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WIP: Cumulative incidence
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ararslan committed Oct 9, 2017
1 parent d79c3d8 commit c041505
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 0 deletions.
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions src/cuminc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
fit(CumulativeIncidence, times, events, competing)
Given a vector of times to events, a vector of indicators for the event of interest,
and a vector of indicators for the competing event, compute the an estimate of the
cumulative incidence of failure.
The resulting `CumulativeIncidence` object has the following fields:
* `times`: Distinct event times
* `nevents`: Number of observed events of interest at each time
* `ncensor`: Number of right censorings for the event of interest at each time
* `ncompete`: Number of observed competing events at each time
* `natrisk`: Size of the risk set at each time
* `cuminc`: Estimate of the cumulative incidence of failure
### Formulas
In the presence of competing risks, `1-KM`, where `KM` is the Kaplan-Meier estimate,
is uninterpretable and is a biased estimate of the failure probability. The
cumulative incidence estimator of Kalbfleisch and Prentice (1980) is a function
of the hazards of both the event of interest and the competing event, and provides
an unbiased estimate of the failure probability.
The estimator is given by
\\hat{I}(t) = \\sum_{i: t_i < t} \\frac{d_i}{n_i} \\hat{S}_1(t) \\hat{S}_2(t)
where ``\\hat{S}_1(t)`` is the Kaplan-Meier estimator using the event of interest
and ``\\hat{S}_2(t)`` is the K-M estimator using the competing event.
### References
* Kalbfleisch, J. D., and Prentice, R. L. (1980). *The Statistical Analysis of
Failure Time Data*. New York, NY: John Wiley.
struct CumulativeIncidence{T<:Real} <: NonparametricEstimator

function _cuminc(tte::AbstractVector{T}, status::BitVector, compete::BitVector) where {T}
nobs = length(tte)
dᵢ = 0 # Number of observed events of interest at time t
cᵢ = 0 # Number of censored events of interest at time t
cr = 0 # Number censored for the competing event
rᵢ = 0 # Number of observed competing events at time t
nᵢ = nobs # Number remaining at risk just before time t
nr = nobs # Number remaining at risk for the competing event
km1 = 1.0 # Ŝ(t) for the event of interest
km2 = 1.0 # Ŝ(t) for the competing event
inc = 0.0 # Î(t)

times = T[] # The set of unique event times
nevents = Int[] # Total observed events of interest at each time
ncensor = Int[] # Total censored events of interest at each time
ncompete = Int[] # Total observed competing events at each time
natrisk = Int[] # Number at risk at each time
cuminc = Float64[] # Cumulative incidence estimates

t_prev = zero(T)

@inbounds for i = 1:nobs
t = tte[i]
s = status[i]
r = compete[i]
# Aggregate over tied times
if t == t_prev
dᵢ += s
cᵢ += !s
rᵢ += r
cr += !r
elseif !iszero(t_prev)
km1 *= 1 - dᵢ / nᵢ
km2 *= 1 - rᵢ / nr
inc += km1 * km2 * dᵢ / nᵢ
push!(times, t_prev)
push!(nevents, dᵢ)
push!(ncensor, cᵢ)
push!(ncompete, rᵢ)
push!(natrisk, nᵢ)
push!(cuminc, inc)
nᵢ -= dᵢ + cᵢ
nr -= rᵢ + cr
dᵢ = s
cᵢ = !s
rᵢ = r
cr = !r
t_prev = t

push!(times, t_prev)
push!(nevents, dᵢ)
push!(ncensor, cᵢ)
push!(ncompete, rᵢ)
push!(natrisk, nᵢ)
push!(cuminc, inc)

return CumulativeIncidence{T}(times, nevents, ncensor, ncompete, natrisk, cuminc)

compete::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) where {T<:Real}
nobs = length(times)
if !(nobs == length(status) == length(compete))
throw(DimensionMismatch("the input vectors must have the same length"))
if nobs == 0
throw(ArgumentError("the sample must be nonempty"))
p = sortperm(times)
t = times[p]
s = BitVector(status[p])
r = BitVector(compete[p])
return _cuminc(t, s, r)

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