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File metadata and controls

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Basic Architecture
title href
Container Configuration
title href
Server Configuration
title href
Application Configuration
title href
Configuration Defaults
title href
Optional Configuration

We believe that the appserver should be highly configurable, so anyone interested can fiddle around with it. Therefor we provide a central configuration file located at /opt/appserver/etc/appserver.xml.

This file contains the complete architecture as an XML structure.

So if you want to change used components, introduce new services or scale the system by adding additional servers you can do so with some lines of XML.You might have a look at a basic appserver.xml.

Basic Architecture

In this example we have a shortened piece of the appserver.xml file to understand how the architecture is driven by configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appserver xmlns="">

  <!-- define user, group and default umask applied when creating directories and files -->
    <param name="user" type="string">_www</param>
    <param name="group" type="string">staff</param>
    <param name="umask" type="string">0002</param>


    <!-- by default we combine all servers in one container -->
    <container name="combined-appserver" type="AppserverIo\Core\GenericContainer">
          This is an example of a webserver container 
          that handles http requests in common way
      <deployment type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\GenericDeployment" />
        serverSoftware="appserver/1.0.0-beta (mac) PHP/5.5.16" />

          <!-- this is the default configuration for the HTTP server -->

            <!-- define the parameters to configure the server instance -->
              <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
              <param name="software" type="string">
                appserver/ (darwin) PHP/5.5.16
                <param name="transport" type="string">tcp</param>
                <param name="address" type="string"></param>
                <param name="port" type="integer">9080</param>
                <param name="workerNumber" type="integer">64</param>
                <param name="workerAcceptMin" type="integer">3</param>
                <param name="workerAcceptMax" type="integer">8</param>
                <param name="documentRoot" type="string">webapps</param>
                <param name="directoryIndex" type="string">
           index.php index.html index.htm
                <param name="keepAliveMax" type="integer">64</param>
                <param name="keepAliveTimeout" type="integer">5</param>
                <param name="errorsPageTemplatePath" type="string">

            <!-- define the environment variables -->
                condition="" definition="LOGGER_ACCESS=Access" />

            <!-- define the connection handler(s) -->
                type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\ConnectionHandlers\HttpConnectionHandler" />

            <!-- define authentication basic/digest -->
              <authentication uri="^\/admin.*">
                  <param name="type" type="string">
                  <param name="realm" type="string">
           Basic Authentication System
                  <param name="hash" type="string">

            <!-- allow access to everything -->
              <access type="allow">
                  <param name="X_REQUEST_URI" type="string">.*</param>

            <!-- define a virtual host -->
              <virtualHost name="example.local">
                  <param name="admin" type="string">
                  <param name="documentRoot" type="string">
            <!-- the webserver modules we want to load -->
              <!-- REQUEST_POST hook -->
                type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\EnvironmentVariableModule" />
                type="\AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\ServletEngine" />
              <!-- RESPONSE_PRE hook -->
              <!-- RESPONSE_POST hook -->

            <!-- bound the file extensions to the responsible module -->
              <fileHandler name="servlet" extension=".do" />
              <fileHandler name="fastcgi" extension=".php">
                  <param name="host" type="string"></param>
                  <param name="port" type="integer">9010</param>
        <!-- Here, additional servers might be added -->

In the above example you can see three important components of the appserver architecture being used. The container, server and a protocol (if you did not read about our basic architecture you should now). We are basically building up a container which holds a server using the websocket protocol to handle incoming requests.

Container Configuration

A container is created by using the container element within the containers collection of the appserver document element. Two things make this element in a specific container being built up by the system on startup:

  • The type attribute states a class extending our AbstractContainerThread which makes a container into a certain kind of container.

  • The deployment element states a class containing preparations for starting up the container. It can be considered a hook which will be invoked before the container will be available.

That is basically everything there is to do to create a new container. To make use of it, it has to contain at least one server within its servers collection.

