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Payroll: Polish payroll app (#744)
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* Fix payment overflow attack

Remove MAX_ACCRUED_VALUE. Set amount to max int in case of overflow.

* Revert preventing _addAccruedValue from reverting

* Prevent owed amount in _paytokens from overflowing

* Improve `assertThrow` to support promises as well

* Split accrued value payments from regular payroll

* Payroll: Use `uint256` when possible

* Payroll: Move TODO comment to issue (see #742)

* Payroll: Move auth to be the first modifier

* Payroll: Keep forwarding functions together

* Payroll: Include employee's enddate within their active period

* Payroll: Add existence checks protecting getters

* Payroll: Cleanup empty lines

* Payroll: Polish initialize test file

* Payroll: Polish add/remove employees test file

* Payroll: Polish forward test file

* Payroll: Polish allowed tokens test file

* Payroll: Polish price feed test file

* Payroll: Polish accrued value test file

* Payroll: Polish modify employee test file

* Payroll: Improve reimbursements tests

* Payroll: Fix partial payday computation

* Payroll: Polish payday test file

* Payroll: Optimize employee removal costs

* Payroll: Unify test files

* Payroll: Remove unused mock contracts

* Payroll: Handle last payroll date overflow

* Payroll: Polish and add missing inline documentation

* Payroll: Add missing test cases

* Payroll: Sanity-check last payroll date for partial payrolls

* Payroll: Fix inline doc wording

Co-Authored-By: facuspagnuolo <>

* Payroll: Fix mock timestamp helpers

* Payroll: Re-add migrations contract

* Payroll: Fix payroll date casting

* Payroll: Split tests into separate files

* Payroll: Remove name argument to add employees

* Payroll: Contract improvements

* Payroll: Tests improvements
  • Loading branch information
facuspagnuolo committed Apr 5, 2019
1 parent aff584e commit c1256f0
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Showing 35 changed files with 4,073 additions and 2,222 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions future-apps/payroll/
Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ Set the exchange rate for an allowed token against the Payroll denomination toke
#### Add employee
Three options can be used:
payroll.addEmployee(address accountAddress, uint256 initialYearlyDenominationSalary)
payroll.addEmployeeWithName(address accountAddress, uint256 initialYearlyDenominationSalary, string name)
payroll.addEmployeeWithNameAndStartDate(address accountAddress, uint256 initialYearlyDenominationSalary, string name, uint256 startDate)
payroll.addEmployee(address accountAddress, uint256 initialYearlyDenominationSalary, string role, uint256 startDate)
payroll.addEmployeeNow(address accountAddress, uint256 initialYearlyDenominationSalary, string role)
Add employee to the organization. Start date is used as the initial payment day. If it's not provided, the date of the transaction will be used. It needs `ADD_EMPLOYEE_ROLE`.

Expand Down
522 changes: 274 additions & 248 deletions future-apps/payroll/contracts/Payroll.sol

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions future-apps/payroll/contracts/test/TestImports.sol
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
pragma solidity 0.4.24;

import "@aragon/apps-vault/contracts/Vault.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/factory/EVMScriptRegistryFactory.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/factory/DAOFactory.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/acl/ACL.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/factory/DAOFactory.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/factory/EVMScriptRegistryFactory.sol";

import "@aragon/apps-shared-migrations/contracts/Migrations.sol";
import "@aragon/apps-vault/contracts/Vault.sol";
import "@aragon/apps-shared-minime/contracts/MiniMeToken.sol";
import "@aragon/apps-shared-migrations/contracts/Migrations.sol";

contract TestImports {

Expand Down

This file was deleted.

24 changes: 2 additions & 22 deletions future-apps/payroll/contracts/test/mocks/PayrollMock.sol
Expand Up @@ -6,33 +6,13 @@ import "../../Payroll.sol";
contract PayrollMock is Payroll {
uint64 private _mockTime = uint64(now);

/* Ugly hack to work around this issue:
function addEmployeeShort(
address _accountAddress,
uint256 _initialDenominationSalary,
string _name,
string _role

function mockUpdateTimestamp() public { _mockTime = uint64(now); }
function mockSetTimestamp(uint64 i) public { _mockTime = i; }
function mockAddTimestamp(uint64 i) public { _mockTime += i; require(_mockTime >= i); }
function getTimestampPublic() public view returns (uint64) { return _mockTime; }
function getMaxAccruedValue() public view returns (uint256) { return MAX_UINT256; }
function getMaxAllowedTokens() public view returns (uint8) { return MAX_ALLOWED_TOKENS; }
function getMaxAllowedTokens() public view returns (uint256) { return MAX_ALLOWED_TOKENS; }
function getAllowedTokensArrayLength() public view returns (uint256) { return allowedTokensArray.length; }
function getTimestamp() internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_mockTime); }
function getTimestamp64() internal view returns (uint64) { return _mockTime; }
17 changes: 0 additions & 17 deletions future-apps/payroll/contracts/test/mocks/Zombie.sol

This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.

