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Jenkins Theme Customization

Custom CSS to Jenkins Server

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.

  2. Click Available tab and search for simple theme plugin.

  3. Install plugin and restart Jenkins.

  4. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System and search for Theme configuration. Add CSS URL and enter the following URL:
  5. Save it.

NOTE: You have this availables themes:

  • material-blue-grey.css
  • material-blue.css
  • material-cyan.css
  • material-green.css
  • material-orange.css
  • material-purple.css

Update Custom CSS to Jenkins Server

  1. Login to your jenkins server, and cd into your Jenkins home directory.

  2. Create a folder named layout inside the userContent directory.

    $ cd userContent
    $ mkdir layout
  3. Go into the layout directory and create a style.css file.

    $ cd layout
    $ vi style.css
  4. Copy the content of the CSS file for one of the styles described above.

  5. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System and replace the full URL with the following:


Custom Theme Site