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State Representation Learning Models

A State Representation Learning (SRL) model aims to compress from a high dimensional observation, a compact representation. This learned representation can be used instead of learning a policy directly from pixels, in a deep reinforcement learning algorithm.

A more detailed overview:

Please look the SRL Repo to learn how to train a state representation model. Then you must edit config/srl_models.yaml and set the right path to use the learned state representations.

To train a Reinforcement learning agent on a specific SRL model:

python -m rl_baselines.train --algo ppo2 --log-dir logs/ --srl-model model_name

Available SRL models

The available state representation models are:

  • ground_truth: Hand engineered features (e.g., robot position + target position for mobile robot env)
  • raw_pixels: Learning a policy in an end-to-end manner, directly from pixels to actions.
  • supervised: A model trained with Ground Truth states as targets in a supervised setting.
  • autoencoder: an autoencoder from the raw pixels
  • vae: a variational autoencoder from the raw pixels
  • inverse: an inverse dynamics model
  • forward: a forward dynamics model
  • srl_combination: a model combining several losses (e.g. vae + forward + inverse...) for SRL
  • pca: pca applied to the raw pixels
  • robotic_priors: robotic priors model (Learning State Representations with Robotic Priors)
  • multi_view_srl: a SRL model using views from multiple cameras as input, with any of the above losses (e.g triplet and others)
  • joints: the arm's joints angles (kuka environments only)
  • joints_position: the arm's x,y,z position and joints angles (kuka environments only)


For debugging, we integrated logging of states (we save the states that the RL agent encountered during training) with SAC algorithm. To log the states during RL training you have to pass the --log-states argument:

python -m rl_baselines.train --srl-model ground_truth --env MobileRobotLineTargetGymEnv-v0 --log-dir logs/ --algo sac --reward-scale 10 --log-states

The states will be saved in a log_srl/ folder as numpy archives, inside the log folder of the rl experiment.

Add a custom SRL model

If your SRL model is a charateristic of the environment (position, angles, ...):

  1. Add the name of the model to the registered_srl dictionary in state_representation/, using this format NAME: (SRLType.ENVIRONMENT, [LIMITED_TO_ENV]), where:
    • NAME: is your model's name.
    • [LIMITED_TO_ENV]: is the list of environments where this model works (will check for subclass), set to None if this model applies to every environment.
  2. Modifiy the def getSRLState(self, observation) in the environments to return the data you want for this model.
  3. Now you can call your SRL model using --srl-model NAME with or

Otherwise, for the SRL model that are external to the environment (Supervised, autoencoder, ...):

  1. Add your SRL model that inherits SRLBaseClass, to the function state_representation.models.loadSRLModel.
  2. Add the name of the model to the registered_srl dictionary in state_representation/, using this format NAME: (SRLType.SRL, [LIMITED_TO_ENV]), where:
    • NAME: is your model's name.
    • [LIMITED_TO_ENV]: is the list of environments where this model works (will check for subclass), set to None if this model applies to every environment.
  3. Add the name of the model to config/srl_models.yaml, with the location of the saved model for each environment (can point to a dummy location, but must be defined).
  4. Now you can call your SRL model using --srl-model NAME with or