266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions future-apps/payroll/test/contracts/Payroll_add_employee.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
const { assertRevert } = require('@aragon/test-helpers/assertThrow')
const { getEvents, getEventArgument } = require('../helpers/events')
const { maxUint64, annualSalaryPerSecond } = require('../helpers/numbers')(web3)
const { deployErc20TokenAndDeposit, deployContracts, createPayrollInstance, mockTimestamps } = require('../helpers/setup.js')(artifacts, web3)

const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

contract('Payroll employees addition', ([owner, employee, anotherEmployee, anyone]) => {
let dao, payroll, payrollBase, finance, vault, priceFeed, denominationToken, anotherToken

const NOW = 1553703809 // random fixed timestamp in seconds
const ONE_MONTH = 60 * 60 * 24 * 31


const currentTimestamp = async () => payroll.getTimestampPublic()

before('setup base apps and tokens', async () => {
({ dao, finance, vault, priceFeed, payrollBase } = await deployContracts(owner))
anotherToken = await deployErc20TokenAndDeposit(owner, finance, vault, 'Another token', TOKEN_DECIMALS)
denominationToken = await deployErc20TokenAndDeposit(owner, finance, vault, 'Denomination Token', TOKEN_DECIMALS)

beforeEach('setup payroll instance', async () => {
payroll = await createPayrollInstance(dao, payrollBase, owner)
await mockTimestamps(payroll, priceFeed, NOW)

describe('addEmployeeNow', () => {
const role = 'Boss'
const salary = annualSalaryPerSecond(100000, TOKEN_DECIMALS)

context('when it has already been initialized', function () {
beforeEach('initialize payroll app', async () => {
await payroll.initialize(finance.address, denominationToken.address, priceFeed.address, RATE_EXPIRATION_TIME, { from: owner })

context('when the sender has permissions to add employees', () => {
const from = owner
let receipt, employeeId

context('when the employee has not been added yet', () => {
let receipt, employeeId

context('when the employee address is not the zero address', () => {
const address = employee

beforeEach('add employee', async () => {
receipt = await payroll.addEmployeeNow(address, salary, role, { from })
employeeId = getEventArgument(receipt, 'AddEmployee', 'employeeId').toString()

it('starts with ID 1', async () => {
assert.equal(employeeId, 1, 'first employee ID should be 1')

it('adds a new employee and emits an event', async () => {
const [address] = await payroll.getEmployee(employeeId)
assert.equal(address, employee, 'employee address does not match')

const events = getEvents(receipt, 'AddEmployee');
assert.equal(events.length, 1, 'number of AddEmployee events does not match')

const event = events[0].args
assert.equal(event.employeeId, employeeId, 'employee id does not match')
assert.equal(event.role, role, 'employee role does not match')
assert.equal(event.accountAddress, employee, 'employee address does not match')
assert.equal(event.startDate.toString(), (await currentTimestamp()).toString(), 'employee start date does not match')
assert.equal(event.initialDenominationSalary.toString(), salary.toString(), 'employee salary does not match')

it('can add another employee', async () => {
const anotherRole = 'Manager'
const anotherSalary = annualSalaryPerSecond(120000, TOKEN_DECIMALS)

const receipt = await payroll.addEmployeeNow(anotherEmployee, anotherSalary, anotherRole)
const anotherEmployeeId = getEventArgument(receipt, 'AddEmployee', 'employeeId')

const events = getEvents(receipt, 'AddEmployee');
assert.equal(events.length, 1, 'number of AddEmployee events does not match')

const event = events[0].args
assert.equal(event.employeeId, anotherEmployeeId, 'employee id does not match')
assert.equal(event.role, anotherRole, 'employee role does not match')
assert.equal(event.accountAddress, anotherEmployee, 'employee address does not match')
assert.equal(event.startDate.toString(), (await currentTimestamp()).toString(), 'employee start date does not match')
assert.equal(event.initialDenominationSalary.toString(), anotherSalary.toString(), 'employee salary does not match')

const [address, employeeSalary, accruedValue, lastPayroll, endDate] = await payroll.getEmployee(anotherEmployeeId)
assert.equal(address, anotherEmployee, 'Employee account does not match')
assert.equal(accruedValue, 0, 'Employee accrued value does not match')
assert.equal(employeeSalary.toString(), anotherSalary.toString(), 'Employee salary does not match')
assert.equal(lastPayroll.toString(), (await currentTimestamp()).toString(), 'last payroll should match')
assert.equal(endDate.toString(), maxUint64(), 'last payroll should match')

context('when the employee address is not the zero address', () => {
const address = ZERO_ADDRESS

it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployeeNow(address, salary, role, { from }), 'PAYROLL_EMPLOYEE_NULL_ADDRESS')

context('when the employee has already been added', () => {
beforeEach('add employee', async () => {
await payroll.addEmployeeNow(employee, salary, role, { from })

