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Version: 1.0.0 AppVersion: 1.0.0

Aptos blockchain node deployment


Source Code


Key Type Default Description
chain.chain_id int 4 Chain ID
chain.era int 1 Bump this number to wipe the underlying storage string "testnet" Internal: name of the testnet to connect to
cluster_name string "unknown"
enablePrivilegedMode bool false TEST ONLY: Enable running as root for profiling
fullnode.affinity object {}
fullnode.config object {"full_node_networks":[{"network_id":"public","seeds":{}}]} Fullnode configuration. See NodeConfig
fullnode.force_enable_telemetry bool false Flag to force enable telemetry service (useful for forge tests)
fullnode.groups list [{"dns_name":"vfn","name":"fullnode","replicas":1}] Specify fullnode groups by name and number of replicas
fullnode.nodeSelector object {}
fullnode.resources.limits.cpu int 14
fullnode.resources.limits.memory string "56Gi"
fullnode.resources.requests.cpu int 14
fullnode.resources.requests.memory string "56Gi"
fullnode.rust_log string "info" Log level for the fullnode string nil Kubernetes storage class to use for fullnode persistent storage string "2048Gi" Size of fullnode persistent storage
fullnode.tolerations list []
genesis_blob_upload_url string ""
haproxy.affinity object {}
haproxy.config.send_proxy_protocol bool false Whether to send Proxy Protocol v2
haproxy.enabled bool true Enable HAProxy deployment in front of validator and fullnodes
haproxy.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy to use for HAProxy images
haproxy.image.repo string "haproxy" Image repo to use for HAProxy images
haproxy.image.tag string "2.2.29@sha256:8019a233a37045a27970dbc990e9ea485799200c40f658e4620b7fdf55641a3c" Image tag to use for HAProxy images
haproxy.limits.validator.connectionsPerIPPerMin int 12 Limit the number of connections per IP address per min
haproxy.limits.validator.maxBytesOutRate10sec int 134217728
haproxy.limits.validator.rateLimitSession int 256
haproxy.limits.validator.tcpBufSize int 524288
haproxy.nodeSelector object {}
haproxy.replicas int 1 Number of HAProxy replicas
haproxy.resources.limits.cpu int 3
haproxy.resources.limits.memory string "6Gi"
haproxy.resources.requests.cpu int 3
haproxy.resources.requests.memory string "6Gi"
haproxy.tls_secret string nil Name of the Kubernetes TLS secret to use for HAProxy
haproxy.tolerations list []
imageTag string "devnet" Default image tag to use for all validator and fullnode images
labels string nil
loadTestGenesis bool false Load test-data for starting a test network
manageImages bool true If true, helm will always override the deployed image with what is configured in the helm values. If not, helm will take the latest image from the currently running workloads, which is useful if you have a separate procedure to update images (e.g. rollout)
migrations.enable_vfn_explicit_pvc bool false See templates/fullnode.yaml
multicluster object {"enabled":false,"targetClusters":["forge-multiregion-1","forge-multiregion-2","forge-multiregion-3"]} Options for multicluster mode. This is experimental only.
numFullnodeGroups int 1 Total number of fullnode groups to deploy
numValidators int 1 Number of validators to deploy
overrideNodeConfig bool false Specify validator and fullnode NodeConfigs via named ConfigMaps, rather than the generated ones from this chart.
service.domain string nil If set, the base domain name to use for External DNS
service.fullnode.enableAdminPort bool false Enable the admin port on fullnodes
service.fullnode.enableMetricsPort bool false Enable the metrics port on fullnodes
service.fullnode.enableRestApi bool true Enable the REST API on fullnodes
service.fullnode.external.type string "LoadBalancer" The Kubernetes ServiceType to use for fullnodes' HAProxy
service.fullnode.externalTrafficPolicy string "Local" The externalTrafficPolicy for the fullnode service
service.fullnode.internal.headless bool false
service.fullnode.internal.type string "ClusterIP" The Kubernetes ServiceType to use for fullnodes
service.fullnode.loadBalancerSourceRanges string nil If set and if the ServiceType is LoadBalancer, allow traffic to fullnodes from these CIDRs
service.validator.enableAdminPort bool false Enable the admin port on the validator
service.validator.enableMetricsPort bool false Enable the metrics port on the validator
service.validator.enableRestApi bool true Enable the REST API on the validator
service.validator.external.type string "LoadBalancer" The Kubernetes ServiceType to use for validator's HAProxy
service.validator.externalTrafficPolicy string "Local" The externalTrafficPolicy for the validator service
service.validator.internal.headless bool false
service.validator.internal.type string "ClusterIP" The Kubernetes ServiceType to use for validator
service.validator.loadBalancerSourceRanges string nil If set and if the ServiceType is LoadBalancer, allow traffic to validators from these CIDRs
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string nil The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
validator.affinity object {}
validator.config object {} Validator configuration. See NodeConfig
validator.enableNetworkPolicy bool true Lock down network ingress and egress with Kubernetes NetworkPolicy
validator.force_enable_telemetry bool false Flag to force enable telemetry service (useful for forge tests)
validator.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy to use for validator images
validator.image.repo string "aptoslabs/validator" Image repo to use for validator images
validator.image.tag string nil Image tag to use for validator images. If set, overrides imageTag string nil Internal: name of your validator for use in labels
validator.nodeSelector object {}
validator.resources.limits.cpu int 14
validator.resources.limits.memory string "56Gi"
validator.resources.requests.cpu int 14
validator.resources.requests.memory string "56Gi"
validator.rust_log string "info" Log level for the validator string nil Kubernetes storage class to use for validator persistent storage string "2048Gi" Size of validator persistent storage
validator.tolerations list []

