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File metadata and controls

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Docker Elasticsearch in ECS

An elasticsearch docker-compose containers setup that is meant to be hosted on ECS.



Run it locally

docker-compose up

Yup that's it.

To push the docker images to a repository

Update push-tag.sample in the bin folder with your own docker registry repository.

Then bin/push-tag

Run it on ECS

Most of the legwork has already been done in the configurations so it should be fairly easy.

This blog post that I wrote runs through some of the details inside the files and configurations that you should have in the ECS and task definitions.

Also feel free to refer to ecs-task-definition.sample as a start to guide you.

    "networkMode": "bridge",
    "taskRoleArn": null,
    "containerDefinitions": [
            "volumesFrom": [],
            "memory": 512,
            "extraHosts": null,
            "dnsServers": null,
            "disableNetworking": null,
            "dnsSearchDomains": null,
            "portMappings": [
                    "hostPort": 9200,
                    "containerPort": 9200,
                    "protocol": "tcp"
                    "hostPort": 9300,
                    "containerPort": 9300,
                    "protocol": "tcp"
            "hostname": null,
            "essential": true,
            "entryPoint": null,
            "mountPoints": [
                    "containerPath": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data",
                    "sourceVolume": "elasticsearchdata",
                    "readOnly": null
            "name": "elasticsearch",
            "ulimits": null,
            "dockerSecurityOptions": null,
            "environment": [
                    "name": "ES_HEAP_SIZE",
                    "value": "256m"
            "links": null,
            "workingDirectory": null,
            "readonlyRootFilesystem": null,
            "image": "YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL:latest",
            "command": null,
            "user": null,
            "dockerLabels": null,
            "logConfiguration": null,
            "cpu": 0,
            "privileged": null,
            "memoryReservation": null
    "volumes": [
            "host": {
                "sourcePath": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
            "name": "elasticsearchdata"
    "family": "elasticsearch"

Notable configurations

elasticsearch.yml: discovery.ec2.groups should be set to the security group that was assigned when you created the ECS cluster. Do not remove or network.publish_host

script.inline: true
bootstrap.mlockall: true
plugin.mandatory: cloud-aws
network.publish_host: _ec2:privateIp_
discovery.type: ec2
discovery.ec2.groups: sg-docker-es-1 false

logging.yml: Currently the logging level is DEBUG which generates all kinds of logs, you may want toswitch it to INFO after getting initial set up done.

es.logger.level: DEBUG