has exclusive access to self for the duration of its execution, so self behaves as in a mutating method; it may be modified by the body of deinit, but must remain valid until the end of the deinit. (Allowing for partial invalidation inside a deinit is explored as a future direction.)

A value's lifetime ends, and its deinit runs if present, in the following circumstances:

  • For a local var or let binding, or consume function parameter, that is not itself consumed, deinit runs after the last non-consuming use. If, on the other hand, the binding is consumed, then responsibility for deinitialization gets forwarded to the consumer (which may in turn forward it somewhere else).

    do {
      var x = FileDescriptor(42)
      x.close() // consuming use
      // x's deinit doesn't run here (but might run inside `close`)
    do {
      var x = FileDescriptor(42)
      x.write([1,2,3]) // borrowing use
      // x's deinit runs here
      print("done writing")
  • When a struct, enum, or class contains a member of noncopyable type, the member is destroyed, and its deinit is run, after the container's deinit if any runs.

    struct Inner {
      deinit { print("destroying inner") }
    struct Outer {
      var inner = Inner()
      deinit { print("destroying outer") }
    do {
      _ = Outer()

    will print:

    destroying outer
    destroying inner

Suppressing deinit in a consuming method

It is often useful for noncopyable types to provide alternative ways to consume the resource represented by the value besides the deinit. However, under normal circumstances, a consuming method will still invoke the type's deinit after the last use of self, which is undesirable when the method's own logic already invalidates the value:

struct FileDescriptor {
  private var fd: Int32

  deinit {

  consuming func close() {

    // The lifetime of `self` ends here, triggering `deinit` (and another call to `close`)!

In the above example, the double-close could be avoided by having the close() method do nothing on its own and just allow the deinit to implicitly run. However, we may want the method to have different behavior from the deinit, such as raising an error (which a normal deinit is unable to do) if the close system call triggers an OS error :

struct FileDescriptor {
  private var fd: Int32

  consuming func close() throws {
    // POSIX close may raise an error (which still invalidates the
    // file descriptor, but may indicate a condition worth handling)
    if close(fd) != 0 {
      throw CloseError(errno)

    // We don't want to trigger another close here!

or it could be useful to take manual control of the file descriptor back from the type, such as to pass to a C API that will take care of closing it:

struct FileDescriptor {
  // Take ownership of the C file descriptor away from this type,
  // returning the file descriptor without closing it
  consuming func take() -> Int32 {
    return fd

    // We don't want to trigger close here!

We propose to introduce a special operator, forget self, which ends the lifetime of self without running its deinit:

struct FileDescriptor {
  // Take ownership of the C file descriptor away from this type,
  // returning the file descriptor without closing it
  consuming func take() -> Int32 {
    let fd = self.fd
    forget self
    return fd

forget self can only be applied to self, in a consuming method defined in the type's defining module. (This is in contrast to Rust's similar special function, mem::forget, which is a standalone function which can be applied to any value, anywhere. Although the Rust documentation notes that this operation is "safe" on the principle that destructors may not run at all, due to reference cycles, process termination, etc., in practice the ability to forget arbitrary values creates semantic issues for many Rust APIs, particularly when there are destructors on types with lifetime dependence on each other like Mutex and LockGuard. As such, we think it is safer to restrict the ability to forget a value to the core API of its type. We can relax this restriction if experience shows a need to.)

Even with the ability to forget self, care would still need be taken when writing destructive operations to avoid triggering the deinit on alternative exit paths, such as early returns, throws, or implicit propagation of errors from try operations. For instance, if we write:

struct FileDescriptor {
  private var fd: Int32

  consuming func close() throws {
    // POSIX close may raise an error (which still invalidates the
    // file descriptor, but may indicate a condition worth handling)
    if close(fd) != 0 {
      throw CloseError(errno)
      // !!! Oops, we didn't forget self on this path, so we'll deinit!

    // We don't need to deinit self anymore
    forget self

then the throw path exits the method without forget-ing self, so deinit will still execute if an error occurs. To avoid this mistake, we propose that if any path through a method uses forget self, then every path must choose either to forget or to explicitly consume self using the standard deinit. This will make the above code an error, alerting that the code should be rewritten to ensure forget self always executes:

struct FileDescriptor {
  private var fd: Int32

  consuming func close() throws {
    // Save the file descriptor and give up ownership of it
    let fd = self.fd
    forget self

    // We can now use `fd` below without worrying about `deinit`:

    // POSIX close may raise an error (which still invalidates the
    // file descriptor, but may indicate a condition worth handling)
    if close(fd) != 0 {
      throw CloseError(errno)

Source compatibility

For existing Swift code, this proposal is additive.

Effect on ABI stability

An existing copyable struct or enum cannot be made @noncopyable without breaking ABI, since existing clients may copy values of the type. However, an noncopyable type can be made copyable without breaking its ABI.

An noncopyable type that is not @frozen can add or remove its deinit without affecting the type's ABI; if frozen, then a deinit cannot be added or removed, but the deinit implementation may change (if the deinit is not additionally @inlinable).

A non-@frozen class may add fields of noncopyable type without changing ABI.

Effect on API resilience

Introducing new APIs using noncopyable types is an additive change. APIs that adopt noncopyable types have some notable restrictions on how they can further evolve while maintaining source compatibility.

A noncopyable type can be made copyable while generally maintaining source compatibility. Values in client source would acquire normal ARC lifetime semantics instead of eager-move semantics when those clients are recompiled with the type as copyable, and that could affect the observable order of destruction and cleanup. Since copyable value types cannot directly define deinits, being able to observe these order differences is unlikely, but not impossible when references to classes are involved.