Server Configuration

The servers contained by our container can also be loosely drafted by the XML configuration and will be instantiated on container bootup. To enable a server you have to mention three basic attributes of the element:

  • The type specifies a class implementing the ServerInterface which implements the basic behaviour of the server on receiving a connection and how it will handle it.

  • The socket attribute specifies the type of socket the server should open. E.g. a stream or asynchronious socket

  • The serverContext specifies the server's source of configuration and container for runtime information e.g. ServerVariables like DOCUMENT_ROOT

So we have our specific server which will open a certain port and operate in a defined context. But to make the server handle a certain type of requests it needs to know which protocol to speak.

This can be done using the connectionHandler element. Certain server wrappers can handle certain protocols. Therefor we can use the protocols which a server wrapper, e.g. WebServer supports in form of connection handlers. WebServer offers a HttpConnectionHandler class. By using it, the server is able to understand the HTTP protocol.

Application Configuration

Beside Container and Server it is also possible to configuration the Application. Each Application can have it's own autoloaders and managers. By default, each Application found in the application servers webapp directory /opt/appserver/webapps will be initialized with the defaults, defined in /opt/appserver/etc/appserver/conf.d/context.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <!-- necessary to load files from the vendor directory of your application -->

    <!-- necessary to load files from WEB-INF/classes and META-INF/classes, also -->
    <!-- provides the functionality for Design-by-Contract and AOP               -->
        <param name="environment" type="string">production</param>
        <param name="enforcementLevel" type="integer">7</param>
        <param name="typeSafety" type="boolean">1</param>
        <param name="processing" type="string">logging</param>
        <directory enforced="true">/common/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/WEB-INF/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/META-INF/classes</directory>


    <!-- provides services necessary for DI -->

    <!-- provides the services necessary to handle Session- and MessageBeans -->
      <!-- params>
        <param name="lifetime" type="integer">1440</param>
        <param name="garbageCollectionProbability" type="float">0.1</param>
      </params -->

    <!-- provides the functionality to define and run a Queue -->

    <!-- provides the functionality to define Servlets handling HTTP request -->
        <directory enforced="true">/WEB-INF/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/vendor/appserver-io/routlt/src</directory>

    <!-- provides functionality to handle HTTP sessions -->

    <!-- provides functionality to handle Timers -->

    <!-- provides functionality to handle HTTP basic/digest authentication -->

    <!-- provides functionality to preload Advices found in WEB-INF/classes or META-INF/classes -->



If your application doesn't use any of the defined class loaders or managers or you want to implement your own managers, you can define them in a context.xml file, you have to deliver with your application. Your own, customized file, has to be stored in META-INF/context.xml. When the application server starts, this file will be parsed and your application will be initialized with the class loaders and managers you have defined there.

Please be aware, that the default class loaders and managers provide most of the functionality described above. So if you remove them from the context.xml you have to expect unexpected behaviour.

Module Configuration

The web server comes with a package of default modules. The functionality that allows us to configure a virtual host or environment variables, for example, is also provided by two, maybe the most important, modules.

Rewrite Module

The module can be used according to the \AppserverIo\WebServer\Interfaces\HttpModuleInterface interface. It needs an initial call of the init method and will process any request offered to the process method. The module is best used within the webserver project as it offers all needed infrastructure.


Most important part of the module is the way in which it can perform rewrites. All rewrites are based on rewrite rules which consist of three important parts:

  • condition string : Conditions which have to be met in order for the rule to take effect. See more down here

  • target string : The target to rewrite the requested URI to. Within this string you can use backreferences similar to the Apache mod_rewrite module with the difference that you have to use the $ syntax (instead of the $/%/%{} syntax of Apache).

    Matching rule conditions which you specifically pick out via regex are also part of available backreferences as well as server and environment variables.

