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Home Assistant Community Add-on: SmartNUT

SmartNUT is a refreshed form-factor of NUT - Network UPS Tools - suited to modern integrations and smart systems, like Home Assistant.

SmartNUT allows you to monitor and manage UPS (battery backup) using NUT drivers. It lets you view their status, receives notifications about important events, and execute commands as device actions.

Conversely to the historic NUT Add-on, SmartNUT:

  • just uses NUT drivers, and eliminates NUT upsd and client layers, and their configuration complexity
  • does not require an additional integration: native support in HA MQTT (hem, todo)
  • publishes the data to MQTT (with HA local broker autodetected). But can easily be adapted to any other broker/bus/method (HomeKit, ...)
  • supports the following types of devices:
    • USB: plug and play for (decent) USB device, including multiple ones
    • SNMP, NetXML and NUT client (for remote NUT upsd server, like Synology NAS): with manual edits, but will be eased by using nut-scanner too, as for USB

About NUT

The primary goal of the Network UPS Tools (NUT) project is to provide support for Power Devices, such as Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Power Distribution Units, Automatic Transfer Switch, Power Supply Units and Solar Controllers.

NUT provides many control and monitoring features, with a uniform control and management interface.

More than 140 different manufacturers, and several thousands models are compatible.

The Network UPS Tools (NUT) project is the combined effort of many individuals and companies.


WARNING: This is an early development version! It is subject to change and may require advanced Home Assistant knowledges

The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other Home Assistant Community add-on.

  1. If you don't have an MQTT broker yet, follow these steps to get the Mosquitto add-on installed on your system:

    1. Navigate in your Home Assistant frontend to Settings -> Add-ons -> Add-on store.
    2. Find the "Mosquitto broker" add-on and click it.
    3. Click on the "INSTALL" button, then start it.

    For more information, refer to Mosquitto broker addon.

  2. Click the Home Assistant My button below to open the SmartNUT add-on on your Home Assistant instance. Open this add-on in your Home Assistant instance.

  3. Click the "Install" button to install the add-on.

  4. Configure SmartNUT if needed, as described belows.

  5. Start the "SmartNUT" add-on.

  6. Check the logs of the "SmartNUT" add-on to see if everything went well.

  7. Check the How to use below for integrating into Home Assistant MQTT.

How to use

For now:

  • just start SmartNUT (for USB) and/or use enable enable_simulated_device,
  • check the Journal tab for the startup sequence,
  • listen on MQTT topic 'homeassistant/nut/#' using MQTT integration
  • and have fun 😄


The add-on can be used with the basic configuration, with other options for more advanced users.

Option: log_level

The log_level option controls the level of log output by the add-on and can be changed to be more or less verbose, which might be useful when you are dealing with an unknown issue. Possible values are:

  • trace: Show every detail, like all called internal functions.
  • debug: Shows detailed debug information.
  • info: Normal (usually) interesting events.
  • warning: Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
  • error: Runtime errors that do not require immediate action.
  • fatal: Something went terribly wrong. Add-on becomes unusable.

Please note that each level automatically includes log messages from a more severe level, e.g., debug also shows info messages. By default, the log_level is set to info, which is the recommended setting unless you are troubleshooting.

Option: autoconf_usb_devices

This option enables the automatic discovery and configuration of USB devices, including multiple units.

Option: manually_edit_devices

This option allows you to edit the devices configuration, in order to:

  • add a UPS that is not automatically detected, such as remote SNMP or serial,
  • fix autodetection issues, by disabling the related option (USB for example) and adding entries to the devices section.

Option: devices

This option allows you to specify a list of UPS devices attached to your system.

Refer to the ups.conf(5) documentation for more information.

Sub-option: name

The name of the UPS. The name default is used internally, so you can’t use it in this file.

Sub-option: driver

This specifies which program will be monitoring this UPS. You need to specify the one that is compatible with your hardware. See nutupsdrv(8) for more information on drivers in general and pointers to the man pages of specific drivers.

