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GitHub App


GitHub App

Welcome to FlyCI, a faster and more affordable alternative to GitHub's MacOS runners!

Pricing Plans

FlyCI now offers better and more flexible pricing structure. You can choose between four plans:

Hobby Starter Professional Enterprise
Free from $0.06/min
depending on the runner
from $119/mo
per dedicated M2 runner
Contact Us
FREE 500 min/mo for public repos
  • FREE 500 min/mo for public repos
  • FREE 200 min to try in private repos
  • Pay as you go
Flat rate
1 concurrent build 5 concurrent builds 1 M2 dedicated runner Dedicated M2 runners
Professional GitHub Actions support Unlimited professional GitHub Actions support
  • Custom images
  • SSH access

*Free minutes are available provided adherence to our Fair Usage Policy

Runner Labels

Processor/OS vCPU RAM (GB) Label Price on FlyCI Price on GitHub *
M2/macOS 13 4 7 flyci-macos-large-latest-m2 $0.06 $0.08
M2/macOS 13 8 14 flyci-macos-xlarge-latest-m2 $0.12 $0.16
M2/macOS 14 4 7 flyci-macos-14-m2 $0.06 $0.08
M2/macOS 14 8 14 flyci-macos-14-xlarge-m2 $0.12 $0.16

All runners offer 28GB of SSD storage.

*GitHub doesn't offer M2 runners. The prices in the table are for GitHub's M1 runners which are 20% slower than the M2 ones.


Simply replace the runs-on resource identifier from the current GitHub identifier you're using to the FlyCI identifier.

For example:

-    runs-on: macos-latest
+    runs-on: flyci-macos-large-latest-m2


FlyCI-prod is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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