    Simple example : A condition like (.+)@$X_REQUEST_URI would produce a back reference $1 with the value /index for a requested URI /index. The target string $1/welcome.html would therefore result in a rewrite to /index/welcome.html

  • flag string : You can use flags similar to mod_rewrite which are used to make rules react in a certain way or influence further processing. See more down here

Condition Syntax

The Syntax of possible conditions is roughly based on the possibilities of Apache's RewriteCondition and RewriteRule combined.

To make use of such a combination you can chain conditions together using the {OR} symbol for OR-combined, and the {AND} symbol for AND-combined conditions.

Please be aware that AND takes precedence over OR! Conditions can either be PCRE regex or certain fixed expressions. So a condition string of ([A-Z]+\.txt){OR}^/([0-9]+){AND}-f would match only real files (through -f) which either begin with numbers or end with capital letters and the extension .txt.

As you might have noticed: Backslashes do not have to be escaped.

You might also be curious of the -f condition. This is a direct copy of Apaches -f RewriteCondition. We also support several other expressions to regex based conditions which are:

  • <<COMPARE_STRING> : Is the operand lexically preceding <COMPARE_STRING>?
  • ><COMPARE_STRING> : Is the operand lexically following <COMPARE_STRING>?
  • =<COMPARE_STRING> : Is the operand lexically equal to <COMPARE_STRING>?
  • -d : Is the operand a directory?
  • -f : Is the operand a real file?
  • -s : Is the operand a real file of a size greater than 0?
  • -l : Is the operand a symbolic link?
  • -x : Is the operand an executable file?

If you are wondering what the operand might be: it is whatever you want it to be! You can specify any operand you like using the @ symbol. All conditions within a rule will use the next operand to their right and if none is given the requested URI. For example:

  • ([A-Z]+\.txt){OR}^/([0-9]+) Will take the requested URI for both conditions (note the {OR} symbol)
  • ([A-Z]+\.txt){OR}^/([0-9]+)@$DOCUMENT_ROOT Will test both conditions against the document root
  • ([A-Z]+\.txt)@$DOCUMENT_ROOT{OR}^/([0-9]+) Will only test the first one against the document root and the second against the requested URI

You might have noted the $ symbol before DOCUMENT_ROOT and remembered it from the backreference syntax. That's because all Apache common server vars can be explicitly used as backreferences too!

That does not work for you? Need the exact opposite? No problem!

All conditions, weather regex or expression based can be negated using the ! symbol in front of them! So !^([0-9]+) would match all strings which do NOT begin with a number and !-d would match all non-directories.


Flags are used to further influence processing. You can specify as many flags per rewrite as you like, but be aware of their impact! Syntax for several flags is simple: just separate them with a , symbol. Flags which might accept a parameter can be assigned one by using the = symbol. Currently supported flags are:

  • L : As rules are normally processed one after the other, the L flag will make the flagged rule the last one processed if matched.

  • R : If this flag is set we will redirect the client to the URL specified in the target string. If this is just an URI we will redirect to the same host. You might also specify a custom status code between 300 and 399 to indicate the reason for/kind of the redirect. Default is 301 aka permanent

  • M : Stands for map. Using this flag you can specify an external source (have a look at the Injector classes of the WebServer project) of a target map. With M=<MY_BACKREFERENCE> you can specify what the map's index has to match. This matching is done only if the rewrite condition matches and will behave as another condition

Virtual-Host Module

The module can be used according to the \AppserverIo\WebServer\Interfaces\HttpModuleInterface interface. It needs an initial call of the init method and will process any request offered to the process method. The module is best used within the webserver project as it offers all needed infrastructure.

If you need to configure a virtual host, it should look like the following example, that would enable a Magento installation under

  <virtualHost name="">
      <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
      <param name="documentRoot" type="string">webapps/magento</param>
      <rewrite condition="-d{OR}-f{OR}-l" target="" flag="L" />
      <rewrite condition="(.*)" target="index.php/$1" flag="L" />
      <access type="allow">
          <param name="X_REQUEST_URI" type="string">

Configuration Defaults

You will see that we provide basic frontend implementations of services the appserver runtime provides. If you want to use these services yourself you should have a look into the code of our apps and read about app development.