Resource Descriptions

Below is a list of the Kubernetes resources created by this helm chart.

The resources created by this helm chart will be prefixed with the helm release name. Below, they are denoted by the <RELEASE_NAME> prefix.


  • <RELEASE_NAME>-aptos-node-0-validator - The validator StatefulSet
  • <RELEASE_NAME>-aptos-node-0-fullnode-e<ERA> - The fullnode StatefulSet


  • <RELEASE_NAME>-aptos-node-0-validator - The HAProxy deployment


  • <RELEASE_NAME>-0-validator-e<ERA> - The validator PersistentVolumeClaim
  • fn-<RELEASE_NAME>-0-fullnode-e<ERA>-0 - The fullnode PersistentVolumeClaim. Note the difference in naming scheme between valdiator and fullnode PVC, which is due to the fact that you can spin up multiple fullnodes, but only a single validator.


  • <RELEASE_NAME>-aptos-node-0-validator-lb - Inbound load balancer service that routes to the validator
  • <RELEASE_NAME>-aptos-node-0-fullnode-lb - Inbound load balancer service that routes to the fullnode


  • <RELEASE_NAME>-0 - The validator and fullnode NodeConfigs
  • <RELEASE_NAME>-0-haproxy - The HAProxy configuration


  • <RELEASE_NAME>-0-validator - The validator NetworkPolicy, which controls network access to the validator pods


  • [optional] <RELEASE_NAME> - The default service account
  • <RELEASE_NAME>-validator - The validator service account
  • <RELEASE_NAME>-fullnode - The fullnode service account

[optional] PodSecurityPolicy:

  • <RELEASE_NAME> - The default PodSecurityPolicy for validators and fullnodes
  • <RELEASE_NAME>-haproxy - The PodSecurityPolicy for HAProxy

Common Operations

Check Pod Status

$ kubectl get pods

You should see at least 1/1 replicas running for the validator, fullnode, and HAProxy. If there are any restarts, you should see it in this view.

To see more details about a singular pod, you can describe it:

$ kubectl describe pod <POD_NAME>

Check the Pod Logs

$ kubectl logs <POD_NAME>

Check all services

$ kubectl get services

By default, the services are LoadBalancer type, which means that they will be accessible from the outside world. Depending on your kubernetes deployment/cloud, the public IP or DNS information will be displayed.

Scale Down Workloads

If you want to temporarily remove some of the workloads, you can scale them down.

# scale down the validator
kubectl scale statefulset <STS_NAME> --replicas=0

Advanced Options

Testnet Mode (Multiple Validators and Fullnodes)

For testing purposes, you may deploy multiple validators into the same cluster via .Values.numValidators. The naming convention is <RELEASE_NAME>-aptos-node-<INDEX>-validator, where <INDEX> is the index of the validator. Note that for each validator, you must provide genesis ConfigMaps for each, of the name: <RELEASE_NAME>-<INDEX>-genesis-e<ERA>. You may also deploy multiple fullnodes into the cluster via .Values.numFullnodeGroups and .Values.fullnode.groups. Each validator can have multiple fullnode groups, each with multiple replicas. The total number of fullnode groups can be limited via .Values.numFullnodeGroups.


The .Values.chain.era is a number that is incremented every time the validator's storage is wiped. This is ueful for testnets when the network is wiped.

Privileged Mode

For debugging purposes, it's sometimes useful to run the validator as root (privileged mode). This is enabled by .Values.enablePrivilegedMode.