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A customizable calendar with customizable events.


The code in this repository was inspired from p-v/FlexibleCalendar - v1.2.1. We are very thankful to p-v.




In order to use the library, add the following line to your root gradle file:

I) For using FlexibleCalendar module in sample app, include the source code and add the below dependencies in entry/build.gradle to generate hap/support.har.

dependencies {
        implementation project(':flexiblecalendar')
        implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.har'])
        testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'

II) For using FlexibleCalendar in separate application using har file, add the har file in the entry/libs folder and add the dependencies in entry/build.gradle file.

dependencies {
        implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.har'])
        testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'

III) For using FlexibleCalendar from a remote repository in separate application, add the below dependencies in entry/build.gradle file.

dependencies {
        implementation 'dev.applibgroup:flexiblecalendar:1.0.0'
        testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'
        ohosTestImplementation 'com.huawei.ohos.testkit:runner:'


I). Add FlexiCalendar in layout:


II). Usage in java - Customize FlexibleCalendar using the CalendarView interface:

FlexibleCalendarView calendarView = (FlexibleCalendarView) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_calendar_view);
        view.setCalendarView(new FlexibleCalendarView.CalendarView() {

            public BaseCellView getCellView(final int position, final Component convertView,
                                            final ComponentContainer parent, final int cellType) {
                BaseCellView cellView = null;

                if (convertView != null) {
                    cellView = (BaseCellView) convertView;
                if (cellView == null) {
                    cellView = (BaseCellView) LayoutBoost.inflate(CalendarActivity5.this,
                            ResourceTable.Layout_calendar5_date_cell_view, null, false);
                return cellView;

            public BaseCellView getWeekdayCellView(final int position, final Component convertView,
                                                   final ComponentContainer parent) {
                return null;

            public String getDayOfWeekDisplayValue(final int dayOfWeek, final String defaultValue) {
                return null;

III) Display events for a day using the EventDataProvider

 calendarView.setEventDataProvider(new FlexibleCalendarView.EventDataProvider() {
     public List<? extends Event> getEventsForTheDay(int year, int month, int day) {
         return getEventColorList(year,month,day);

IV) Track the month change event by setting the OnMonthChangeListener

calendarView.setOnMonthChangeListener(new FlexibleCalendarView.OnMonthChangeListener() {
    public void onMonthChange(int year, int month, int direction) {
        //do things on month change


Customize the cells and events by extending the class BaseCellView.

Existing cells include CircularEventCellView, SquareCellView and EventCountCellView.

Set go to current month from any month in the calendar using FlexibleCalendarView#goToCurrentMonth method

Set go to previous month from any month in the calendar using FlexibleCalendarView#moveToPreviousMonth method

Set go to next month from any month in the calendar using FlexibleCalendarView#moveToNextMonth method

Set the first day of the week using FlexibleCalendarView#setStartDayOfTheWeek method

Staty day as Monday   Start_day_as_Sunday

Support and extension

Currently there is a limitation to

  1. set cell views background using selectors
  2. onclick button actions for calendar 1 will be supported in next release