You might be curious about the different ports we use. Per default the appserver will open several ports at which it's services are available. As we do not want to block (or be blocked by) other services we use ports of a higher range.

As a default we use the following ports:

  • WebContainer

    • HTTP Server: 9080
    • HTTPS Server: 9443
  • Persistence-MQ-Container

    • Persistence-Container: 8585
    • Message-Queue: 8587

You can change this default port mapping by using the configuration file. If you are interested in our naming, you can see our container->server pattern, you might want to have a deeper look into our architecture

Optional Configuration

Simplicity has always been in our main focus. Therefor we do provide several configuration defaults which are not even shown in the configuration file, as their default setup works very well out of the box. If you might to change this values on the other hand, we do not want to stand in your way. So following are some configurable components which are already configured implicitly but can be explicitly set up in the configuration files.


Extractors are used to process any form of archive in an ETL like manner. The example shown below is used to un-pack webapps which are provided as phar archives upon deployment.

  <extractor name="phar" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Extractors\PharExtractor" createBackups="false" restoreBackups="false" />

Initial Context

The initial context is the configurational heart of the running appserver instance and manages instance creation on a low level. If really needed for any custom core functionality you are able to change its composition here.

<initialContext type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\InitialContext">
  <description><![CDATA[The initial context configuration.]]></description>
  <classLoader name="default" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\SplClassLoader" />
  <storage type="AppserverIo\Storage\StackableStorage" />


Loggers can be used to log specific types of messages in a specific way. This is highly configurable and by default there are three loggers:

  • system logger -> appserver-errors.log
  • access logger -> appserver-access.log
  • error logger -> php_errors.log

Loggers are configured within the appserver node following the examples below:

    <logger channelName="system" name="System" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
                <formatter type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Formatters\StandardFormatter"/>
                    <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/appserver-errors.log</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">info</param>
    <logger channelName="access" name="Access" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
                <formatter type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Formatters\StandardFormatter">
                        <param name="format" type="string">%4$s</param>
                    <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/appserver-access.log</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">info</param>
    <logger channelName="profile" name="Profile" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
            <processor type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Processors\MemoryProcessor"/>
            <processor type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Processors\SysloadProcessor"/>
            <processor type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Processors\ThreadContextProcessor"/>
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\LogstashHandler">
                    <param name="host" type="string"></param>
                    <param name="port" type="integer">9514</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">debug</param>
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
                    <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/appserver-profile.log</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">debug</param>


Provisioners can be used to automatically setup webapps upon their deployment. You might integrate your own using provided steps, or completely code a new one. The shown example would create datasources configured within the application.

  <provisioner name="datasource" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\DatasourceProvisioner" />
  <provisioner name="standard" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\StandardProvisioner" />


Scanners are classes reacting to file system changes and can be configured within the appserver node. You might want to use this feature to tightly integrate a deployment scanner like used in the appserver-watcher process using the first example configuration below, or add a scanner to restart the appserver upon changes to your webapp's code as in the second example. Implementing your own scanners is possible as well.

  <scanner name="deployment" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Scanner\DeploymentScanner">
      <param name="interval" type="integer">1</param>
      <param name="extensionsToWatch" type="string">dodeploy, deployed</param>
  <scanner name="webapps" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Scanner\RecursiveDirectoryScanner">
       <param name="interval" type="integer">1</param>
       <param name="extensionsToWatch" type="string">php</param>
  <scanner name="logrotate" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Scanner\LogrotateScanner">
      <param name="interval" type="integer">1</param>
      <param name="extensionsToWatch" type="string">log</param>
      <param name="maxFiles" type="integer">10</param>
      <param name="maxSize" type="integer">1048576</param>