While the SmartNUT Add-on comes with all drivers supported by NUT, the following are probably the most interesting:

  • for USB devices: usbhid-ups(8) and nutdrv_qx(8)
  • for SNMP devices: snmp-ups(8)
  • for remote NUT devices: dummy-ups(8) Note that dummy-ups replaces the netclient option, from the historic NUT Add-on, by repeating the remote device data as if it was connected locally.

Sub-option: port

This is the communication port used by the driver to connect to the UPS, and varies according to devices:

  • for USB devices: use auto, and possibly set additional config
  • for SNMP devices: use <ip_address-or_name>, and possibly set additional config
  • for remote NUT devices: use <device>@<ip_address-or_name>, and possibly set additional config
  • for serial devices: use the port name, usually /dev/ttyS0 for the first one

Sub-option: config

A list of additional options to configure for this UPS.


  • The generic usbhid-ups driver allows you to distinguish between devices by using a combination of the vendorid, productid and serial options.

  • The generic snmp-ups driver may need additional information to connect to the SNMP agent, such as the snmp_version, community, secName or others SNMPv3 options.

Example configuration:

  - name: Eaton-3S
    driver: usbhid-ups
    port: auto
      - vendorid = 0463
      - productid = FFFF
      - serial = XXXXXXXXXXXXX
  - name: Eaton-5PX
    driver: usbhid-ups
    port: auto
      - vendorid = 0463
      - productid = FFFF
      - serial = YYYYYYYYYYYYY
  - name: APCUPS
    driver: usbhid-ups
    port: auto
      - vendorid = 051d
  - name: SNMP-UPSv1
    driver: snmp-ups
      - snmp_version = v1
      - community = private
  - name: SNMP-UPSv3
    driver: snmp-ups
      - snmp_version = v3
      - community = private
      - secName = mysecname
      - authPassword = "@123456"
  - name: remoteNUT-Synology
    driver: nutclient
    port: smartnut@

Note: If password values, such as authPassword, include certain special characters (reserved by yaml specification), the enclosing quotes are required. So it is recommended to always quote it when in doubt.

Option: mqtt

This option allows you to specify the configuration to connect to an MQTT broker. Leave empty when using the Mosquitto broker addon, since it is automatically detected.

Sub-option: server

The hostname of the MQTT broker.

Sub-option: port

The port of the MQTT broker.

Sub-option: user

The username to connect to the MQTT broker.

Sub-option: password

The password to connect to the MQTT broker.

Note: If the password includes certain special characters (reserved by yaml specification), the enclosing quotes are required. So it is recommended to always quote it when in doubt.

Sub-option: ca

Not yet implemented!

Sub-option: key

Not yet implemented!

Sub-option: cert

Not yet implemented!

Example configuration:

user: my_user
password: "my_password"

Option: enable_simulated_device

This option enables the creation of a simulated device, for development and test purposes.

The device is named smartnut-dummy, includes automatic status changes (ups.status switches) and uses the following simulation file.

For more information, refer to the following links:

Option: autoconf_remote_nut_devices

This option enables the automatic discovery and configuration of remote NUT devices, including multiple units.

It replaces the netclient option, from the historic NUT Add-on, by repeating the remote device data as if it was connected locally.

Example automations


Note that it is currently not possible to send commands to the UPS, nor to apply settings.

It is however already possibly to react through the values published on MQTT.

Changelog & Releases

This repository keeps a change log using GitHub's releases functionality.

Releases are based on Semantic Versioning, and use the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. In a nutshell, the version will be incremented based on the following:

  • MAJOR: Incompatible or major changes.
  • MINOR: Backwards-compatible new features and enhancements.
  • PATCH: Backwards-compatible bugfixes and package updates.


Got questions?

You have several options to get them answered:

You could also open an issue here GitHub.

Authors & contributors

The original setup of this repository is by Arnaud Quette.

Arnaud Quette is the retired former NUT project leader, and its main developer / Debian packager / author of many drivers (usbhid-ups, snmp-ups, dummy-ups, ...) / author of WMNUT and lot more (...)

For a full list of all authors and contributors, check the contributor's page.


Copyright 2023 Arnaud Quette

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.