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Branch protection
Branch protection
Issues related to using a protected branch on git
All issues under branding and whitelabelling appsmith ecosystem
Something isn't working
Building blocks
Building blocks
Building blocks on cavas, on templates listing or drag and drop of building blocks.
Business Edition
Business Edition
Features that will be a part of our business edition
Button Group widget
Button Group widget
Issue and enhancements related to the button group widget
Button Widget
Button Widget
Issues related to the button widget
Camera Widget
Camera Widget
Issues and enhancements related to camera widget
Cannot Automate
Cannot Automate
Cases where Cypress limitation is uncovered and Cy script cannot be added
Cannot Reproduce Issue
Cannot Reproduce Issue
Issues that cannot be reproduced
Canvas / Grid
Canvas / Grid
Issues related to the canvas
CE Instance
CE Instance
For all issues relating to usage, licensing or billing on the CE instance
Chart Widget
Chart Widget
Checkbox Group widget
Checkbox Group widget
Issues related to Checkbox Group Widget
Checkbox Widget
Checkbox Widget
CI impacted
CI impacted
Issues that cause CI failures and need to be addressed on priority by respective pods
Cloud DP
Cloud DP
Cloud Services
Cloud Services
For all tasks/issues on Appsmith cloud-services relating to licensing, usage and billing
Code Scanner Widget
Code Scanner Widget
Issues related to code scanner widget
Community Contributor
Community Contributor
Meant to track issues that are assigned to external contributors
Community Reported
Community Reported
issues reported by community members
Connection pool
Connection pool
issues to do with connection pooling of various plugins
Container Widget
Container Widget
Container widget
Continuous Deployment
Continuous Deployment
Issues related to CD pipeline on git
Conversion Algorithm
Conversion Algorithm
All issue related to converting app from fixed to flex mode & vice versa
Convert to module
Convert to module
Issues related to the module creation flow using conversion
Copy Paste
Copy Paste
Issues related to copy paste
Core Query Execution
Core Query Execution
Issues related to the execution of all queries