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GitHub App


GitHub App

Focus only on what has really changed!

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Up to 30% reduction on the time you spend with manual code review

Reduce the time and energy that you spend with the manual code review process, whether you do this on your own or on your colleague's code.

The MergEase GitHub App makes the real changes of the code more visible for you, as it only highlights the actual changes inside the line, instead of the whole line.
It doesn't bother you (and your eyes) with the unnecessary highlighting of full lines, which only contain small changes or were just reformatted and didn't really change at all. This way you can just focus on what really changed.

Another unique feature of the MergEase App is using a different color to highlight and pair together moved code blocks for you. Now you can see what is moved and where, not just the outdated red and green indicated changes that GitHub's regular diff view offers.

On a daily basis the MergEase App allows you to spend up to 30% less time with manual code reviews which becomes even more over a month, especially if you're a team or tech lead, and one of your primary tasks is reviewing code.
Our tool is now optimized for Python and for front-end code (js/html/css), but it works well with most mainstream programming languages.

With installation you only give us the following permissions:

  • read only access to your public repositories
  • verifying you through GitHub
  • We’re absolutely NOT acting on your behalf, the phrase Act on your behalf is a hard coded string on GitHub.


MergEase is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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