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Highlighting problems if cursorline is activated #44

IngoMeyer441 opened this issue Feb 15, 2018 · 7 comments

Highlighting problems if cursorline is activated #44

IngoMeyer441 opened this issue Feb 15, 2018 · 7 comments


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First: Thanks for your project! Chromatica helps a lot for daily work.

If the cursorline setting is activated, the syntax highlighting of chromatica is overriden by the default highlighting:
Unfortunately, I am not sure if this is a issue with chromatica, neovim or maybe my colorscheme (vim-one).

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IngoMeyer441 commented Feb 16, 2018

Ok, with a clean install in a Docker container and a minimal vimrc I get the same highlighting problems with the default colorscheme.
If you are a Docker user you can save this Dockerfile:

FROM debian:unstable
LABEL maintainer="Ingo Heimbach <>"

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y automake \
                                               build-essential \
                                               ca-certificates \
                                               cmake \
                                               curl \
                                               git \
                                               libclang-3.9-dev \
                                               libtool-bin \
                                               pkg-config \
                                               python3-pip \
                                               python3-setuptools \
                                               unzip && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*


RUN git clone && \
    cd neovim && \
    make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && \
    make install && \
    cd .. && \
    rm -rf neovim

RUN pip3 install neovim

RUN curl > && \
    bash ~/.vim/dein && \
    rm -f

RUN mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/nvim" && \
    echo 'set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after\n\
let &packpath = &runtimepath\n\
source ~/.vimrc' \
> "${HOME}/.config/nvim/init.vim" && \
    echo "set nocompatible\n\
set runtimepath+=/root/.vim/dein/repos/\n\
if dein#load_state('/root/.vim/dein')\n\
  call dein#begin('/root/.vim/dein')\n\
  call dein#add('Shougo/dein.vim')\n\
  call dein#add('arakashic/chromatica.nvim')\n\
  call dein#end()\n\
  call dein#save_state()\n\
filetype plugin indent on\n\
syntax enable\n\
set background=dark\n\
set cursorline\n\
let g:chromatica#libclang_path = '/usr/lib/llvm-3.9/lib'\n\
let g:chromatica#enable_at_startup = 1\n\
let g:chromatica#responsive_mode = 1\n\
let g:chromatica#highlight_feature_level = 0" > /root/.vimrc

RUN echo ":call dein#install()\n" > ./vim_install_plugins && \
    echo '#!/bin/bash\nnvim -s /tmp/vim_install_plugins\nexec "$@"' > /tmp/ && \
    chmod +x /tmp/


RUN echo "#include<stdlib.h>\n#include<stdio.h>\n\
int main(void) {\n\
    printf(\"Hello World!\");\n\
    return 0;\n\
}" > test.c

ENTRYPOINT ["/tmp/"]
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

to Dockerfile, build and run it:

docker build -t chromatica-test:latest .
docker run -it chromatica-test:latest

Neovim opens automatically and installs Chromatica with Dein.vim. When the installation is finished, close Neovim and restart it again with the given test file:

nvim test.c

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Thanks for submitting this issue!

This is indeed a problem due to the conflict between the $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim and the highlight generated by chromatica.

When g:chromatica#highlight_feature_level is set to 0, the full $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim will be loaded and cause this conflict. In this mode, chromatica only handles the highlight of identifiers and literals. Therefore, it needs the default c.vim to provide highlight for keywords, etc. As a result, the highlights for identifier and literals in c.vim would conflict with chromatica.

A quick workaround is setting g:chromatica#highlight_feature_level to 1. This would allow chromatica to handle all the tokens. In this mode, chromatica will only load a modified version of c.vim (for format specifiers). Conflicts would be rare.

A correct solution would require creating a modified c.vim that eliminates all the possible conflicts. However, it would take some time to chase down all these conflicts. It's on going, but at a very slow pace.

Note, the purpose of setting g:chromatica#highlight_feature_level to 0 is to avoid performance issue on some slow machines. This is because the highlights generated by chromatica is not automatically tracked when the buffer is changed. Frequently updating too many tokens may results in significant slow down, thus restricting the type of tokens that chromatica handles.

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Special thanks for providing the docker file! It is super helpful for reproducing the problem!

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Ok, thanks for your detailed response. 😃 I will try to set g:chromatica#highlight_feature_level to 1.

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I have tested some code lines in the Docker container using

let g:chromatica#highlight_feature_level = 1

However, there are still some highlighting problems if cursorline is activated:
Include directives are not highlighted correctly if written with angle brackets (independently from the cursorline setting):

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The highlight conflict on stderr and other "keywords" should have been solved by the latest fix. The highlight problem regarding the header filename and angle brackets is a known problem caused by the parsing of libclang. Will figure that out later.

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Thanks a lot for your work! 👍

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