A consume parameter of noncopyable type can be changed into a borrow parameter without breaking source for clients (and likewise, a consuming method can be made borrowing). Conversely, changing a borrow parameter to consume may break client source. (Either direction is an ABI breaking change.) This is because a consuming use is required to be the final use of a noncopyable value, whereas a borrowing use may or may not be.

Adding or removing a deinit to a noncopyable type does not affect source for clients.

Alternatives considered

Naming the attribute "move-only"

We have frequently referred to these types as "move-only types" in various vision documents. However, as we've evolved related proposals like the consume operator and parameter modifiers, the community has drifted away from exposing the term "move" in the language elsewhere. When explaining these types to potential users, we've also found that the name "move-only" incorrectly suggests that being noncopyable is a new capability of types, and that there should be generic functions that only operate on "move-only" types, when really the opposite is the case: all existing types in Swift today conform to effectively an implicit "Copyable" requirement, and what this feature does is allow types not to fulfill that requirement. When generics grow support for move-only types, then generic functions and types that accept noncopyable type parameters will also work with copyable types, since copyable types are strictly more capable.This proposal prefers the term "noncopyable" to make the relationship to an eventual Copyable constraint, and the fact that annotated types lack the ability to satisfy this constraint, more explicit.

Spelling as a generic constraint

It's a reasonable question why declaring a type as noncopyable isn't spelled like a protocol constraint:

struct Foo: NonCopyable {}

As noted in the previous discussion, an issue with this notation is that it implies that NonCopyable is a new capability or requirement, rather than really being the lack of a Copyable capability. For an example of why this might be misleading, consider what would happen if we expand standard library collection types to support noncopyable elements. Value types like Array and Dictionary would become copyable only when the elements they contain are copyable. However, we cannot write this in terms of NonCopyable conditional requirements, since if we write:

extension Dictionary: NonCopyable where Key: NonCopyable, Value: NonCopyable {}

this says that the dictionary is noncopyable only when both the key and value are noncopyable, which is wrong because we also can't copy the dictionary if only the keys or only the values are noncopyable. If we flip the constraint to Copyable, the correct thing would fall out naturally:

extension Dictionary: Copyable where Key: Copyable, Value: Copyable {}

However, for progressive disclosure and source compatibility reasons, we still want the majority of types to be Copyable by default, without making them explicitly declare it; noncopyable types are likely to remain the exception rather than the rule, with automatic lifetime management via ARC by the compiler being sufficient for most code like it is today.

We could conversely borrow another idea from Rust, which uses the syntax ?Trait to declare that a normally implicit trait is not required by a generic declaration, or not satisfied by a concrete type. So in Swift we might write:

struct Foo: ?Copyable {

Copyable is currently the only such implicit constraint we are considering, so the @noncopyable attribute is appealing as a specific solution to address this case. If we were to consider making other requirements implicit (perhaps Sendable in some situations?) then a more general opt-out syntax would be called for.

English language bikeshedding

Some dictionaries specify that "copiable" is the standard spelling for "able to copy", although the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster both also list "copyable" as an accepted alternative. We prefer the more regular "copyable" spelling.

The negation could just as well be spelled @uncopyable instead of @noncopyable. Swift has precedent for favoring non- in modifiers, including @nonescaping parameters and and nonisolated actor members, so we choose to follow that precedent.

Future directions

Generics support for noncopyable types

This proposal comes with an admittedly severe restriction that noncopyable types cannot conform to protocols or be used at all as type arguments to generic functions or types, including common standard library types like Optional and Array. All generic parameters in Swift today carry an implicit assumption that the type is copyable, and it is another large language design project to integrate the concept of noncopyable types into the generics system. Full integration will very likely also involve changes to the Swift runtime and standard library to accommodate noncopyable types in APIs that weren't originally designed for them, and this integration might then have backward deployment restrictions. We believe that, even with these restrictions, noncopyable types are a useful self-contained addition to the language for safely and efficiently modeling unique resources, and this subset of the feature also has the benefit of being adoptable without additional runtime requirements, so developers can begin making use of the feature without giving up backward compatibility with existing Swift runtime deployments.

Conditionally copyable types

This proposal states that a type, including one with generic parameters, is currently always copyable or always noncopyable. However, some types may eventually be generic over copyable and non-copyable types, with the ability to be copyable for some generic arguments but not all. A simple case might be a tuple-like Pair struct:

// : ?Copyable is strawman syntax for declaring T and U don't require copying
struct Pair<T: ?Copyable, U: ?Copyable> {
  var first: T
  var second: U

We will need a way to express this conditional copyability, perhaps using conditional conformance style declarations:

extension Pair: Copyable where T: Copyable, U: Copyable {}

Finer-grained destructuring in consuming methods and deinit

As currently specified, noncopyable types are (outside of init implementations) always either fully initialized or fully destroyed, without any support for incremental destruction inside of consuming methods or deinits. A deinit may modify, but not invalidate, self, and a consuming method may forget self, forward ownership of all of self, or destroy self, but cannot yet partially consume parts of self. This would be particularly useful for types that contain other noncopyable types, which may want to relinquish ownership of some or all of the resources owned by those members. In the current proposal, this isn't possible without allowing for an intermediate invalid state:

struct SocketPair {
  let input, output: FileDescriptor

  // Gives up ownership of the output end, closing the input end
  consuming func takeOutput() -> FileDescriptor {
    // We would like to do something like this, taking ownership of
    // `self.output` while leaving `self.input` to be destroyed.
    // However, we can't do this without being able to either copy
    // `self.output` or partially invalidate `self`
    let output = self.output
    forget self
    return output

Analogously to how init implementations use a "definite initialization" pass to allow the value to initialized field-by-field, we can implement the inverse dataflow pass to allow deinit implementations, as well as consuming methods that forget self, to partially invalidate self.