it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployeeNow(employee, salary, role, { from }), 'PAYROLL_EMPLOYEE_ALREADY_EXIST')

context('when the sender does not have permissions to add employees', () => {
const from = anyone

it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployeeNow(employee, salary, role, { from }), 'APP_AUTH_FAILED')

context('when it has not been initialized yet', function () {
it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployeeNow(employee, salary, role, { from: owner }), 'APP_AUTH_FAILED')

describe('addEmployee', () => {
const role = 'Boss'
const salary = annualSalaryPerSecond(100000, TOKEN_DECIMALS)

context('when it has already been initialized', function () {
beforeEach('initialize payroll app', async () => {
await payroll.initialize(finance.address, denominationToken.address, priceFeed.address, RATE_EXPIRATION_TIME, { from: owner })

context('when the sender has permissions to add employees', () => {
const from = owner
let receipt, employeeId

context('when the employee has not been added yet', () => {
let receipt, employeeId

const itHandlesAddingNewEmployeesProperly = startDate => {
context('when the employee address is not the zero address', () => {
const address = employee

beforeEach('add employee', async () => {
receipt = await payroll.addEmployee(address, salary, role, startDate, { from })
employeeId = getEventArgument(receipt, 'AddEmployee', 'employeeId').toString()

it('starts with ID 1', async () => {
assert.equal(employeeId, 1, 'first employee ID should be 1')

it('adds a new employee and emits an event', async () => {
const [address] = await payroll.getEmployee(employeeId)
assert.equal(address, employee, 'employee address does not match')

const events = getEvents(receipt, 'AddEmployee');
assert.equal(events.length, 1, 'number of AddEmployee events does not match')

const event = events[0].args
assert.equal(event.employeeId, employeeId, 'employee id does not match')
assert.equal(event.role, role, 'employee role does not match')
assert.equal(event.accountAddress, employee, 'employee address does not match')
assert.equal(event.startDate.toString(), startDate, 'employee start date does not match')
assert.equal(event.initialDenominationSalary.toString(), salary.toString(), 'employee salary does not match')

it('can add another employee', async () => {
const anotherRole = 'Manager'
const anotherSalary = annualSalaryPerSecond(120000, TOKEN_DECIMALS)

const receipt = await payroll.addEmployee(anotherEmployee, anotherSalary, anotherRole, startDate)
const anotherEmployeeId = getEventArgument(receipt, 'AddEmployee', 'employeeId')

const events = getEvents(receipt, 'AddEmployee');
assert.equal(events.length, 1, 'number of AddEmployee events does not match')

const event = events[0].args
assert.equal(event.employeeId, anotherEmployeeId, 'employee id does not match')
assert.equal(event.role, anotherRole, 'employee role does not match')
assert.equal(event.accountAddress, anotherEmployee, 'employee address does not match')
assert.equal(event.startDate.toString(), startDate, 'employee start date does not match')
assert.equal(event.initialDenominationSalary.toString(), anotherSalary.toString(), 'employee salary does not match')

const [address, employeeSalary, accruedValue, lastPayroll, endDate] = await payroll.getEmployee(anotherEmployeeId)
assert.equal(address, anotherEmployee, 'Employee account does not match')
assert.equal(accruedValue, 0, 'Employee accrued value does not match')
assert.equal(employeeSalary.toString(), anotherSalary.toString(), 'Employee salary does not match')
assert.equal(lastPayroll.toString(), startDate.toString(), 'last payroll should match')
assert.equal(endDate.toString(), maxUint64(), 'last payroll should match')

context('when the employee address is not the zero address', () => {
const address = ZERO_ADDRESS

it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployee(address, salary, role, startDate, { from }), 'PAYROLL_EMPLOYEE_NULL_ADDRESS')

context('when the given end date is in the past ', () => {
const startDate = NOW - TWO_MONTHS


context('when the given end date is in the future', () => {
const startDate = NOW + TWO_MONTHS


context('when the employee has already been added', () => {
beforeEach('add employee', async () => {
await payroll.addEmployee(employee, salary, role, NOW, { from })

context('when the given end date is in the past ', () => {
const startDate = NOW - TWO_MONTHS

it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployee(employee, salary, role, startDate, { from }), 'PAYROLL_EMPLOYEE_ALREADY_EXIST')

context('when the given end date is in the future', () => {
const startDate = NOW + TWO_MONTHS

it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployee(employee, salary, role, startDate, { from }), 'PAYROLL_EMPLOYEE_ALREADY_EXIST')

context('when the sender does not have permissions to add employees', () => {
const from = anyone

it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployee(employee, salary, role, NOW, { from }), 'APP_AUTH_FAILED')

context('when it has not been initialized yet', function () {
it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(payroll.addEmployee(employee, salary, role, NOW, { from: owner }), 'APP_AUTH_FAILED')

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